Only 6 are up for the next Debate coming….
Only 4 are in the top tier….
One guy has led from the beginning….
The two rich guys with all the money are are NOT in the top tier…
(Descending order of highest elected office)
Still running:
1 VP Biden
2 Sen Warren
3 Sen Bennet
4 Sen Sanders
5 Sen Booker
6 Sen Klobuchar
7 Rep Delaney
8 Rep Gabbard
9 Gov Patrick
10 Mayor Buttigieg
11 Mayor Bloomberg
12 Mayor Castro
13 — Steyer
14 — Williamson
15 — Yang
1 Sen Gillibrand
2 Sen Gravel
3 Sen Harris
4 Rep Swalwell
5 Rep Ryan
6 Rep Sestak
7 Rep O’Rourke
8 Rep Moulton
9 Gov Bullock
10 Gov Inslee
11 Gov Hickenlooper
12 Mayor de Blasio
13 Mayor Messam
14 St Sen Ojeda
Courtesy of DSD@ Politicaldog101
Good list!
I would consider a Governor though to be at a higher office than either a Senator or a Representative!
That was partly just so I could do a simple reverse-alphabetical sort on Quattro Pro spreadsheet. So it’s partly arbitrary.
And the relevant statuses of a governor and a U.S. senator depend very largely on the state involved, practically, constitutionally and demographically.
The governor’s constitutional and practical power in my state, Rhode Island, are said to be the weakest in the country. The most powerful office in my state has been the indirectly-elected Speaker of the House of Representatives, followed perhaps by the indirectly-elected President of the State Senate (no longer led by the directly-elected Lieutenant-Governor). Gov. Gina Raimondo is hardly senior to Sen. Jack Reed or Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse and maybe holds less power than Rep. David Cicilline, who is rapidly rising in the House leadership. The RI Senators hold 2% of the U.S. Senate as do those from California (which has about 40 times RI’s population).
California governors may have more power, but they face a full-time, fully-staffed Legislature where Rhode Island’s General Assembly meets only from Jan. 1st to June 30th, is only modestly paid and is poorly staffed. In contrast, the California State Legislature meets year-round and each well-paid California state legislator has an Administrative Assistant, while the whole body employs its own full-time Legislative Analyst, a non-partisan but influential post, with his or her own full-time staff.
Other states, of varying population, may have governors with more power and status than one of its U.S. Senators, although I can’t in my ignorance think of one. Does Andrew Cuomo outrank Chuck Schumer? does Charlie Baker outrank Elizabeth Warren? does Gavin Newsom outrank Dianne Feinstein? will Steve Beshear outrank Mitch McConnell ?
All, I suppose, that could be said is that there’s only one Vice-President and fifty state Governors, but 100 U.S Senators and 435 members of the House.