Nothing wrong with that….
The media is having a field day on a women on a quest to knock the corporate world?
Taking their money….
Her work for some of the companies doesn’t fit neatly with her current presidential campaign brand as a crusader against corporate interests.
For instance, the documents released Sunday show that Warren made about $80,000 from work she did for creditors in the energy company Enron’s bankruptcy and $20,000 as a consultant for Dow Chemical, a company that was trying to limit the liability it faced from silicone breast implants that were made by a connected firm.
Earlier this year, Warren had released a list of about 50 cases that she worked on, but the descriptions of the work were at times misleading and the amount of income and dates for her work were not included.
While the cases released by Warren’s campaign stretch over more than three decades, the figures disclosed Sunday show that nearly all of the money was made from cases filed after she got her job at Harvard in 1995. (Warren was elected to the Senate in 2012.)…
I view the fact that Warren worked successfully in the corporate world to be a positive – which makes her more attractive.
I’m NOT Knocking her expertise in bankruptcy ….
It’s NOT gonna be a good look for a dropping Warren stock….
Then there’s the theory that ,since she worked with them and presumably gained significant knowledge of corporate workings, she is in a good position to judge their ability to absorb more taxes and still make a decent profit.
Her working in the corporate world is explained as the reason why she became so pissed at them….
I don’t share your perspective that Warren is “pissed off” at business. She just feels that business has social responsibilities that it has adequately fulfilled.
Her attack’s against business are common and consistent….
She wants them taxes, some broken up and coveys a negative feeling against them and their bosses, who make money….
In MY mind?
That’s being ‘pissed’ at them
I don’t think that your accusations are fair or accurate.
For example, most free-market economists would argue that capitalism only works if it is a competitive system, and in some markets there is essentially only one company, or one company that controls the market. Warren is only talking about breaking companies in these situations. This is not a discussion that can be effectively described in a paragraph, but Warren’s position is not out of line with mainstream economists, and MOST businesses would benefit by the break-up of monopolists.
I don’t share your opinion that Warren conveys a negative feeling about business or about people who make money – certainly not even close to the negative feeling you have about Warren. She just wants people who make a lot of money to pay their fair share of taxes. I agree with that perspective. I understand that you feel that wealthy people are already overtaxed, but I don’t think that is even close to being true. Some wealthy people probably pay less federal income taxes than you do (assuming that you do pay any taxes – given your prior tax deductions such as politicaldog101). believe that the wealthy should be paying taxes at a much greater rate than you.
I do NOT actually KNOW Elizabeth Warren….
And as Ronald Reagan would say?
‘There U go again’…
Using the word ‘hate’….
Nor do I subscribe that rich people are paying enough….
Good stretch…
Not me….
I DO feel that to increase taxes for the rich will N OT work politically in America…
Hence ANY inc erase in taxes probably will fall on the middle class as the 2017 tax ‘cut’ did by eliminating deductions for local/state taxes and other things….
You seem to gloss over my ACTUAL points of view in a effort to oppose some of my views…
It’s okay…
I stand by them, which are a bit more complex then you are repeating back to me, over and over…
Biden says Warren would be win his VP list….
That’s FINE with me….
James, You can quote Reagan or other conservatives, but I didn’t use the word “hate”. Truthfully, I don’t enjoy discussing things with somebody who lies and distorts like you do purely to destroy people you don’t like. We can have differences of opinion, but I am not going to keep playing these games.
If I didn’t listen to what you said, it is because I see just about everything you say as an oversimplification. How should I reply to gross oversimplifications? You always want to pick fights.
Hey Z?
You know me….
When I think i’m right?
I stick to MY story…..
U like the work ‘hate’
I do not….
And I’m not bothered as much as Pelosi about U using the word…
Yeah, I also heard Biden say that he would like to be on Warren’s list for VP. I thought that was a bit weird.
I agree with Zreebs and Jack, the fact that Warren has successfully navigated the corporate world makes her a more attractive candidate.
But, for me, the fact that she spends her time campaigning and raising money for her fellow Democrats makes me like her all the more.
You could also, I suppose, compare it to FDR’s appointment of Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr, as the first chairman of the Securities & Exchange Commission, on the theory that a Wall Street speculator would be in the best position to spot stock-market chicanery.
I don’t have enough information to judge for myself, but most accounts say that, either despite or because of Kennedy’s Wall Street experience, he proved to be a vigorous and effective SEC chairman.
One might similarly postulate that Prof. Warren’s history in corporate bankruptcy law would give her the know-how to do what she’s always promised: to rein in corporate power.
Hiring someone from a group they would be overseeing sounds wrong…
But is actually the right thing in some cases…
They should KNOW the in’s and out’s ….
In the case of Presidential cabinets?
White House people tend to NOT trust cabinet secretaries that bond with their troops…
The President’s people want blind allegence to the boss, something Trump has in most departments , except State and Defense….(SEAL case prime example)
Of course as we see?
The old timers in most departments KNOW what is and who things are done…
Most President actually campaign AGAINST the same people who make things work everyday and will survive each President….
In Trump’s case?
The next President will have to put this countries State Dept. back into business….