Other Democrats have stayed away from the subject recently…
The subject comes to forefront with mass shootings , but always drops to the wayside afterwards…
Democrats tend to stay away from the subject due to one issue voters strong feelings about keeping their guns…
Michael Bloomberg rolled out his gun control platform Thursday afternoon in Aurora, Colo. — the town where an armed man opened fire in a movie theater in 2012, killing 12 people.
The billionaire businessman is calling for stronger background checks and permit requirements, aspirations that for years have stymied Democrats searching for bipartisan congressional support and coming up short.
In town hall Thursday at a church just steps from where the 2012 shooting took place, Bloomberg addressed gun violence survivors and pledged to put an end to what he called “nationwide madness.”
“We have to make sure that we build for the future so no one else has to go through this,” he said. “And I want to say how grateful I am for your leadership. You are making the world a better place and hopefully we don’t have to have that many more meetings like this one.”
Since entering the Democratic presidential primary last month, Bloomberg has been amplifying his gun control record as he seeks to win over a party that hasn’t settled on a frontrunner. Gun control is a popular issue with the left flank of the party that is otherwise distrustful of the former New York City mayor’s vast wealth — an estimated $54.7 billion — and routine financial support of Republicans over the years.
On Thursday, he leaned heavily into that idea, casting himself as one of the pioneering champions of common-sense gun reform.
“When I started working on gun violence 15 years ago, neither party — neither Republicans or the Democrats — were particularly interested interested in the issue,” he told the audience….
Yes everybody knows that voters to whom guns are their major issue will vote for the Democrat for President.
You make about as much sense on the guns topic as CG who tried to convince us that the NRA was “really” a nonpartisan organization.
The issue of guns will NOT be qa major one come next November ……
It NEVER is for Democrats who need to stay away from it in a general election…
The hard core 2nd Amendent people have already labeled Biden an extremist who will take their guns.
The idea that the NRA is a powerful bipartisan organization that moves swing voters is about 15 years past it’s expiration date.
I don’t see the NRA as a factor for swing voters…
But hardcore gun owners SEEM to come out in droves against anyone threatening to take away their guns…
Even Obama while in office went out of his way to state that the would NOT take ‘away’ anyones guns…
The push from Democrats is/should be for background checks….
I know some people think I’m skirting the issue, but it IS radioactive for Democrats…
Mike Bloomberg isn’t gonna be the nominee…
He can shop his views around….
They will go nowhere…
How about abortion James?
There are a lot of one issue voters on that subject also.Should the Democrats stay away from that issue ?
Abortion will be mentioned more than guns since the issue resonates with women , which Democrats do well with….
It will NOT be a major issue like the economy, healthcare, and Trump himself….
Planned Parenthood IS hanging in there despite anti-abortion efforts by the right across the country….
Part of the reason is judges throwing out efforts to limit the procedure….
In addition?
The number of them have declined…..
The Supreme’s are unlikely to throw out Roe vs Wade in it’s entirety no matter what…
Abortion will be a major issue – and it should be.
This will be especially true if Biden is the nominee since he isn’t really proposing anything of significance on anything. My main takeaway is that he promises to work with Democrats and Republicans to solve problems.
Your point Z of trying to get ‘compromise’ back on track IS my MAJOR reason for supporting Biden….
I agree that politicians should strive to be inclusive and should work well with the other side. In addition, I recognize that compromise is important to accomplish anything.
But, unlike you, I want a Democratic agenda. And that doesn’t include guns for teachers, another tax cut aimed at the wealthy, weaker environmental standards or a larger military budget. When your biggest campaign pledge is to work with the other side, then you weaken your bargaining position greatly.
I want the Democratic ‘agenda’ also
But i understand that the process will generate something different then what starts even from the majority party…