The Snake Oil salesman STILL HAS his shit working….
62% of people who approve of the job Donald Trump is doing as president say they can’t think of anything he could do that would cause him to lose their support, according to a Monmouth University poll published Tuesday. The sample size for the question was 401.
Why it matters: The figures come in the midst of an impeachment inquiry that has highlighted fierce partisan divisions. Not a single House Republican voted in favor of a resolution formalizing impeachment inquiry procedures last week.
Let’s be fair and realize that probably more than 62% of Obama supporters would said that there is absolutely nothing he could have done to ever lose their support. That’s how tribalism works.
By the same token, it’s more than obvious that there is nothing Trump could ever do *good* that would get any significant amount of people, including myself, to ever become a fan of his.
The bottom line is that Trump’s numbers are low and his support is soft within his own party. Defeating him should be the Democrats for the taking, but their own divisions and self-demands make that far from a sure bet. Whomever the next President winds up being is likely to be in the same boat. Despised by the other party but completely and totally in a cocoon as it relates to support in their own party.
U are probably right CG…
Obama wasn’t impeached, eh?
He worked to save the economy?
He worked to increase healthcare coverage
He worked to help America and the rest of the planet….
Maybe one could see why Barack Obama had such support and STILL has about 20% MORE than the current President that hates him….
Obama’s numbers at this point in his first term and Trump’s numbers at this point in his term are pretty similar. There is potential for Trump’s to go down a good deal but Democrats will need to be effective at communicating a simple message.
I don’t agree for a second that 62% Of Democrats would have supported Obama regardless of what he said or did. James can speak for himself for what he values.
I agree Zreebs. All one has to do is look back at some of the public statements made by his own party to see that Democrats felt free in their criticism of Obama.
Something Republicans today won’t do unless they’re on their way out of office.
Barack Obama would NEVER say or do 10% of the bull shit Donald Trump HAS do and continues to do….
I certainly have and I will continue to.
There is simply no evidence that Trump is losing support among Republicans.None.
Instead ,those here who claim he is ,grab at proverbial straws by magnifying every insignificant drop in his support pas indicative of a trend ,when it is plainly not.
Indeed Trump support among Republicans has been remarkably stable throughout his term at between 80-90%.
More importantly is the reason:Donald Trump today represents the attitude and values of the Overwhelming Majority of Republicans in this country.
And, since I am accused of seeing things through the prism of professional Werestling I will play along….For James and CG,
Remember the words of the legendary “Nature Boy Ric Flair to those who questioned his status as World Champion…”You may not like it , Learn to live with it.”
Aren’t you due for another cruise?
I feel jack as if you have been unnecessarily nasty and unfair on a personal level suddenly over the past several days. I would be bored if this were an echo chamber where everyone agreed with me, but you are being fundamentally dishonest of late when you say things like I am defending Alan Keyes or that I made a claim that only Democrats were homophobes. Those are complete fabrications because you are unable to address the substance of things you disagree with,
You personally asked me to start posting here again. I was content when this comment section was a thing of the past. If you decide now that you just never want to hear an alternative opinion, maybe this is not the right place for me to spend time.
Yeah ,right, ok, so long ,whatever…
Hell the above was sort of tongue in cheek with the wrestling quote.
I’m tired of your whining.after someone questions all your posts against Democrats.
There was not one thing “nasty” about it.
Maybe you should quit posting period.You seem to be disgruntled here and over at the other site too.
Do what you want .
For your own sake, I think you could use another “cruise” because there has been a shift in your personality in just the past week.
Nobody whines more than you. You simply cannot see a shade of gray when a Democrat is ever capable of doing something you can’t defend. When double standards are there to be called out I will do so.
There is no better example of a double standard than people not caring what James Clyburn said on tv because had a Republican said the exact same thing, you would have been the first one attacking them for it.
I deny there has been a shift in my personality.
However, if DSD ,Scott Zreebs or Keith ,much more objective observers than the likes of you, tell me there has ?
I would certainly consider that.
Am I often confrontational?Yes that has been my Schtick forever( ask James) so what’s new?
Is it personal?Of course not.If you come to S.C.?Ill take you to the Elks Lodge and you can join the crowd there kicking me around!
If I call Trump a psychopath there, that will give you cover.
I have no problem with Jack here…
we agree on some things….
we don’t on others…
it’s the way things work here …
same for everyone with EVERYONE else…
I have not noticed any change in Jack’s temperament.
Although I do not share Corey’s belief (which I think is genuine) that he is not a partisan, I do hope that he continues to post here. For one reason, his posts are less biased than James, and it is very annoying to go to the last 8 comments and see all of them written by James.
Going back to a previous comment, what did James Clyburn say on tv? I missed it.
Of course you’re just pissed because you have claimed for awhile now that Republican support for Trump is sliding.It isn’t,You know it and it makes you mad.
So your pathos begins.
So sad… Too Bad.
It is sliding, but that’s not really my main concern.
I care about the entire country, not just what is best for political parties at this point. All Americans, regardless of party, should stand in opposition to the daily disgrace coming from Trump.
But since I will not change my views and proclaim myself a Democrat, that’s not good enough for you. You would seemingly respect me more if I stood with Trump like the other Republicans do.
That’s goofy.
Why would I want you to be a Democrat?Youre a Republican.
On several occasions and here I will do so again,
I don’t care who you vote for.Got it?
Then if you don’t care who I vote for, you can perhaps not blow a gasket and start launching personal insults simply because I stated a contrary opinion on Beto O’Rourke’s effectiveness as a Presidential candidate or if I point out a double standard in what a Democrat can claim in an interview that a Republican would be called out for saying or that even a political figure whom I hold in little regard such as Alan Keyes should not be subject to a narrative that is not backed up by facts and for which the double standard also occurs.
We disagree about the words “personal insults.”
You’re the one being overly sensitive. seem to give as good as you take so I don’t even know what your beef is?
I’m fine with disagreements or even good natured insults, but when I am accused of saying something I did not even come close to saying or of thinking something I would never think, it’s a bit frustrating.
For example, despite my past proud partisanship, I think I have always been candid in saying who came across as a good politician (in a debate or on the stump or whatever) and who was a bad one, regardless of party. People have been nice enough in the past to praise my sense of evenhandedness in my “Race of the Day” posts. If I thought Beto was a bad Presidential candidate, it does not mean “Well, you would never say any Democrat was a good candidate…” Of course I would and have many times before.
Oh get off it. You have said similar things to me many time and I didnt whine about it, threaten to quit posting etc.
Remember,”you’ve hated the Republican Party for fifty years….”
Get off the soapbox and return to the arena with the rest of us.
You threatened to quit posting many times. And no I do not think I ever said anything similar. If I ever do, point it out and allow me to consider. I have definitely retracted things I said to you and others that I thought was unfair or went too far rhetorically.
So, if not 50, is it 45? At some point after you voted for Nixon it started.
I’ve explained this on many ocassions.
I have voted for Republicans at the state and local level,usually in races that should be nonpartisan in my view.
I haven’t voted for a Republican for President since Nixon in 72.
How about you?How many Democrats have you voted for?
And I believe I’m correct that you have never voted for a Democrat for President?
Frankly, I have never understood your fascination with this topic.Im a Democrat,you’re a Republican.Whats the deal?
You’ve never voted for a Republican to be President during all the elections I’ve never voted for a Democrat to be President.
We could almost say we are “even” except I didn’t vote for the “Republican” to be President once (and intend to do so again) and you have never not voted for the Democrat.
So, advantage me. Not to gloat or anything.
In the meantime on the other blog, I am trying to explain to the poster whom james would like to return here, why the poster campaign of “It’s Ok to be White” is something he shouldn’t be defending…. not because white people should feel like there is something wrong with them, but because that campaign was literally started by neo-Nazis to troll the left and to get hapless fools like him on the right to defend their ridiculous message.
That’s one way of looking at it.
Another way?
I have walked in a voting booth and voted for a Republican for President.
You have yet to vote for a Democrat for President.
I say “yet” because you are still relatively young.
You may someday.(Maybe when Donald Trump Jr is the Republican nominee) .
By then I will likely have departed this life or be in a nursing home somewhere babbling to no one in particular about handing out cards for JFK at age 10.
I was reading apoll today that showed over 50% of non college educated White Evangelicals say they have been “discriminated “ against because they were White.
I have never suffered such discrimination to my knowledge.
You are a good deal older than me. Sorry to have to point that out.
I have said I would vote for a Democrat if I felt remotely comfortable doing so.
I do not, but hey, maybe Bloomberg or Oprah can somehow get nominated and I could be talked into it just against Trump.
I read something the other day about how one should view voting like mass transit. You pick the one that gets you closer to where you want to be. If the bus or train gets you 5 blocks from your destination instead of to the front door do you refuse to get on it or use an unrealistic method to get you there (say, riding a tricycle)?
No, you suck it up and take it. That is if that if you are really interested in getting there.
The “mass transit” argument sounds like what people say who want me to vote for Trump (the judges, preventing this policy, Israel, etc. etc) and yet I cannot do it.
Corey, In your opinion, is NYC Mike’s “It’s okay to be white” support a response to black people or to something else? Put another way – I can’t imagine ever saying “it is okay to be white” – only because to me that is obvious.
I think we basically agree on this Zreebs. I cannot imagine a mindset of not thinking it was “ok” to be white. It is what it is and trying to point fingers at others or be provocative about this is just a bad sign for society.
It’s amazing how aggrieved people feel they need to be and how Identity politics cuts both ways in a form of a backlash. White identity and fear is of course at the heart of Donald Trump’s political appeal and too many who support him are too stubborn to admit it.
And the people behind “It’s Ok to Be White” would not consider me white anyway once they knew anything about my background.
Yes I can see why conservatives would also use the mass transit argument to try and get you to vote for Trump. He will be the one promoting conservative policies, judges, etc.
So I am genuinely trying to understand.
Does NYC Mike feel that his life is somehow harder because he is white?
Oh and No’s not “sliding.”
Donald Trump is Mr.Republican right now.
So why don’t you focus on beating him? Can someone win with just Republicans? You already seem to be looking for an excuse as to why Trump won again.
If your side can get enough Independents to vote for your candidate, you will win easily. Why not try to appeal to those voters instead of perpetual bitching about Republicans… (while at the same time you occasionally vote for those same Republicans.)
Jack and I will focus on beating him the best way we can–voting for the one person who can actually do it, the Democratic nominee.
Good for you. You always vote for Democrats though (with some caveats apparently). Democrats share your values. You would be dumb not to vote for them. I would never in a million years try to tell you not to.
Democrats do not share my values. I would be dumb to vote for them. However, I will not be voting for Trump, despite my conservatism and past ties to the Republican Party and for that I should actually be thanked I think.
Why should you be thanked anymore than anybody here?
You have stated that he is a “psychopath .”
Certainly you should vote against him if you believe that!
I don’t actually need to be “thanked”, but let’s at least recognize the fact that I did throw many things away including many relationships (and I am not just talking about HHR posters that I have never met) because of DJT while many others in my position would have just chosen to not make waves and to go along with the crowd.
When someone whom has always been such a loyal Republican as I had speaks out so loudly against Trump on principle, it should say something to others, and the fact that I am not also somehow changing my ideological worldview to fit in with most anti-Trump people, should speak to my seriousness.
I guess what I don’t fully understand is why you don’t see that Trump really hasn’t changed the Republican Party that much. In many ways, the GOP has been Trump-like for a long time. They supported huge tax cuts without any decrease in spending since the Reagan days, and then when the Democrats were in office, they would refuse to raise the deficit ceiling on budget bills – even though they deserved most of the blame for the deficit. Recall how the GOP responded when Hurricane Sandy hit NJ. Because NJ wasn’t a red state, a large percentage of Republicans opposed any aid to the state, yet supported aid for a lesser catastrophe in Texas. Recall how they supported making it more difficult to vote with almost no evidence of voting fraud – even though their stated core belief is that government should reduce regulations. And how they prevented the voting on judges during the Obama administration.
The tactics that Trump is doing is really nothing more than a progression from what Republicans were doing before. Few Republicans criticized their party before when they easily had the opportunity to do so.
So (for example), why do some people find it surprising that Republicans would support outside interference in our elections if it helped them? And I will go further than that… If the GOP loses in 2020 in a relatively close vote, Trump won’t leave office, and the GOP will continue to support him as President.
I think u touch on something Z?
Thru this whole thing?
The question of ENFORCEMENT is just sitting there….
NO ONE else doing what Trump Has done would be walking around free…
In addition?
Those carrying the water for him wouldn’t be either….
But Trump holds the cards….
HIS Attorney General and US Senate has you saying something that just COULD be a stubborn problem…
The American executive branch is NOT about America…
It is about ONE MAN….
If he is given a pick slip?
What happens ?
Even if he goes ?
What happens?
What America?
I’m giving u ur due Jack…
Ur Right
Trump IS being successful in selling his followers a shot sandwich,..
Some HAVE spit it out…
But some like Senate
Republicans?…keep chewing!
Meanwhile, Lindsay Graham says he won’t even read the depositions.
Says he has written this whole impeachment thing off as “bs.”
Can you imagine the worm doing this if John McCain was still around?
Well Jack, you know what they say, “everyone wants to be gazed at the way Lindsay Graham looks at Donald Trump.”
What a total shit show the Republican Party has become, or as Zreebs so aptly put it earlier, the party of Trump. They are simply interested in three things in descending order, power, tax breaks, and judges. And they will do and say anything to achieve those goals. That’s just a fact.
Tonight’s win in Virginia and Kentucky should cause some real consternation in the White House. Bevan ran a typical Republican campaign that included all their typical dog whistles after running a typical Republican Administration that included cuts in health care and education.
But the best part was the fact that suburban voters continued to move away from the GOP. There isn’t a Republican from Northern Virginia left in their General Assembly and the New Democratic majority will pass election reform legislation that will keep Virginia blue. The voters in the Cincinnati suburbs, that gave huge majorities to both Bevan and Trump, turned on the GOP tonight, as they began to last year.
Beshear ran as a traditional Democratic campaign, pro education and health care. Thousands of Kentuckians will now have expanded health care services. I would think that Moscow Mitch might be formulating a new political strategy tonight.
Finally, after reading some of the posts today it’s apparent that there was a real pity party going on. It is increasingly difficult to deny what is apparent to even the casual political observer – the Republican Party is the party of Trump.
Lets also acknowledge that Beshear also got votes on his fathers Rep….
Bevin dug HIMSELF into a hole….
Bevin is a typical hateful Republican in the mold of Rand Paul and Moscow Mitch. It comes naturally.
His father’s rep? You mean like Romney or Bush?
Rand Paul is not the man his father was.
Apparently (I wish the Ky posters to Pol101 were here), Kentucky Republicans have to show some very faint streak of libertarianism (e.g. Rand Paul opposing continuing part of the USA PATRIOT Act), but the Ky GOP no longer seems to produce giants like John Sherman Cooper or Thruston B. Morton.
Our old fellow poster “Kentucky Democrat” lives in Chicago now and is the most prominent transgender film critic in America.
Do you keep in touch with Kentucky Democrat? Or did you just investigate her on your own?
Haven’t been in touch in a several years, but am aware of her Twitter account/movie review website and she has also been in the celebrity news headlines a time or two.
The mainstream Republicans in Kentucky all won yesterday.
People are particular excited about the new Attorney General, who is a McConnell protege, and is the first African-American to ever be elected statewide in Kentucky (not counting Bevin’s current Lt. Governor, a black woman, whom he threw off the ticket this time for a white man and wound up losing.)
Republican Daniel Cameron easily beat one of the once biggest names in Kentucky politics to take the AG spot left by Beshear, and Cameron is said to be on track to one day become Governor or replace McConnell in the Senate.
Hopefully McConnell will be replaced next year.
By a Democrat.
I would bet heavily against that happening.
I think it’s an unlikely outcome, but one that anyone who truly wants to banish Trumpism should hope for.
#1 I support term-limits in general
Who takes over as Senate Leader then for Republicans? In any event, McConnell clearly represents his state the way they want. He has never lost. He has had grumbling on the right and challenges by people like Bevin for not being Trump enough.
The days of McConnell “not being Trump enough” are long over.