Donald Trump has little use for foreign affairs….
If he could have things his way?
He seems to feel that America would just circle the wagons against the outside world….
We now have. Bernie Sanders moving to outdo his principal Democratic rival Elizabeth Warren by coming out against America’s ‘global footprint’…..
Sounds VERY Trumpish to me?
“Bernie is the only candidate who has a comprehensive foreign policy vision to stand up to the growing movement of anti-democratic authoritarianism worldwide and find solidarity with working people around the world who, in many cases, share common needs,” said Josh Orton, Sanders’ national policy director. Another Sanders aide referred to his approach to international affairs as a “global struggle.”
Sanders has made clear during his campaign that he shares many of the left wing’s long-held critiques of American imperialism — from opposition to clandestine interference across the world, but particularly in Latin America and the Middle East, to disapproval of the American military’s global footprint. It’s safe to say that a Sanders presidency would mark a dramatic departure from the last several decades of American foreign policy….
Sanders DOES support ‘ political leftist’s’ around the globe , which isn’t hard to understand since he is one….
Bernie Sanders’ foreign policy (like that of any other candidate) does deserve consideration and debate. But what in the world is Trumpian about
“Bernie is the only candidate who has a comprehensive foreign policy vision to stand up to the growing movement of anti-democratic authoritarianism worldwide….” ?
“But what in the world is Trumpian about…”
You must consider the source .
I agree wth Bernie Sanders that the US activity in Central America, Chile (overthrowing its government), Iraq (a war that caused instability when there was no WMDs in the first place), Iran (Installing the Shah, and breaking the nuclear treaty) and Vietnam has been counter-productive. But there are some aspects of a favorable US footprint too, most notably post WWII Germany and Japan, and so I see Sanders’ blanket statement – at least from a political perspective – as rather foolish.
I haven’t followed Brazil’s Lula or Bolivia’s Morales closely over the years. I know that both leftist leaders were rather controversial. I suppose a refresh of my memory from WIkipedia would help, but I am interested in DSD’s perspective of these men.
Sorry, Zreebs, although I’ve known for years who Lula is, I haven’t kept close track of either Evo Morales or Lula.
Poor advertisements for populist alternatives also include the Ortegas and Hugo Chávez.
I have no idea, either about the current path or fortunes of Rafael Correia in Ecuador (who let Julian Assange use his London embassy).
And as an old-time democratic socialist, I was never so enthusiastic as many once were for the Castro brothers.
Thanks DSD.
I specifically mentioned Morales and Lula because Sanders had praise for those men, As a democratic socialist, I figured that you most likely followed these men more than me.
It is my understanding that neither of these men were dictators. I know that Lula spent time in jail for corruption, but if my memory is correct, lots of politicians in Brazil go to jail for corruption. Not sure if it is because they are corrupt or because Brazil is a banana republic. I would be interested if you have any thoughts on that.
Lula certainly isn’t in the same category as Chávez, Maduro, Morales, the Castros and the Ortegas.
Evo Morales (whose comparative record on human rights and democratic order are unfamiliar to me) rose up as the champion of the indigenous (or Indian) people of Bolivia’s mountains. But in his genuine representation of them, he also supported their chief crop, coca leaves for cocaine.
Luís Iñacio Lula da Silva was a labor leader who led the Partido dos Trabalhadores (Workers’ Party) or PT, which played a major rôle in replacing military rule with a civilian democracy with civil rights, judicial independence, fair elections and a free press, where parties exchange offices when voters so decide. His presidency was noted internationally for progammes against poverty in a very stratified society (although no doubt Simpson and Bowles would frown at his budget-balancing).
I’m of the same (incompletely-informed) opinion as Zreebs: that many politicians of different Brazilian political parties are corrupt, but use anti-corruption prosecutions and impeachments as a tool against their opponents.
Any possible analogies to present U.S. politics are left to the reader.
No sooner does James compare Bernie Sanders to Trump than Trump talks about sending 14,000 more troops to the Middle East!
Not very Bernielike there James!
This move is gonna be a surprise to many…
The Pentagon IS gonna be happy as will a LOT of lawmakers who thought Trump’s Sander’s position on the Middle East was naive and misplaced….
Trump and Sanders may have parallel ideas about NAFTA, but Bernie Sanders would never withdrawn from the Climate Change treaty or the six-power agreements with Iran and North Korea. (See how successful those were.)
Nor would he have gone out of his way to appease the most extreme demands of the annexationist, Jews-only settler movements in Israel and Palestine.
American Union types where PISSED at Bill Clinton over NAFTA
There is little in common between Trump’s Mideast policies and Sander’s position. Off the top of my head, here are some differences.
1) Trump is exceedingly anti-Palestinian to the point of moving the embassy to Jerusalem and in supporting additional settlements in the West Bank. Despite being Jewish, Sanders strongly supports Palestinian rights.
2) Trump supports the Saudi interference in Yemen. Sanders as been one of the biggest critics of that policy.
3) Sanders supported Obama’s treaty with Iran. Trump backed out of it.
James’s continues his ferocious hate campaign of constant, multiple lies and distortions regarding Sanders.
Bull Shit Z…..
Sanders AND Trump do NOT want America involved in most foreign affairs…
On Iran?
Trump WANTS a treaty….
Just NOT Obama’s treaty…
Sanders believes in the same North Korea policy goal as Trump…
Sanders up to today agreed with Trump’s remove the troops from Afghanistan …
Sanders wants to work with Saudi Arabia as does Trump…
Sanders would NOT, as Trump joint TPP…
As I HAVE said….
There ARE blaring similarities in the two’s foreign policy…
He, he, he….
And Bernie ain’t a Democrat 😳!
Sanders is a registered Democrat (you can look it up), and unlike you, he talks like a Democrat.
Just like Trump is a registered Republican, and he talks like a Republican.
You originally said Sander’s MidEast policy was the same as Trump’s. First of all, You appear to be confused as to what countries are in the MidEast; Afghanistan is not, and North Korea is not even close to the MidEast.
There is nothing remotely similar to Sanders position on Saudi Arabia to Trump’s. You are just making shit up, and you don’t like to be called out when you go on thsse tangents about the candidates you hate. I also don’t see any similarities on Iran.
I don’t know what James means by having the same Iran or North Korea policies as Trump. I’m pretty sure that Bernie Sanders wouldn’t have pulled out of the multilateral deals (weak as they might have been) in favour of talks backed up with un-credible bluster (the Big Stick).
James is trying to expand far too much the parallel attitudes of Trump and Sanders on trade agreements and overseas military deployments. Had he left it there, he would have presented a legitimate question.
But, instead, he tries, in Fox and Trump like fashion — and as he does with any opponent of first Hillary Clinton and then Joe Biden — to project some valid similarities into a comprehensive indictment of everything.
(Similar to saying that because Ilhan Omar and Rosa Tlaib are non-white left-wing Muslims who want to assert Palestinian rights against the Israeli occupation, they are agents of ISIS who deserve at least deportation to their birthplaces if not execution for treason.)
¶ And as for James’ obsession about party labels, it converts a small point into something ridiculous. Was James Buckley ‘really’ a Republican or ‘really’ a Conservative ? Was John Lindsay ‘really’ a Republican, ‘really’ a Liberal or ‘really’ a Democrat ?
¶ By the way, Zreebs, I did give a substantial (if incomplete and amateur) response to the specific questions you asked about Lula da Silva and Evo Morales.
Yes DSD. I noticed. Thank you for your thoughts.
OK guys…..
Of course Bernie and Donald ARE different….
There ARE similarities as I have listed….
The Omar and Talib examples are not valid…
But I get your point…
I happen to think that Trump’s policy on Israel is one sided and wrong….
The US supports Israel as a basic…
But any peace effort HAS to give the Arabs SOMETHING….
I also feel that there will probably NEVER be a solution over there…
The division serves both sides politically…
There is NO obsession on party labels….
Both Bloomberg and Sanders NOW roll with the Democrats…
BOTH WILL have the party issue held against them…
THAT is a reality…
Oh, and among those who do NOT trust Sanders politics is the guy who was the3 last American President for 8 years…..
I suspect that is true – but he also said “Biden doesn’t have it”.
Obama will vote for the Democratic nominee – whether he is Sanders, Biden or someone else.
One more…..
Moderate Democrats ARE just that….
And they make up the majority of the party as Joe Biden and even Pete Buttigieg polling numbers show….
Hey guys?
Go ask Keith again about ole’ Bernie , huh?
Ask him about Bloomberg?
I’d be interested in hearing HIS view as a partial insider….
Hey James, If you don’t have anything to say, then don’t say anything. Repeating the same line over and over could give people the impression that you don’t have too many additional thoughts in your head.
Lastly, the fact that people are supporting a moderate in the primary doesn’t necessarily mean that those people are moderates. I support Bloomberg largely because I am convinced more than any other Democrat, he would likely to win. Yet I identify with progressives on many issues.
At this point, it is not clear who the Democrats will nominate, but it could easily be Warren or Sanders.
Well my friend?
I’m gonna continue to play my song…
Just like U will ur’s….
It’s why we’re here, eh?
If James wants to make an argument that because Sanders has run against Democrats in the past, he cannot be trusted to support the Democratic nominee in 2020, then I think that is a legitimate argument- and something I also am concerned about.
But then, James isn’t committed to supporting the Democratic nominee in 2020…