This line is about being against Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren…
Biden is a long time veteran of the US Senate who makes no bones about his NOT having a problem with working with Republicans in Congress…
THAT doesn’t please some progressives…
But DOES earn Biden support among moderate/centrist Democrat’s …..
Key Senate Republicans say they can see themselves working with Joe Biden if he is elected president, bolstering the centrist Democratic candidate’s claims that he would be able to break through legislative gridlock in Washington.
As the former vice president has slipped in some polls compared to liberal firebrand Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), he has emphasized his track record working with Republican colleagues to pass bipartisan legislation.
Biden earlier this year proclaimed that Republicans would have “an epiphany” and start working more with Democrats once Trump left office.
Other center-left presidential candidates, including Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D), have similarly touted their willingness to work with Republicans.
They see it as a way to draw a contrast with Warren and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who want to provide universal health care coverage and free college education by ramping up taxes on the wealthy — proposals with virtually no GOP support on Capitol Hill.
It’s also a way to resonate with swing voters who are sick of partisan bickering in Washington and want the president and Congress to spend more time and energy on solving problems.
So far the 116th Congress has been a legislative wasteland, with few bills moving and the annual spending process deadlocked as the year’s end rapidly approaches.
A Gallup poll released last week showed a growing number of Americans, 47 percent, say the government should do more to solve the nation’s problems — an 11-point increase compared to 2010.
Yet Biden’s willingness and ability to work with Republicans could also be a drag on his campaign with at least some Democratic voters, who don’t see a willingness to compromise with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) or Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) as desirable.
Biden himself acknowledged earlier this year that he gets “criticized for saying anything nice about a Republican.”
While I would tend to be naturally skeptical of such, Biden always had a reputation for working both sides of the aisle.
In one of the debt limit showdowns in the Obama years,Mitch McConnell actually asked Obama to send Biden up to the Hill to work things out.
Whether this strength of Biden in this area is advantageous to him than n the coming campaign remains to be seen.
As the linked piece points to….
Works with just about everybody EXCEPT progressives….
Thelinked piecevsaid no such thing.
Where does it say Biden wouldn’t work with “progressives.”
By works with?
I ment bipartisanship …..
What does that have to do with your statement?
Truth is you didn’t know what the Hell you meant!
my statement IS explained and where i wanted to go….
If I believed James statement that Biden can work with Republicans, but not progressives, then that would mean that Biden will want to achieve a center-right coalition.
And it would mean that I would strongly consider voting for a third party candidate. But I agree with Jack. James is just trying to distort the facts because he hates progressives.
Although they might not works as smoothly, it certainly should not be discounted that either Sen. Warren or Sen. Sanders could also work with Republicans who want to do something other than wreck the process (e.g. Newt Gingrich, Mitch McConnell).
As chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, then-Rep. Sanders was quite successful in forming a bipartisan coalition (or if you prefer, all-party coalition) to pass a strong VA reform act. He won an award and great applause from, of all people, the American Legion convention.
I don’t know so much about Elizabeth Warren, and some of her banking legislation (e.g. the Consumer Finance Protection Board) would certainly not go down well with most of the GOP and their rich donors. On the other hand, she was Senator for five years of Gov. Deval Patrick’s terms (D) and five years of Gov. Charlie Baker’s (R) without causing or suffering any huge in-state rifts or blowups.
in fact both Sanders and Warren where NOT flame throwers in the past in the Senate..
they ARE running for the nomination as flame throwers…..
the ironic thing is that Donald Trump IS a flame thrower….
just for the same GOPer’s who are afraid if Sanders and Warren where the chief executive …
Obama tried to work with Republicans and he failed miserably. After over a year of wasted time, not a single Republican was willing to vote for ACA.
Republican aren’t even willing to buck their party when deep down they know that their president is deliberately looking for foreign interference in our elections. I have no reason to believe that ANY Democrat elected president would be able to work with Republicans, no matter how hard they tried. A President Biden would try, but he is less skilled than Obama and he would also fail.
Biden worked WITH Republicans for decades…..
Obama did NOT….
No ones saying it would be easy….
Another example of how you don’t understand that the Republican Party of today increasingly bears little resemblance to even a few years ago,much less “decades” ago.