Being in fourth place earns him some political hits…..
The candidates ARE turning on each other…
Time is running out….
There may be no surer sign that a campaign is gaining traction than when its opponents begin to attack.
And the attacks are beginning to come against South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg, until now virtually unchallenged in his improbable rise through the crowded field of Democratic presidential candidates.
Polls show Buttigieg rising into the top tier of candidates, alongside some whose political careers began before he was born.
But as his support grows, other candidates still trying to achieve their own break-out moments are beginning to question whether he has the experience to run the nation, or the ability to beat President Trump.
“We need to nominate a candidate who can appeal to the African American and Latino communities,” former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro told The Hill here on Sunday, after warning his party against nominating “what seems like the safe choice.”
The polls that show Buttigieg on the rise also show his support comes almost entirely from white Democrats. He has yet to earn an infusion of support among African American voters, and Castro said Buttigieg’s record is why.
“Just look at his track record as mayor. He has a bad track record with African Americans on the issues, and he’s almost acknowledged as much,” Castro said. “It is risky to nominate somebody that cannot appeal to one of our most important constituencies.”….
Castro seems pretty nasty and desperate. My sense is he thinks he is doing Elizabeth Warren’s dirty work for her and might be rewarded down the road.