This is the second guy who gets the last minute trial ballon thing going….
Mike Bloomberg let his go up last week….
Patrick WAS a favourite of Barack Obama back a few years ago before Hillary Clinton took it ….
Former Gov. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts has told Joseph R. Biden Jr. and other Democratic officials that he is considering making a last-minute entry into the 2020 presidential race, according to three Democrats familiar with the conversations, the latest evidence of how unsettled the party’s primary is less than three months before the Iowa caucuses.
Mr. Patrick, a respected two-term governor and one of the highest-profile black leaders in the party, has told some of the Democratic officials that he doesn’t think any of the candidates have established political momentum and that he thinks there is an opening for somebody who can unite both liberal and moderate voters, according to Democrats who have spoken to him.
He and some of his top advisers had a meeting Sunday in Boston to discuss what a campaign would look like, according to two Democrats. And on Monday, Mr. Patrick personally began reaching out to potential staffers, telling them he was strongly considering a bid and asking if they’d consider working for his campaign.
There is less reason for this candidacy than Bloomberg’s really.
I’m not sure what niche Patrick is trying to fill.
I presume that he sees these polls which often show large numbers of “undecideds” as indicative of some kind of void in the present field.
Could be I guess or maybe it’s just people torn over several of the present candidates?
Jeff Greenfield had an article yesterday about the “last minute panic” candidates.
They have come along almost every cycle (Rick Perry in 2012, Fred Thompson n 2008, Wesley Clark in 2004, the reentry of Gary Hart in 1988, Jerry Brown in 1976, Ronald Reagan in 1968)
You have to go back to Adlai Stevenson in 1952 to find one that got the nomination.
Don’t forget Gov. Bill Scranton of Pennsylvania, who became the unGoldwater in 1964 after Nelson Rockefeller and other traditional GOP moderates had faltered.
At this point, there’s no real reason for Deval Patrrick’s entry. Like Chuck Schumer, Ed Koch, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama, he started out near the left end of the local Democratic Party but then had to moderate his ambitions (if not his views) once in office or in leadership. However, you could say the same about Cory Booker, former mayor of Newark, NJ. so I can’t see what Deval Patrick would add.
One would have to be a connoisseur of the politics of both Massachusetts and Northern New Jersey to detect the finer distinctions, but even having lived in Rhode Island and read The Boston Globe every day for the whole of Deval Patrick’s career, from his first soundings to the end of his second term in office, I couldn’t tell you the difference.
And it seems pretty clear from Joe Biden’s support that most of the black electorate want to stay together as a bloc, rather than diffusing their power between Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Cory Booker, let alone Deval Patrick.
However, as we saw in both 2008 and 2016, that solidarity can change with the nomination campaign.
There ARE reports that Deval Patrick WILL announce his late entry into the Democratic nomination races as soon as tomorrow …
If he files in a certain southern state, I can see the headlines now….
“Deval Went Down to Georgia”
The election result will be the same
My feeling is Pence , no matter what?
Does NOT have the Donald J. Trump foot print…..
Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick (D) announced early Thursday that he will run for president, entering a crowded and fluid race for the Democratic nomination.
He made the announcement in a YouTube video while posting a 2020 campaign image on Facebook…
Deval Patrick does NOT have his act together….
Newly minted presidential candidate Deval Patrick wants to appeal to black voters, but by a matter of days missed the deadline to make the ballots in Alabama and Arkansas, two states with large black populations. He wants to win moderates and build a national coalition, but because he didn’t alert officials in Michigan of his candidacy earlier this week, he now faces the extraordinary task of gathering 11,000 signatures in the next month.
His campaign forgot to register the domain, so it’s instead forwarding to a harsh piece by Howie Carr, a Boston Herald columnist and longtime Patrick antagonist.
The former Massachusetts governor is proposing an audacious move — replicating in a few weeks what other presidential candidates have been trying to create for years — but as he attempts to leapfrog the field, the early days of his candidacy are an illustration of the height of the hurdles he faces….
Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick said he isn’t “crazy” about accepting support from super PACs, but he will as he seeks the Democratic presidential nomination….
Come to think of it the contributors to Politics 1 once speculated about sure-lose tickets that would still win the support among their diehard partisans, like Satan-Stalin. (Maybe you could run a Deval-Palin ticket)