She want’s the single payer government run healthcare program to be paid for by taxing the rich, drastic dense cuts, and immigration policy changes in addition to other things …
Her roll out of the the details has run into a brick wall from establishment Democrats…
Progressives have her back….
But?….Warren may have ended her flavour of the month status….
No one in their right mind is gonna swallow Warren’s grandiose dream…
And the idea that the government would be running the program, socialism? , WOULD be a problem in a general election…
The most-vulnerable Democrat in Colorado’s state House, Bri Buentello, is dreading door-knocking in her rural district now that Elizabeth Warren dropped her massive “Medicare for All” plan into the presidential arena.
“This is going to cause down-ballot damage in swing districts and states if she’s the nominee,” Buentello says, describing how her Pueblo-area constituents — who voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump in 2016 — were already echoing criticisms about a giant, one-size-fits-all big government run plan that cancels private health insurance and raises taxes.
The fear of blowback is indicative of the broad and largely negative response to Warren’s proposal from centrist, moderate and rural Democrats — many of whom, like Buentello, back Joe Biden in the primary. And it exposes the fault line between those who fret about winning voters in the center and the activist progressive base propelling Warren to the front of the Democratic pack.
The long-awaited plan to raise the $20.5 trillion she says is needed to pay for single-payer health care in America is Warren’s attempt to answer critics after weeks of questions from rival candidates about the cost of her proposal and the prospect of higher taxes. Warren promised, as she has in the past, that “not one penny in middle-class tax increases” is necessary to finance the effort.
Surveys show Medicare for All polls well with Democrats and has majority support overall. But leading politicians in the party believe the popularity won’t last.
Throughout the presidential primary season, Medicare for All has been debated repeatedly by Democrats on stages where Warren has largely ducked specifics and the issue of tax increases.
What’s different now is that Warren is emerging as the frontrunner — and centrists and pragmatists in her party are starting to hit the panic button as Warren’s plan seems tailor-made to make enemies of doctors, hospitals, the insurance industry and some employers.
“Warren and the progressives are causing a real political problem for pro-growth, pro-business Democrats,” warned Scott Reed, a top consultant for the conservative-leaning Chamber of Commerce.
“It played out with the Clinton health plan. It played out with the Affordable Care Act. Frankly, going all the way back to President Truman, it is consistently the case that health reforms are always popular at first, when they’re more like bumper sticker slogans,” said Larry Levitt, the senior vice president for health reform at the Kaiser Family Foundation. “As details get filled in and opponents really start to attack, plans never get more popular.”
The GOP is likely to echo the same criticisms of Obamacare — that it was a step toward socialism. But this time, a wholesale government takeover of health insurance would actually be a step toward socialism, which is still viewed more negatively than positively by Americans overall.
“You don’t win with a message of socialism in a swing state like Florida,” said Bill Nelson, a former Florida senator and Biden surrogate….
Two points:
1.) As I said yesterday,anuyone who doesn’t understand that any single payer health plan will result in significantly increased taxes is an idiot.
2.)The United States will in the future (the next ten to twenty years) adopt some type of national health insurance plan with the higher taxes(likely in combination with massive overhauls in Medicare and Social Security).The current health insurance system in this country is unsustainable as is Medicare and Social Security.
i do NOT agree with ur #2 Jack….
Tinkering with S/S and healthcare scares the shit out of lawmakers…..
Raising taxes on rich people does so ALSO…
We all know that you have avast knowledge of all sorts of political issues James.
So tell us how you see the country no bankruptcy of Medicare and Social Security being handled?
I’m sure this will be very enlightening.
I also am interested in hearing about James’s plan. Given that he has strong opinions about it, the future changes needed for Medicare is probably one of his strongest areas of expertise.
James, I only ask that you provide the source you used once you finish googling to determine what you believe.
Sure Jack….
As I have explained here countless times….
The part of Social Security for retires is projected solvent for at least another 15-17 years….
The benefit part is broke…
And is sublimated by the general Treasury…
Medicare is tied into Obamacare…
It too is solvent for at least decades….
Both programs will pay for themselves longer depending on the amount of employment payroll taxes….
That said…
Both do have issues of funding for the future due to inactions by Congress and Trump….
And that’s not just Trump’s fault…
Obama and during his time in office ALSO did N OT want to touch either program…
American Seniors…
Who vote MORE than younger Americans look at the programs as single issue ones….
Lawmakers are scared shitless to touch the programs…
Since the shortfalls ARE covered from the general funds?
There is no chance they will actually run out of money…
While you support raising the age for Soc Sec?
The idea has little or no actual support….
The idea that the programs would bankrupt the country is simply NOT true…
We have a almost a Trillion dollar deficit and Trump and lawmakers (Both parties) WILL keep spending, and it will work because our government prints the money….
There is NO plan…..
Congress and President’s will continue to kick the can down the road….
A good economy will help relieve any pressure on this…
More jobs put more into the till…
Benn that way….
Gonna keep being THAT way…
Sanders and Warren’s effort to transfer even MORE of this to the government is simply NOT feasible in a capitalist America that embraces PRIVATE enterprise…
And has the world’s leading economy….
So you admit they are going broke and your solution is to print more money.
Yeah like I said this would be “enlightening.”
“Printing more money” as a solution is the response of an idiot – someone who doesn’t even have the most rudimentary level of economic understanding.
Question Z?
How BIG is the difference between what the US Government COLLECTS in revenue and how much it SPENDS?
Please explain to us here about the difference in American money floating around?
A ‘balance sheet’ or summary?
I don’t understand your question – either because you are unable or unwilling to write in an articulate way.
The deficit is funded by the government borrowing the money. It is not funded by printing presses.
The question is simple accounting question….
Deficit spending is the amount by which spending exceeds revenue over a particular period of time, also called simply deficit, or budget deficit; the opposite of budget surplus. The term may be applied to the budget of a government….
The US deficit or lack of actual money it could pay out is almost a TRILLION dollars….
We don’t have a depression because the government PRINTS the MOINEY and doesn’t say like your bank?
You ain’t got enough to cover the checks….
YOU KNOW exactly what I’m getting at….
Fortunately, there are Serious people even in Congress who are working on these things.
Even the ”analyst” above uses the term”kick the can down the road,”admitting ,without realizing of course, that at some point these matters will have to be addressed.
Many of us won’t be around to see the results but there will have to be actual action in the future and it may be sooner than we think.
Then again as you all know,I don’t see the greys like the great “thinker” above does.
Oh, I agree jack….
At some point they MIGHT deal with it…
But as has been pointed out?
A Good healthy economy with people paying payroll taxes just relieves the pressure and makes doing anything unnecessary and we here KNOW that Congress does N OTHING unless forced to….
To project a “good healthy economy”(an economy by the way that you weekly tell us is getting Worse) years into the future as the “solution “ to anything reveals the mindset of one who either understands nothing or is being purposefully deceitful.
Either way it speaks volumes about who you are.
no problem….
i’m just keeping it real….
The ‘politics’ ARE. what they are…
And you KNOW that….
So does everyone else….
And Yes…
I do believe that the America economy is slowing….
And Lord help us if a recovery should count on Donald Trump….
Elizabeth Warren HAS arrived!…😆
Saturday Night Live waded into wonk territory in its Nov. 2 cold opening, tackling the debate over Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s sweeping plan to overhaul the nation’s health care system.
Kate McKinnon reprised her role as the Democratic presidential contender from Massachusetts, pacing back and forth on the stage in black pants, a black shirt and a bright red cardigan a la Warren.
The setting was a mock town hall in Iowa, which hosted a fall fundraising dinner for the Democratic candidates on Friday and where Warren has recently emerged as the candidate to beat.
With sleeves rolled up and brimming with energy, McKinnon’s Warren started by introducing herself — “Look at me, I’m in my natural habitat: a public school on a weekend” — then offered to “pour one out” for former Rep. Beto O’Rourke of Texas, who left the race Friday….
There is nothing “real” about what you are posting.
Indeed it is the epitome of “don’t confuse me with the facts.”
As for your absurd “political reality” argument?
You have no idea what the political “reality “ will be in the future and ,of course, my original comment was about the future when Medicare and SS are bankrupt.
Any Idiot would understand that when confronted with such a crisis a Congress of the future would have to respond .
To obfuscate the issue you try to make the issue about the present which it was not.
…..’congress of the future’…..
My point….
Well that mostly contradicts your first post on this thread- which means we wasted all this time.
Just to show you how you could nsistently screw yo everything?
This whole discussion started yesterday when I posted (@12:15) that a Congress “in the future” would have to do something about health care, Medicare and SS.
You said that you “”disagree”
Now?Well “maybe”
Of course you are uh keeping it “real.”
What a joke!
You just repudiated your supposed “disagreement “ which started the whole damn discussion.
My basic sticks….
NO ONE is gonna rush out and deal with either entitlement programs….
You guys hanging on the ‘future’ thing goes back to my statement in the sentence above….
Nope you are trying to obfuscate as you usually do when caught in one of your many inconsistencies.
I never said anything about the present.My entire statement was about the future when these programs run out of money(not part of the discussion but your statements also indicate you don’t understand how these programs are financed,also unsurprising)
I have Proven by your own Words that you changed your position.
You do this all the time .Everyone here knows it.
As I’ve said before, you are very much like Donald Trump.
He, he, he….
I DID point out how they ARE financially and that their numbers COULD increase with a good Econ…
The politics….
But hey?
You keep dancing even if I answer your questions….
Warrens healthcare plan continues getting a beat down on twitter….
I list 4 components….
The main ones in BOT programs ARE solvent for at least decades…
The secondaries ARE NOT…
I list how Congress and President’s have handled this…
I point out that the handling won’t change…
If U still have a problem?
U should take it up with ole ‘Lindsey’….
he’s well aware of the situation and has among those who I have described as annually ducking the issue...
Healthcare costs in the US are almost twice as high as the second highest country in the world (Switzerland)and we don’t even cover everyone. It is irresponsible for any politician to ignore the cost and inequity and to argue to keep the status quo.
The real argument for failure to take action is that in the short term, the country still lacks the political will to do anything – and that is true with other difficult political issues too. We need a leader who will talk about what needs to be done – and the solution has nothing to do with playing the record player.
Donald Trump?
Stop immigration
Stop Trade inequality
Bring the troops home
Disregard the Democrats in Congress
Beat down the FBI
Ignore the intelligence community
Get rid of healthcare
The above IS what the Trump supporters believe ‘should be done’ to ‘change’ things?
How much ‘change’ ?
I want someone to work WITHIN the system to make change…
THAT is possible without screwing up things…
I’ve had enough of Trump trying dismantle 300 years of American history….
Ultimately, Democrats won’t win if they mostly just focus on Trump. Hillary tried that and she failed. Having a positive message sells.
Yes, I expect the next Democratic President to work with Republicans. But making that message a part of your campaign gives the Republicans greater power because now they can say that you promised to be bi-partisan, and you should know by now that they don’t want to work with Democrats. If you promise to include Republicans, anything you pass must be a center-right bill. And most Republicans will oppose a center-right Bill.
Yes I agree Z…..
Away from the media spotlight people want to know what can be done to help themselves…
Biden DOES have the most experience doing that after decades of service…
But a good amount of progressives hold THAT against him….
Buttigieg and Klobuchar would also be close to your point of view…
Who has criticized Biden for his many decades of experience? Why do you just make shit up all of the time to support what you want to believe?
You should know that just because Biden has the most experience, that does not mean he is the most knowledgeable or most qualified. Are you a fan of Chuck Grassley because of his many decades of experience?
Are you saying that Biden doesn’t get knocked for being old school?
…After Biden was criticized from all corners of the debate stage Thursday — on his age, record and ideology, and most dramatically over busing and his relationships with segregationist senators — …
From an early debate…
Please follow the thread and remember what you said. You previously said (essentially) “Progressives believe that having the most experience is bad” which is a different statement than “Biden gets criticized for being old school”.
Having substantial experience is of course good – and I am not aware of anyone who said otherwise.
I am not aware of anyone who has criticized Biden on his age. He has been criticized for not thinking clearly on his feet – which may be the result of his age, but Sanders is older than Biden and I don’t think too many people would say he can’t think on his feet. Of course the age of Biden (and Sanders) and to a lesser extent others should be a consideration on who to vote for, but that is not the same as criticizing his experience.
Yes. Biden has received criticism for his past lavish praise of segregationist senators. And he deserved the criticism – just as Trump deserved criticism for comments like “good people on both sides”. While some people of our age group might forgive him for this, that is less true of younger people.
I don’t think the busing criticism of Biden was fair, but he handled the criticism ineptly.
This isn’t knocking his age?
…Former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke , 46, and Pete Buttigieg , the 37-year old mayor of South Bend, Indiana, have stepped up questions this week about whether Biden really provides new perspectives for the direction of the country after the 2020 election.
“We cannot return to the past,” O’Rourke told MSNBC on Thursday. “That cannot be who we are going forward. We’ve got to be bigger, we’ve got to be bolder.”
O’Rourke has spent months praising Biden’s experience and perspective. His criticism now comes two weeks before Democrats gather for the first presidential debate of the primary and highlights the generational divide that some candidates are trying to draw in hopes of reshaping the race.
Though O’Rourke didn’t mention Biden’s age, he said Biden, a two-term vice president under Barack Obama, represents a return to the past….
…Castro went against Biden over his health care plan, which he stated would leave 10 million people uninsured and require Americans to opt-in. When Biden insisted that Americans wouldn’t have to opt into the plan, Castro responded by criticizing Biden’s memory, saying, “But you just said that two minutes ago! . . . Are you forgetting what you said two minutes ago?”…
Both these guys ARE gone and ole’ Joe is still cousin in the lead….
209 Economists signed a letter supporting Medicare for all. It is not a fringe concept.
Glad they signed it….
Lawmakers would be responsible to make it happen and they ain’t biting….
From EITHER party….LOL….
Warren just went out on a limb….
Only person out further is Sanders and he out and OUT says You and me ARE gonna have to pay MORE taxes to make single payer work….
last I looked Bernie Sanders is LOSING support?
Biden, Buttigieg and Klobucher are for Obamacare fixes that sound more reasonable….
Why are you glad that so many economists signed something that you believe is irresponsible?
Why do you think healthcare costs in the US are so expensive relative to the rest of the world which does have the equivalent of Medicare for all? What does Biden propose that will do anything to bring down healthcare costs?
NOT try to raise TRILLIONS in tax money…..
there are many reasons why it is cheaper for the government to administer healthcare than private carriers. Here are some reasons off the top of my head. 1) Private carriers spend money on every claim to see if they can deny it. From a societal perspective, that is desirable for some claims (like a questionable surgery), it is not desirable for others (like a broken bone). 2) Private carriers have to charge more so that stockholders make a profit, 3) Executive officers at private companies earn enormously more than at government-run institutions. At Private carriers, the CEO’s base salary is likely eight digits – and that doesn’t include the bonus which likely could exceed the base salary. 4) Private carriers spend substantially more on marketing materials – which are often deceptive. 5) There is less efficiency – an this is a big reason. When a law changes, every insurance carrier has to update its system(s) to reflect the new law – instead of just one system being updated – which would be the case if it was government run. With 50 states and other US jurisdictions, this is literally almost a daily occurrence (or at least it is for workers compensation) IT is a major expense of insurance companies and this is an enormous expense and duplication of services that ultimately gets passed on to the consumer, 6) With multiple payers, it is very expensive for doctors and hospitals to keep up with the unique requirements and forms of all insurance companies. This expense is also far more than a person who doesn’t work in the industry would believe. Ultimately, this gets passed on too.
The above are some of the reasons off the top of my head why healthcare costs in the US are so expensive, and why a Medicare for all solution would in the long term reduce costs.
Note that I am a believer in capitalism. From my experience, I just don’t think it works for healthcare.
The problem is that BOTH Sanders and Warren propose YUGE tax INCREASES in the Trillions to get where u AND THEY WANT TO GO….
Few politicians in their right mind are interested in this….
The DEMOCRATIC House Leader has come out against it ALREADY….
Republicans will label this socialism …..
While some embrace the concept?
Implementing it is cost prohibitive politically….
To be fair….
Entitlements ARE socialist in nature…
But they are already in place….
And accepted….
Re-inventing the wheel is just NOT gonna happen anytime soon with parts of these program’s having money , while others don’t…..
Well, since you don’t think I’m “in my right mind”, then there is no point in discussing this further with you. I guess I am just unable to understand your explanations as to why healthcare costs in the US are so expensive relative to other countries, or how these costs can be significantly reduced without a major restructure of the system, or why you are happy that economists support Medicare for all when you don’t think it will work. Silly me -I don’t even see where you even attempted to answer these questions.
I support healthcare for all – which is what Obama ran on in 2008. You can continue with your Republican talking points. You can even continue to talk like Trump “YUGE tax INCREASES”. But just note that depite what you want to believe, healthcare for all actually has very strong public support.
And that is my last word for awhile. I won’t argue with you any further on this.
I respect what U support….
But I just do NOT think is feasible at this time….
Obama might have ran on it….
But experience shows us that any serious thought that it might happen?…. Is wishful thinking…
I DO point to BOTH parties not embracing the concept also…
The idea HAS to be workable…
It cannot just appear out of thin air….
And America is NOT ready for the cost IS my continued point…
THAT should N OT dissuade you from u want Z….
A single payer healthcare program DOES have wide support….
It lose that support when the same people are asked about paying the bill to implement it…
This IS a place for people to express their views, even if they are different….
I don’t take differences personally….
Like Biden
I CAN talk to people who have different views….
Speaking to Trump might NOT be included….
James, All of us on this site can talk with people who have different views than us. but unlike other people here, you consistently piss people off, and they often leave the conversation either frustrated or angry.
I’m not sure why you compared yourself to Biden on this.
Being able to deal with different points of view…
That is not one of your skills. Unlike you, the rest of us don’t feel the need the need to make up shit about candidates they don’t like. And the rest of us are willing and able to explain our views.
Ezra Klein
The only health care bill that will make anyone’s life better is the one that actually passes.