Be afraid….
Be VERY Afraid….
Fox News’ Fox & Friends show on Sunday showed a preview of an interview in which soon-to-depart Secretary of Energy Rick Perry said Donald Trump was God’s “chosen one” to be president of the United States.
In the interview conducted as Trump faces an impeachment inquiry, Perry implied that Trump is imperfect and that is fine.
“God’s used imperfect people all through history,” Perry said, naming several Biblical figures. “King David wasn’t perfect, Saul wasn’t perfect, Solomon wasn’t perfect.”
Perry added that he gave Trump “a little one-pager on those Old Testament kings” about month ago.
“I shared it with him and said, ‘Mr. President, I know there are people that say you said you were the chosen one and I said, ‘You were,'” Perry remarked. “I said, ‘If you’re a believing Christian, you understand God’s plan for the people who rule and judge over us on this planet in our government.'”
Courtney Hagle@CourtneyHagleFox & Friends preview an interview with Rick Perry, where he says that Trump is “the chosen one” and “sent by God to do great things”
Pete Hegseth: “God has used imperfect people forever,” but what Trump “has withstood is unlike what really any other mortal could understand”
That was the end of the preview clip and Fox News chief national correspondent Ed Henry claimed that fewer people on the left attack Perry.
Lord have mercy upon us; Christ have mercy upon us; Lord have mercy upon us.
Kyrie Eleison; Christos Eleison; Kyrie Eleison
CNN played all the Perry comments AGAINST accepting Trumpism….
Like Cruz?
These guys don’t mind looking like chumps….
I’ve already forgotten whatever demeaning nickname Donald Trump used for Rick Perry in 2016
To be fair I Googled it and Sting said in 2009 that Obama may have been “sent by God”
I’m sure CG would have made light of this had I not.
But let’s look at the big picture. I’m far far less worried that people like Sting are trying to turn the US into a Christian Oligarchy.
Weirdos like Perry and other Evangelical Christians–yeah I worry about that.
CG owes u Scott for doing his work….
He, he, he….
In more news of the Trump “effect” upon the Republican Party.
Trump daughter, Lara, is now being talked about as a potential Republican candidate to succeed New York Rep.Peter King.
Lara was polled in a Long Island ‘Red’ district….
She got overwhelming numbers….
She doesn’t live in the district .,,
She lives in Manhattan….
Trump’s kids are popular with GOPer’s….
Lara Trump has not given ANY indication she want’s anything to with running for office…
You can bet these are the same Trumpublicans clamoring for Lara Trump to run for Congress who scream “nepotism” at any mention of Chelsea Climton running.
They’re pretty dumb.
Yup Scott….
One way….
Their way…..
Tucker Carlson says he’s rooting for Russia against Ukraine
Tucker: “Why do I care what is going on in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia? I’m serious. Why shouldn’t I root for Russia? Which by the way I am.”
Is Donald Trump one of the Blues Brothers sent by God?
St, Paul’s epistle to the Romans, chapter 13 [Authorised or King James Version of 1611]
— for information only; since I’m an atheist, I don’t feel bound to either believe, follow or evangelise for these admonitions
1 Let every soul be in subjection to the higher powers: for there is no power but of God; and the [powers] that be are ordained of God.
2 Therefore he that resisteth the power, withstandeth the ordinance of God: and they that withstand shall receive to themselves judgment.
3 For rulers are not a terror to the good work, but to the evil. And wouldest thou have no fear of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise from the same:
4 for he is a minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is a minister of God, an avenger for wrath to him that doeth evil.
5 Wherefore [ye] must needs be in subjection, not only because of the wrath, but also for conscience` sake.
6 For this cause ye pay tribute also; for they are ministers of God`s service, attending continually upon this very thing.
7 Render to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute [is due]; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor. …