Factchecking against Elizabeth Warren, campaign stories….
The Riverdale Board of Education approved a second-year teaching contract for a young Elizabeth Warren, documents show, contradicting the Democratic presidential candidate’s repeated claims that she was asked not to return to teaching after a single year because she was “visibly pregnant.”
Minutes of an April 21, 1971, Riverdale Board of Education meeting obtained by the Washington Free Beacon show that the board voted unanimously on a motion to extend Warren a “2nd year” contract for a two-days-per-week teaching job. That job is similar to the one she held the previous year, her first year of teaching. Minutes from a board meeting held two months later, on June 16, 1971, indicate that Warren’s resignation was “accepted with regret.”
Warren’s claim that she was dismissed after her first year of teaching because she was pregnant has become a cornerstone of her stump speeches. She has used it to both explain her jump from teaching into the legal world as well as to showcase the difficulties that women face in the workplace. The principal of the school she worked at in the early 1970s, Warren has said, “showed [her] the door” at the end of the school year because she was “visibly pregnant.”…
Warren’s claim about her dismissal from the Riverdale Elementary School came under scrutiny last week when the journalist Meagan Day of Jacobin magazine noted that Warren’s story appeared to have changed over the years….
If this was about Joe Biden?
This story would be a screaming headline….
Outside of Trumpist Republicans who hate Warren anyway this story will go nowhere I think.
The Washington Free Beacon is a right wing paper.
The fact is she WAS NOT fired…
It WAS back in the day and really has nothing to do with today…
I posted it because she DOES HAVE to deal with it….
I have felt that she has been getting a free ride at Biden’s expense in the media…
There ARE gonna be more negative stuff coming ay her, which is only fair….
I don’t particularly care about this story one way or another but Scott’s dismissal of it simply because of the source is very Trumpian.
“New York Times = fake news!”
I don’t dismiss the story due to it’s source, but the Beacon’s readership is more likely to think this as a big issue than your average voter. And as I note, those readers aren’t going to support Warren–or any Democrat– anyway.
As Zreebs noted in tbe early 70s if women whose pregnancy was visible were dismissed at this school maybe Warren quit before she would have been fired.
If right wingers like the Free Beacon want to harp on this story feel free. Might as well make that gender gap as wide as possible.
The story has made it’s way elsewhere of course. In 2007, Warren had a different account of leaving this job which seems to correspond with the public record and the research done for this story.
As a politician, she has made numerous remarks about being “shown the door” in this job, which she now seems to be conceding is meant as a figure of speech and not literal.
Sure, many people who approve of Warren ideologically won’t care about any of this or her inconsistencies, just like many people who wish to excuse Trump overlook his lies and exaggerations, both big and small.
We will see if the perspective from people here changes if and when Biden brings this up in a debate or if and when Warren brings up Biden’s son and Ukraine.
Funny. I thought you “don’t particularly care about this story”
I don’t but I can still be knowledgeable about things in the news. Makes me a “high info” voter.
And I have to admit, when tribalists (on either side) get extremely defensive, it makes me more interested.
Well you seem “interested” in tying Warren and Biden to Trump.
Gotta ger your excuse in to vote for whatever third party or independent nobody you cast yourvballot for. I’m not even suppprting Warren at this time. I just don’t see this blowing up into a big story. If anything it will drive the women’s vote against Republicans if they want to push the lying pregnant woman story.
Well, I admit I think they would all be bad Presidents They also all seem to have demonstrated a willingness to make thing up or exaggerate for public consumption and I find that off-putting.
He, he, he…
You are NOT acknowledging Trump’s lies….
Everyone did it, eh?
I said “all” did I not?
Biden, Trump, and Warren.. and of course there are others.
Biden set a new standard when he got caught plagiarizing someone else’s biography as a Presidential candidate and had to drop out for that reason in 1987.
Warren’s claim to be part Native American turned out to be a humiliation for her.
We all know what a complete and utter liar Trump is.
But one cannot only go after one or only go after the “worst” one as long as that same person is willing to overlook it in those whom they want to root for.
This is what the Republicans do Scott. They use a source that they know will repeat a story verbatim that serves it propaganda purposes, in this case a story about the leading woman running for President, and it goes mainstream when she gets asked to comment. Fox News picks it up and we’re off and running with smear.
I left teaching, in part, because I saw what happened to female, gay, and teachers of color when it came time to renew their contracts. This story was common back when Warren started her career as a teacher, and I have no doubt that she was made to think that she wasn’t welcome because of her pregnancy. So, people who claim they are knowledgeable about this story either don’t know shit or are just trying to take hits at a leading Democrat. After all, whoever wins the Democratic nomination will be running against a world class liar who has inflated his resume and personal worth for years now. So, who has the established history of playing fast and loose with their resume??
I guess our friend is so focused on finding excuses to cast a “passive” vote for Trump next year that he is driven to find fault with any of the Democratic candidates to justify whatever third party candidate that crawls out of the woodwork.
Once again, if Saint Mitt would only challenge the Mango Mussolini for the nomination then our friend would have a real cause to get behind.
And Trump uses the false marker like a pro…
Continually repeating so the media will KEEP reporting it even in a negative ….
KEEP REPEATING IT …which works for him to his base…
James does like to quote from right wing sources on Democratic candidates other than Biden.
Who know what really happened, but now retired teachers who were teaching there at the time have said that “the rule was at five months you had to leave when your were pregnant. Now if you didn’t tell anybody you were pregnant, you could fudge it and try to stay on a little bit longer”. “They kind of wanted you out if you were pregnant.”
Elizabeth Warren is standing by her story.
The Washington Free Beacon, for what it’s worth,initially commissioned and funded Christopher Steele’s investigation investigations into Trump & Russia (later part of the “Steele Dossier), a project that was later taken over and subsidized by Democrats.
According to Wikipedia:
“…In October 2015, Fusion GPS was contracted by conservative political website The Washington Free Beacon to provide general opposition research on Trump and other Republican presidential candidates. In April 2016, an attorney for Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the DNC separately hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump, while The Free Beacon stopped its backing in May of 2016. In June 2016, Fusion GPS subcontracted Steele’s firm to compile the dossier. DNC officials denied knowing their attorney had contracted with Fusion GPS, and Steele asserted he was not aware the Clinton campaign was the recipient of his research until months after he contracted with Fusion GPS. Following Trump’s election as president, funding from Clinton and the DNC ceased, but Steele continued his research and was reportedly paid directly by Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn R. Simpson. While compiling the dossier, Steele passed information to both British and American intelligence services.”
The Washington Free Beacon has said that Biden still has answers he needs to provide about his son’s involvement in Ukraine.
The “Free Beacon” is handed out by Moonies at the DC Metro stop.
Hopefully what’s left of the mainstream media won’t fall into this circle of “pearl clutching.” They have already decided that Biden didn’t respond “forcefully” enough to Trump’s rants.
If Trump had to answer for everything his children continue to do that is questionable, that’s all he would do.
We’ve gone, or should I say the Republican’s have gone, through the looking glass.
I agree – I just made the point to prove that the free Beacon – which James featured earlier in a different article – is slanted news.
All sorts of publications have “slants.” It doesn’t make them invalid.
Warren does have a history of playing fast and loose with her personal bio.
I have no reason to believe that Warren plays fast and loose with her personal bio.
I have told other people than my great-grandfather came to the US at the turn of the century with two brothers. It is what my father told me. Is it true? I think so, but the reality is how can I know for sure? I’m confident that Warren believed the story she was told of her Indian roots.
With regard to the pregnancy story, i’m pretty sure that the official record is not going to say thatWarren was fired for being pregnant. Former teachers at the school say that Warren would not have been able to work if she was visibly pregnant. So saying she was forced out is not really inaccurate even if she technically quit.
Lastly our recollection of things does change over time. For example, I recall you on several occasions talking about Hillary’s pant suits, but you claim that you never had such an obsession. And I am not the only one who remembers this obsession. So are you lying now, or did you more likely just forget?
I’ve asked for examples of this “pantsuit” thing and you never were able to provide them. You cannot even recall the context, etc.
I likely very rarely mentioned “pantsuits” and never in an insulting way. She mentioned them all the time. It’s part of her Twitter bio.
Why so defensive about pantsuits? I didn’t accuse you of wearing them.
No, I don’t remember the months – or even the year that you talked about Hillary’s pant suits. I remember it because that interest at the time struck me as weird. To your credit, you no longer talk about them.
My point is that people do have different recollections of the past – and people’s recollections can and do change.
I never talked about pantsuits often and not in a negative light. You just are trying to suck up to Keith (such as using my full name on here) who often makes things up. If this really was a common thing, you ought to at least have some memory before making an accusation.
The only thing I might have said once is that Hillary was “Nixon in a pantsuit”, which if you think about it is not insulting a pantsuit. Plus. I like Nixon.
What I do recall is that the last time you and Keith brought this up, DSD defended me on it, and either he or I pointed out the 2016 episode of the popular sitcom “black-ish”, hardly a right-wing show, in which the teenage male character showed up to a debate for Class President in a Hillary inspired pantsuit.
Perhaps also there is some confusion between me and that avowed right-winger and Clinton hater David Letterman who had a running gag about Hillary and her pantsuits for years.
Just Google Letterman and pantsuits. Is he “weird” or just being a comedian? Probably both.
I agree Zreebs. I’m sure Mitt remembers his dog Seamus loving being strapped in top of the car on road trips because I’m sure Seamus was happy and appreciative when he was taken down from there and was able to be with his fanily again. While on top of the car it’s likely he was terrified (and Mitt admits he had to hose the dog puke off after the trip)
It wasn’t puke. Everyone has to go. Seamus likely enjoyed the breeze more than if he were in the car with the whole family. This wasn’t exactly the scene out of “National Lampoon Vacation.”
Dogs shouldn’t be strapped to the roofs of cars. Only a tribalist would defend that
The dog wasn’t “strapped to the roof” of the car.
Mitt Romney dog incident
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
During a 1983 family vacation, Mitt Romney drove 12 hours with his dog on top of the car in a windshield-equipped carrier.
This incident became the subject of negative media attention and political attacks on Romney in both the 2008 and the 2012 presidential elections…
Can I post articles and sources from 1983 now too? Let me know.
there have posts about sanders, reagan, bush I and others at this site….
the post on warren was done with an explanation …
i will not entertain personal stuff here against others as u well know…
the warren story is now out there and she is dealing with it just like the native american one …
biden carries his own back in the day issues in the past…
EVERYONE has a negative back in the day story…
Trumpism has made them less onerous ….
Yes. Of course Mitt was actually thinking of the dog’s best interest when he put him on the car roof. That is why almost every week you see some dog on a car roof.
Yes Scott, dog shit or dog puke, either way Saint Mitt stepped in it. What a ridiculous claim, the dog enjoyed it. PETA denounced him if I recall.
We all have different recollections here of what our friend Corey has written over the years. I for one, remember him making derisive comments about Hillary’s pant suits and her choice of wardrobe in general. Something a male politician has never had to endure. But, she’s a tough lady and can take it. Why just today the Senate Intel Committee told us how intensive the Russian campaign was to make sure she didn’t get into the White House. How proud all of Trump’s Republican supporters in Congress must be to hear this news. And, we they haven’t even looked at the NRA and their efforts with Russia yet.
But back to Mitt.
Much has been made here recently about this or that politician making self-promoting statements and somehow comparing those statements to the outright lies coming out of Donald Trump’s mouth. False equivalencies all.
Are we not to forgive a politician for remembering an event in a more favorable light? After all, I remember Mitt telling the lie that he had marched with his father George (a real statesman) with Dr. King for Civil Rights in Detroit, when it was proven he could have never been there in the first place.
But, it seems, for our friend Corey, that Hillary embellishing a dangerous landing in Kosovo is a high crime of treason, while a Republican can actually commit treason and it’s no big deal.
Perhaps, just perhaps, because it was a Republican is telling the self-aggrandizing story, our friend Corey not only gives that individual a pass, but he jumps to his defense (I say this because there are so few elected Republican women these days).
Romney’s “Binders full of woman” and poor Seamus. Either way it seems that clueless Mitt is the defacto leader of the anti-Trump faction of the GOP these days. Doesn’t give me a lot of encourage for our Democracy on this beautiful evening in wine country.
More lies from Keith, who of course has a well documented history of past racist activism.
Mitt Romney did not say he marched with MLK. He said his father , George Romney had, and that was correct.
I still would like someone to actually describe a time I actually said something unfair about “pantsuits.”
Mitt has repeated the story many times that he saw his father marching with Dr. King.
That isn’t true, but Romney said that was a figure of speech. Sure it was.
But, no one has found evidence that George (the real statesman) actually marched with King.
Is that a lie Corey?
Makes you wonder if Mitt is really telling the truth about opposing Trump. Since he can’t, by your standard, tell the truth?
Saw as in aware of. George Romney certainly supported MLK’s agenda and Eyewitnesses says George Romney and MLK marched together (unplanned) in Michigan when Romney was Governor.
It is very telling that at a time when Romney is perhaps the strongest Republican voice speaking out against Trump’s misdeeds, you choose to attack Romney over stuff from decades ago. It seems like you and Trump are indeed kindred spirits.
He was proud of his father’s record, as he should have been. No one could ever possibly be proud of how you made your living, decades after George Romney was an ally of MLK. Are you proud of your past?
Yes Warren IS standing by her story….
And YES I WILL post from across the spectrum of media sources….
So you are like RCP in that regard, except you choose to exercise your own bias in the sidebar when it comes to polls because you don’t “like” Rasmussen, etc.
Just keeping it real form MY point of view…
And the Warren story NOW has hit across the sites….
I don’t give a shit about Biden plagiarizing a speech im 1987 or Warren quitting before she got fired in 1971. We have a felonious mad man in the White House and not a chance in Hell Republicans are going to remove him so in all likelihood it will be one of those two admittedly flawed people who will do it.
Maybe CG can Weird Science his own perfect candidate to vote for. Till then the grownups will do what we grownups do. Make realistic choices.
She’d look exactly like Katharine Harris.
CG yesterday while still refusing to explicitly concede that the only way to get rid of Trump was to support the Democratic nominee, admitted that he was “resigned “ to a Democratic President.
It’s not the “only” Constitutional way. You know better than that. It’s just the way you would most prefer.
And why would the Democrat nominee need my support? Won’t he or she be able to get enough without me? Especially in my state?
And how come you decided you couldn’t choose between Jim DeMint and Alvin Green? Do you now regret not voting for DeMint?
If jack wants to practice what he preaches, he probably needs to start voting exclusively in Republican primaries in his state. That is the *only* realistic way to defeat the Republicans in office he does not like. This is becoming closer to reality in Missouri as well.
Voting for a Democrat in a general election in South Carolina may suit your conscience, but it’s ultimately a waste of time, right?
I’m “preaching”nothing.
I would just quoting what you said yesterday.
I find this whole little minuet of yours humorous.
I don’t care who you “vote” for.Its just highly amusing to watch your twist and turns to refuse to utter the words,”the Only way to get rid of Trump is to elect a Democratic President.”
But at least you are “resigned” to it.
And ,of course, whomever the Democratic candidate is?We can look forward to your bashing of them up till Election Day.
And why not?
It’s what a Republican should do?Are you “identifying” with them today?The other day you were quite exercised when I used that expression to define you.
I’ll be honest about them, whomever they are, and as always people are free to counter with their own views. I am sorry if those who prefer echo chambers will be triggered.
Oh ok let’s put this is in perspective.
You have labeled Trump a “psychopath.”I haven’t even done that.
I would think that one who believes that about the President Of the United States would want the opposing candidate ,even if philosophically opposed to them, elected to get rid of the psychopath and would not feel called upon to trash that candidate ,the only alternative to the psychopath.
However ,in your case, the importance of ridding the nation of a psychopath takes a back seat to playing political games.
So if a reader here were to take your stuff seriously,then, in effect ,you would wish to give them reasons not to vote for the only alternative to the psychopath.
Interesting formulation.
Not being a psychopath is simply not good enough. The other person may have personal or ideological faults that cannot be ignored.
I am not influencing anybody’s vote here by anything I type. I am not influencing anybody’s vote on HHR either. The only Presidential vote I may be able to influence in 2020 is if I can prevent my father from voting for Trump. I intend to try to do that.
But more broadly, why are you acting like I am the HR boss who is going to hire the next President my own self?
If the person you guys nominate is so good, they will win. Why does it matter what I do?
What matters to me is that one day I may meet the Almighty with a clear conscience and I want them to know that given free will on Earth, I did not vote for the moral depravity that is DJT, nor did I vote to advance the slaughter of innocent unborn children or a myriad of other things that I care about and I think perhaps G-d might as well.
Oh here we go.
The sanctimony flows.
In just a few hours it will be Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish year. It is a fast day, a day of abstinence, a day to “afflict your souls,” but most of all, a day to endeavor to put ourselves on the right path (a path that surely includes politics).
You have supported moral depravity your entire voting life Corey, from George Bush to Alan Keyes. Political figures that have used racial animus and prejudice to win votes and political power.
Tomorrow we open our hearts to each other and to God, ask forgiveness for our transgressions and pledge to live lives of goodness – devotion to God and devotion to each other. If this is to actually be achieved, it is necessary to sever yourself from the policies of a Party that simply favors the rich over the working class of our Country.
So when you ask others to Atone, as you did early today in what can only be described as a peak of anger, think about the damage your Party has inflected on the Country and continues to do so today.
It is more than apparent that you have been on the wrong path my friend. You will have my prayers tomorrow.
Oh yes twenty something Republicans are going to vote in the Senate to remove Trump.
I don’t care much for silly fairy tales.
Sort of like that line you were floating of how the Democrats should line up behind an “acceptable “ Republican like Kasich to defeat Trump.
All those things would be “Constitutional.”Of course nothing of the sort is going to happen.
So what? Maybe you will be right, maybe you will be wrong.
*If* you guys lose, you will wish someone high up would have worked out a deal like the one I suggested (i.e. someone not Trump who can actually get center-right and right votes to go along with those who only care about getting rid of Trump)
Or will you just say, “Well, Elizabeth Warren gave it her best shot and we are proud of her and proud to lose with her and will give it a go next time?”
Or Maybe Republicans should forget their hatred for ”libruls ” long enough to get rid of one you have described as a”psychopath .”
I guess what you’re saying is “don’t count on the Republicans, most of them are dumb as Hell.”
If your side is unwilling to compromise to attract the broadest possible coalition, then that’s on you guys.
As I have said, if you think you can win it all on your own (and you very well may be able to), then I don’t blame you for that.
But the first day the new President is in office, millions of Americans will not and should not be silent when it comes to matters of fundamental disagreement.
If your fellow party members are too damn dumb to see through a psychopath, uh that’s on You guys.
Geevthis is fun!
Gee, no kidding. At least I am one of the smart (and principled ones) as you have acknowledged.
Ha ha! Kasich won’t even run in his own party. But yeah it’ll be the fault of us librul Demmycrats for failing to get him to run in ours!
It doesn’t have to be Kasich. There would be other options, but yeah, in a one on one election between Trump and Kasich, it is pretty clear who would win, provided you guys are willing to put aside many of your beliefs and aspirations just to vote for the only person who might be Trump in that scenario.
But of course you think that Senator Warren or one of the others can do so and then somehow wave a magic wand in Congress and usher in “Medicare for All”, etc. etc,, so good luck. It might work electorally, but if it doesn’t, you probably ought to feel horrible that you took the gamble.
And you ought to feel horrible today that you are a member of the same political party that is supporting a psychopath for President.
I’ve felt horrible about that for four and a half years, but I know it’s not my fault or my burden.
I would feel horrible if I voted for Elizabeth Warren to be President, for whatever motivation, and she then goes about trying to destroy the fundamental values I believe in, even if she is a nicer and smarter person overall than DJT.
Kasich said yesterday that he didn’t see any quid pro quo in Trumps conversation with the Ukrainian President.
Basically the position of 90% or so of his fellow Republicans.
He’s also said he is in favor of the impeachment process.
But you already know that I back Joe Walsh who unblinkingly calls DJT a “traitor.”
Why have an impeachment process over an innocent telephone call?
I have no idea what Kasich said on tv this week, but we can have an impeachment to “cleanse the office.”
I remember watching Lindsey Graham forcefully say so in 1999 and he was right then and would still be right today.
So you believecTrump should be impeached on “general principles?”
Yes, on general principle since Day 1. He is a threat to the Republic.
But there is evidence he committed a crime in regards to his dealings as President with the Ukraine.
I also believe the evidence produced by the Mueller Report was more than enough to impeach him.
Rather than support a former Congressman, that couldn’t be elected in his home district let alone win the Republican nomination, why not pledge simply to vote for the Democratic nominee like every good American should?
Joe Walsh is a racist, teabagger, who promoted the “birther conspiracy” and called Obama a Muslim. His tweets were something to behold, and his comments about Senator Duckworth, a double amputee due to service related injuries, of not being a “true hero” were disgusting.
But, somehow, supporting Walsh instead of a viable Democratic Candidate who can actually remove this blight from the White House is the preferred course of action.
He certainly said Duckworth was a “true hero” based on her military service. He has rightly apologized for other things from his past, something that might serve you well one day Keith.
If the sole objective is to remove Trump, then frankly everyone who wants to do so should enter the GOP primary to find a way to do that.
The Democrat nominee will still be there in November if it doesn’t work.
As I have said before, if I thought there was a potential Democrat nominee that I found reasonable enough to overlook other differences, I would be willing to support that person, even if just one time.
However, that is not the case. The party does not want my vote.
An apology from Joe Walsh, we certainly remember all the apologies demanded by Corey over the years. Just recently about things that no one here remembers being written.
But, as Maya Angelo once told us about believing people the first time they tell who they are, I believed racist Joe Walsh the first time.
He promoted the birther conspiracy, he called our first black President a Muslim (and he didn’t mean it as a compliment), and he said Duckworth “of not being a true hero.” Saying racist things and then taking them back after the uproar subsides is an old Republican trick.
So, you reference “honorable Republicans” Corey, name ten ones (that are currently in office) not dead ones.
But you would rather support old racist Joe than a Democratic candidate that has the best chance to beat the man you think should be impeached.
It’s the Democratic Party and the Democratic nominee CG.
“Democrat” nominee is how Rush Limbaugh and Donald Trump refer to our party.
As well as many decent, honorable Republicans (in contrast) before them.
When I say “the Democrat Party should die in a fire”, you can call me out.
“Republican nominee”
“Democrat nominee”
Seems like I presented it accurately.
Maybe I should call it the Republic Party.
Nah that’s just as immature as Rush’s lingo.
Referring to the party as “The Republic” was frequently done in the late 19th and early 20th Century.
I would like it and understand your desire to type less keys on your device. I doubt a single Republican would ever complain.