In its final report to the whole US House for an indictment of impeachment charges?
The House Judiciary Committee uses 169 pages to acuse the 45th American President, Donald J. Trump of multiple counts of criminal behabvor in an ‘abuse of power’.
The vote on the charges in the US Senate is NOT a criminal proceeding…
It is a political trial, overseen by the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court…
The judge just sits there…
The legislators run the show/trial….
The makeup of the US Senate is 53 Republican Senators and 45 Democrats , with 2 Independent Senator’s that vote with the Democrats…
My feeling is that the final vote to find Trump NOT guilty of the4 crimes will NOTHING to do with crimes Trump committed…Republicans haven’t bothered to seriously address THAT at all…They KNOW their party leader IS a crook….
The final vote will be strait political support for ‘their guy’….
55 to 45 indicating ‘Not Guilty’ as charged….
Oh, they need 67 Senators to find Trump guilty , which would result in him getting fired for crimes anyone else would be talking about a plea bargain ….
The vote to sustain the final charges could be as early as Wednesday by the whole US House…
With a majority of Democrats there?
Donald Trump will be impeached ….
And enter the history books as the fourth US President accused of breaking the law, while in office…
President Donald Trump committed criminal bribery and wire fraud, the House Judiciary Committee alleges in a report that will accompany articles of impeachment this week.
The report, a 169-page assessment of the case for Trump’s removal from office, contends that Trump committed “multiple federal crimes” — ones that Democrats addressed under the broad umbrella of “abuse of power,” the first article of impeachment against the president.
“Although President Trump’s actions need not rise to the level of a criminal violation to justify impeachment, his conduct here was criminal,” the panel’s Democrats argue, labeling Trump’s behavior “both constitutional and criminal in character” and contending that the president “betrayed the people of this nation” and should be removed from office.
The staff report, which was filed to the House Rules Committee just after midnight Monday, argues that Trump directed a months-long scheme to solicit foreign interference in the 2020 election, the allegation that forms the core of the two articles of impeachment — abuse of power and obstruction of Congress — approved by the Judiciary Committee last week. Democrats emphasized that proving a criminal violation is not required to justify impeachment.
“The Framers were not fools. They authorized impeachment for a reason, and that reason would have been gutted if impeachment were limited to crimes,” the report states.
The Judiciary Committee’s report presents the panel’s most thorough analysis yet of why Democrats believe the accusations against Trump are worthy of immediate impeachment and a recommendation that the Senate remove Trump from office. It comes a day before the Rules Committee formally considers the articles of impeachment, ahead of a likely Wednesday vote on the House floor…..
Just so EVERYONE KNOWS the score in the US Senate….
Talking Points Memo
McConnell On Senate Impeachment Trial: ‘I’m Not Impartial About This At All’
AP Politics
BREAKING: in a fiery letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, President Trump objects to impeachment articles and accuses Democrats of “subverting” democracy….
Post on this after the dust settles later this evening…
Anyone who thinks the impeachment isn’t cheering Trump up inside is on drugs…
The guy will probably beat the charges…
But he’s NOT fucking happy…
Ezra Klien
I don’t think it’s Trump’s abuses of power that will shock future generations. It’s his obvious unfitness for office, displayed in letters like this one, and the way the Republican Party rationalized it as authenticity and plain-spokenness
Of the 31 House Democrats representing districts that President Trump won in 2016, just two have not yet signaled how they will vote on the impeachment resolution, the Washington Post reports.
The overwhelming majority — 27 of them — will vote to impeach the president tomorrow, while two have indicated they will oppose the resolution. We’re still waiting on announcements from Rep. Jared Golden (D-ME) and Ron Kind (D-WI)….