In the background of all the political noise of Donald Trump’s three years in office?
He and his fellow Republicans in the US Senate majority have appointed at least 200 judges to the Federal bench…
There are approximately 870 slots…
President Obama appointed 347.…
Some of the Trump confirmed judges DID get support from Democrats…
And despite the noise early in his term as President…
All of the district Federal judges have had their names approved by their home state Senators..
The Senate on Thursday confirmed 12 more of President Donald Trump’s judicial nominees, just hours before leaving for Christmas recess.
The final confirmations for 2019 come as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has turned his attention to approving district court nominees, after filling virtually every circuit court vacancy.
The confirmations this week bring the total number of judicial confirmations for 2019 to 20 circuit judges and 67 district judges. Senate Republicans last week confirmed Trump’s 50th circuit judge.
The slew of confirmations in 2019 illustrates the effect of a rules change, when McConnell invoked the so-called nuclear option to cut down debate time for lower court nominees and speed up the confirmation process….
I wouldn’t describe this as “quietly.”
Indeed many Republicans who are critical of Trump even ,have been talking about this since his accession to the presidency.
Further, I’ve been reading articles about this in the media for quite awhile now.
The actual results of all this remains an open question.
Now why did I think you’d question ANYTHING I label here?
He, he, he….
I will continue to”question “your well known illogic, emotional outbursts and out and out falsehoods.
Indeed, I will.
I look forward to our conversations Jack…
Sometimes you even admit i’m right ….