…from Reuters…
News of the video was first reported by the New York Times, which said it obtained it from someone who attended the three-day gathering last week at Trump National Doral Miami and took a cellphone video of it. Parts of the video were posted on YouTube in 2018, the Times said.
It shows Trump’s head superimposed on the body of a man wearing a pinstriped suit and opening fire with a handgun inside the “Church of Fake News.” The parishioners’ are identified by the logos of news organizations or the faces of political opponents and critics of the president.
“We have previously told the president his rhetoric could incite violence,” Jonathan Karl, president of the association, said in a statement.
“Now we call on him and everybody associated with this conference to denounce this video and affirm that violence has no place in our society,” Karl added.
The video has been shared on social media. Reuters has not obtained a copy.
The political action group hosting the event, American Priority, denounced the violence in the video and are investigating as to how it was shown. It said in a statement on Twitter that it had not been aware of the video and did not approve it.
“This video was not approved, seen or sanctioned by the … organizers,” the group said, adding that the video had been shown in a “side room.”
White House spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham wrote in a post on Twitter that Trump had not yet seen the video, but condemned it “based upon everything he has heard.”
The Times reported that the video appeared to include edited scenes from the 2014 dark comedy “Kingsman: The Secret Service.”
The Lynyrd Skynyrd song “Free Bird,” which had been properly licensed by the movie, can be heard on the video but was used without the knowledge of the band or its management, spokesman Ross Schilling said.
“We are certain that no one condones the violence and parody that video represents,” Schilling said in an email….
Pretty lane response from the White House. But enough for Republicans to pretend Trump actually disavowed it and continue their cult like devotion.
The video, which I haven’t seem , is right for Donald Trump’s LOVE of outrageous entertainment….
I agree Scott, and the Republicans are defending this atrocity, vigorously defending a video that promotes violence against Trump’s political opponents. This can only lead to disaster.
Interesting day. The Trump Administration, and many of the Republicans in Congress, have deserted the Kurds in favor of Turkey and Trump’s real estate investments. And, this reminded me that our country, and the Republicans specifically, have done exactly the same thing in the past.
After all, George H.W. Bush, after encouraging the Kurds in Northern Iraq to revolt left them to be gassed by Saddam Hussein (thousands died). Then, George W. Bush, after starting the wrong war in the wrong place, and creating ISIS, allowed Turkey to carry out a heavy bombing campaign inside Iraq as just another chapter in their longstanding campaign to eradicate the Kurds. And yet, the Kurds, given what they were up against with Assad and Turkey were willing to help us once again, until Trump came along.
Now Trump, another Republican, in fact the most popular of all Republican Presidents with the Party base, has fucked the Kurds again. All to protect his Istanbul real estate investments and, apparently, as a birthday present to Vladimir Putin.
The efforts to contain ISIS in cooperation with the Kurds was started by the Obama Administration and had shown real progress. The Kurds and a small number of U.S. forces had over 10,000 ISIS fighters in custody, and they are now, given the Turkey’s invasion, escaping back into the desert and will most likely resume their terrorist activities soon. The Turks are focused exclusively on destroying the Kurds and keeping them from establishing an identifiable homeland and could care less where the ISIS fighters go. All because Trump is impulsive and greedy and, because, the Republicans in the Senate are spineless.
For years the Kurds have been victims of the Assad regime and now they have been targeted by Turkey, and that has driven them toward Assad in a desperate attempt to survive. All because Donald Trump likes dictators and made an agreement with Erdogan (who now has tacit control over the nuclear weapons we have in Turkey).
You cannot make this shit up, no one could write this as some sort of international thriller because no editor would believe that an American President could be this careless, or stupid, or both to set these events in motion.
So now the Republicans in the House and Senate are turning themselves inside out to avoid upsetting their “Great White Hope” by avoiding a confrontation with Trump over this betrayal of our allies (how very Bush of him).
Trump is now trying to somehow “fix” the problem that he has created, but like most of his Administration it’s “too little, too late.” And, the Republicans in Congress are now claiming this is all happening because Nancy is trying to impeach the Mango Mussolini.
Like I said, you can’t make this shit up.
But, by all means, let’s keep talking about Warren and gay marriage.
Tonight was movie night here in wine country. We watched “the 40 Year Old Virgin,” it seemed appropriate.
And both Geoege W. Bush and Trump made similar mistakes, mistaking the end of the beginning (in Churchill’s words) for the end of the end.
In 2004, Bush (or his staff) boasted “Mission Accomplished” because they had easily defeated the Iraqi army — or more accurately flushed it into the underbrush — when most of us could see that his difficulties had just begun.
This year, Trump asked for universal praise for the the military defeat of the Islamic Caliphate as an army holding physical ground, when few who had the slightest notion could see that destroying the physical Islamic State was only the beginning.
And while I can’t begin to understand the ethno-religious history of the Middle East, both al-Qaeda in Iraq and ISIS arose from the Sunni population’s defensive reaction to rule by a very small Alawite minority in Syria and to the Shi’ite majority governments of Saddam Hussein and Nour al-Malaki (sp?) in Iraq.
I still think the most egregious act was when Bush I encouraged the Kurds to revolt against Saddam and then left them to be gassed without lifting a hand.
Right now all those ISIS fighters that were imprisoned by the Kurds are escaping to plan their revenge. When will Americans start assigning blame for these acts?