Bush II went on to say things would right itself sometime in the future….
He did NOT know….
Bush sat for an interview with his former press secretary, Fox News anchor Dana Perino, in Crawford, Texas, where he was participating in a 100-kilometer bike race for veterans. Perino asked the president to ruminate on the legacy of his father, George H.W. Bush, who was president when the Berlin Wall fell 30 years ago this week.
Perino noted that Bush was a proponent of looking past times of polarization, prompting him to get reflective.
“I’m optimistic about the future because as you mentioned democracy is self-healing. This is an unsettled period in our country, but it isn’t the first time we have had unsettled periods,” he told Perino with a laugh.
The Bush family are not friends of the current Republican President Donald Trump….
Bush II gets along better with Bill Clinton….
Bush I was friends with Bill Clinton, but I don’t think Bush II and Bill are especially close. Of course,I’m sure there is some bond between all of the former Presidents, and Trump will not be as accepted as the others.
All of the former living presidents saw themselves as the president of all people – not just the people who voted for them. Sadly, that is not the case with Trump. Not that most Republicans care.
Bush II and Clinton did assistance to Hati work together back a decade ago….
The former’s do NOT view the office as Trump does….
Trump should never have been elected…
WE see why every day….
I remember watching a forum where both Clinton and GW Bush were the participants .
It was actually very interesting as they both gave their views of the presidency, various anecdotes about things that had happened and ideas for improvements.
They also engaged in friendly banter and appeared to enjoy a good relationship.
In mu view GW Bush is better the farther he is from Dick Cheney
THAT WAS interesting….
The loss of faith Bush II came have in his Vice President….