Elizabeth Warren’s single payer/Medicare for All idea is DOA in Congress….
Most of Warren’s fellow Democrats are NOT gonna go along with something that she and Senator Sanders want that would involve TRILLIONS in taxes to implement….
House Speaker Democrat Nancy Pelosi isn’t gonna support it either…
The majority of Democrat lawmakers in both houses of Congress are looking to support Obamacare and do fixes to it instead of trying to re-invent a whole new YUGE government run healthcare program …
Senate Democrats are distancing themselves from Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-Mass.) “Medicare for All” plan, casting doubt on whether it could pass even if she does win the presidency.
Warren rolled out her proposal for Medicare for All last week, instantly fanning the flames of a raging debate among the Democratic presidential contenders over the idea.
But even if Warren wins the presidency and Democrats take back the Senate next year, her proposal would still face long odds of actually being enacted given objections among many senators of her own party.
Some Democratic senators on Tuesday said flatly that they would not vote for Warren’s plan if she were president in 2021.
“No, I wouldn’t; I’ve said consistently that I am not for Medicare for All,” said Sen. Doug Jones (D-Ala.), who faces a tough reelection race next year. A victory by Jones would greatly help Democrats reach a Senate majority.
Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) said “not as I understand it” when asked if he would vote for Warren’s plan.
The proposed elimination of private insurance and its trillions of dollars in tax hikes are prime reasons Democrats cite for rejecting her approach.
Many Democratic senators said they prefer an optional government-run insurance plan, known as a public option, more along the lines of what former Vice President Joe Biden and South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigiegare proposing.
“I’m not about to take away private insurance from the union members who have worked so hard to negotiate for it,” Menendez said.
The Medicare for All legislation sponsored by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a progressive rival to Warren for the Democratic presidential nomination, has support from some Democratic senators, but most are not backing it. The bill has 14 Democratic co-sponsors in addition to Sanders, out of 47 members of the Senate Democratic Conference….
Of course a “majority” of Democrats would support Warren’s bill. Not nearly enough to get it passed in eIther house, but more than 50% of Democrats would support it.
Obama has even said that a single payer system would be the best way to go if you were starting a healthcare system from scratch.
Ultimately we have to get to healthcare for all. So we have to ask whether we will get there with someone like Biden who is opposed to that concept and supports a healthcare system that is not designed to be a long term solution and will eventually collapse, or with someone who will move us in the right direction.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said during the DealBook conference in New York on Wednesday she doesn’t believe 2020 candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s Medicare for All plan would ever be enacted.
“The smarter approach is to build on what we have; a public option is something I’ve been in favor of for a very long time. I don’t believe we should be in the midst of a big disruption while we are trying to get to 100% coverage and deal with costs.”
What she’s saying: During the event in New York, Clinton said in response to a question on whether she could “get behind” the plan, “If it were to go to Senate … if you had a president who pushed to present it, I would be very much in favor of whatever the debate was.”
The 2016 Democratic presidential candidate added that while she doesn’t think it would pass, it was the “right goal” and the current health care debate among Democrats is healthy….