Both aren’t gonna be the Democratic nominee…
They remain in the single digits in the polling…
Democrats do NOT seem to want a rich guy nominee…
They entered the race late, but the two billionaires seeking the Democratic nomination are making up for lost time.
Together, Tom Steyer and Mike Bloomberg have poured nearly $200 million into television and digital advertising alone, with the former New York mayor spending an unprecedented $120 million in the roughly three weeks since he joined the presidential race. That’s more than double the combined ad spending of every single nonbillionaire in the Democratic field this year.
“We’ve never seen spending like this in a presidential race,” said Jim McLaughlin, a Republican political strategist who worked as a consultant for Bloomberg’s mayoral bids in New York. “He has a limitless budget.”
The question isn’t whether anyone else will come close to matching Bloomberg’s or Steyer’s ad spending. Rather, it’s whether all that spending is making any difference.
At present, the two remain mired in single digits in the polls. Steyer isn’t spending at the same stratospheric levels as Bloomberg, yet with $83 million in ad buys so far, he’s still far outpacing everyone other than his fellow billionaire. The next highest spender on ads is Pete Buttigieg at $19 million.
Unlike Bloomberg, who is attempting to jump-start his campaign on Super Tuesday in March, Steyer is focused on the four early voting states. He has spent nearly $37 million in Iowa, South Carolina, Nevada and New Hampshire— much of it on digital ads. Since joining the race in July, he’s more than doubled the combined ad spending of Buttigieg, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren in the early states…
image…Steyer (R.), Bloomberg…The Hill
I personally would have no problem with a “rich guy” nominee.
If he can beat Trump?
More power to him!
NOT gonna happen….
I corrected the spelling in the headline😊
I agree with Jack, blue no matter who, but it cannot hurt if they self fund.
Either of the would make a good nominee. Their only chance is if Biden faulters. Biden looks better now than when Bloomberg entered the race.
James clearly implied that Bloomberg bought Nutter’s endorsement. What else does “money talks” mean in connection to an endorsement?
He has so many preconceived and erroneous misconceptions about politics, that he keeps repeating.
One president and three mayors embarrass ‘The Big Apple’ on the national stage
How has Bloomberg embarrassed New York?
I didn’t live in the NY metro area during his time, but he came across to me as an effective mayor.
Please read the linked piece on the 3 mayors Z….
I HAVE been saying here that New Yorkers do NOT share the views of out oft owners about Rudy and Bloomberg….
Mike Bloomberg would have great difficultly in exciting the necessary enthusiasm, registration and November turnout among ethnic minorities.
They might be willing to accept Bloomberg’s apology for stop & frisk, while hating Donald Trump, but acquiescence is hardly the same as the infectious spirit that helped to elect Barack Obama.
A check back a few days here for the post on NYC Mayors Bloomberg, Giuliani and DeBlasio could give ya further insight on how New Yorker’s shouldn’t be proud of the guys….
Of course there is Trump also….
Dave, Bloomberg does have some work to do with minorities – particularly with regard to stop and frisk – but he picked up the endorsements of some high profile minority mayors – such as Mike Nutter of Philly.
$$$$$$$ Talks, eh?
Dumbass comment James. Bloomberg has been working with scores of Mayors through his foundation to improve governmental functions at the local level. He’s been doing that for years. So you’re saying he bought Nutter’s endorsement? Silliness.
He, he ,he…..
I said NO such thing….
But i DID make a connection to money and influence…
Bloomberg says he will CONTINUE TO THRIW MONEY AT Efforts to get rid of Trump after he’s out of the race….
Oh , and Bloomberg WAS the Republican Mayor of the City of New York….
I suppose he threw money at the GOPer’s for the 12 years back in the day?
But i will concede this….
He had to get some black votes in the Big Apple ..
I think he spent $130M on his last run though….
Money DOES talk sometimes….
Bloomberg was a Democrat before he switched parties to run as a Republican. But NYC is very liberal and he would not have gotten the Democratic nomination running as a Democrat. And (unlike you), he has said he will support the winner of the Democratic nomination as all of his Democratic opponents would do better than Trump.
Bloomberg did give money to some Republicans – including the flamboyant senator from South Carolina and Pat Toomey.
Z’s right also….
Money Mike ain’t gonna get to much of the black vote….
Probably not much latino’s either…
The fact is?
His money may get him influence with some Democratic lawmakers ….
And for sure with the media….
But it ain’t gonna get him much traction with the Democratic voters….
I really get a kick out of James when the subject of Bloomberg comes up.
You could swear it was Bernie Sanders talking or maybe Elizabeth Warren.