She wants those taxes to come from rich people….
Anybody think an American Congress is gonna pass a tax that will take that much money from the rich without a fight?
Anybody think that some of middle class people ain’t gonna hit with some of this ?
This IS a YUGE tax increase she is gonna try to sell….
It also relies on a complete reversal on several of the current other things in immigration and the countries national defence policy…
Ten years into a maturing Obamacare?
She and Sanders want to go thru changing things again?
This is just a campaign promise that has NO chance of becoming anything…
Senator Elizabeth Warren on Friday proposed $20.5 trillion in new spending through huge tax increases on businesses and wealthy Americans to pay for “Medicare for all,” laying out details for a landmark government expansion that will pose political risks for her presidential candidacy while also allowing her to say she is not raising taxes on the middle class to pay for her health care plan.
Ms. Warren, who has risen steadily in the polls with strong support from liberals excited about her ambitious policy plans, has been under pressure from top rivals like former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. to release details about paying for her biggest plan, “Medicare for all.” Her new proposal marks a turning point for her campaign, in which she will have to sell voters on a tax-and-spending plan that rivals the ambitions of the New Deal and the Great Society while also defending it against both Democratic and Republican criticism.
Under Ms. Warren’s plan, employer-sponsored health insurance — which more than half of Americans now receive — would be eliminated and replaced by free government health coverage for all Americans, a fundamental shift from a market-driven system that has defined health care in the United States for decades but produced vast inequities in quality, service and cost.
The twitter comments on this from Warren are running negative due to the cost, which mirrors the polling when people are told the cost involved…
Biden, Buttigieg and Klobuchar do NOT support this….
Sanders DOES…
I haven’t seen ONE comment on twitter supporting the Warren plan…
We’ll see…
But she may have made a HUGE mistake…
It’s gonna be interesting to see how the political media is gonna handle this…
They have been pushing her…
The issue will NOT be the others’ plan’s…
It’s gonna be about COST….
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign hit Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) over her new “Medicare for All” plan on Friday, saying it really would result in a middle-class tax increase despite Warren’s claims….
Now, if only they would have been that honest about Obamacare….
You and Trump– still pushing a Republican replacement fot the ACA.
Hope dies hard.
I don’t see Trump pushing anything.
I am just saying that since Biden is telling the truth about Elizabeth Warren’s plan (I don’t hear anyone disagreeing) he should have also told the truth about the costs of Obamacare and that you couldn’t “keep your doctor.”
And again, what is the Republican alternative?
The “market.”
Obamacare has been the American healthcare plan for a decade…
It is NOT perfect …
But roughly 1/3 of Americans Are covered by it…
To COMPLETELY change the American healthcare plan to a Government based one simply is NOT gonna happen…
We have enough issues getting thru the last decade..
Even the Republicans have stopped talking g ab out repealing it…
If you read Warren’s plan?
It involves side changes that ARE wholly separate …
The court she is talking about somebody just mentioned is the amount of america taxes collected since we started …
She IS right….
It IS a ‘big dream’…
From the top….
NEW: Nancy Pelosi says that she isn’t “a big fan” of Medicare for All.
She said the plan would cost too much and that many Americans don’t want to lose their private health insurance plans…
This reaction from Pelosi, etc is telling me that:
A. The party establishment is *extremely* worried about the prospect of Warren or Sanders being nominated.
B. If one is, say Warren, there is going to have to be some serious backtracking either on what she is proposing today or those who are saying it cannot be done. I am guessing it will be the latter and Democrats will all easily in line with “Medicare For All is The Only Humane Choice Remaining in the History of Earth.”
Obamacare is pretty much institutionalized now.
Republicans ,except for a little vocalizing as you are witnessing here, have pretty much given up the fight.
I mean if they couldn’t get rid of it when they controlled the presidency and both houses of Congress?Then when exactly?
Clearly, you don’t know where to look on Twitter.
As for Warrens plan?
Just let me say that anybody who thinks that you can adopt Medicare For All or any single payer plan without new taxes?Is ,by definition, an Idiot.
I don’t know how realistic (let alone sellable) Bernie Sanders’ plan for Medicare for All is, but he’s been much more honest: taxes (including middle-class/working-class taxes will rise, but that rise will be more than counterbalanced by savings on premiums, co-pays, deductibles and exclusions.
The easiest way to raise part of the cost is increasing FICA & OASDHI taxes (on both employee & employer) that already cover Social Security, Medicare (A & B), and the Federal share of Medicaid.
As a former tax-return preparer, I do foresee a difficult hit on the self-employed, who will be hit twice because they pay both the employer and the employer parts of payroll taxes (partly counterbalanced by a self-employment tax credit above the line).
On the other hand (provided there are sensible transition plans), replacing the whole private insurance apparatus with the Center for Medicare & Medicare Services (CMS) should save a huge chunk of money, while closing all the gaps in private insurance (the bedrock of the ACA).
As for consumer satisfaction with their current health plans (which led to the false promise that ACA would let you keep your doctor and keep your current provider), often that’s satisfaction with the financial aspects, something that would be improved by Medicare for All.
[HMO’s, like Kaiser-Permanente and some of Humana’s plans, are a rather different question: many Californians like Kaiser, and some dislike it, because of the care they receive at Kaiser hospitals from Kaiser-employed doctors, nurses and therapists.]
I’d be very interested to read the comments of Zreebs, who knows much more about insurance than I.
By the way for those asking what my “plan” would be….
I am only one person, out of power but I think it is becoming an increasingly good and necessary idea to decouple health insurance with employment. People should be able to take their insurance from job to job or not have the fear that they will lose coverage or see it change drastically if they lose their job.
So, while we would have Medicare for the elderly and Medicaid for those who truly need it, especially children, adults can purchase their own private account for themselves or their family, that they manage, according to their needs and choices, free from government interference.