Donald Trump was trying to make Turkey’s and Russian leaders happy in letting the Turk’s kick out the Kurds from its border…
To get his ‘media’ moment ?
The Pentagon planners for the ISIS raid had to count on military contacts that Trump has turned his back on….
In the end?
Turkey and Russians where notified that the American military would fly across their ground to do their work….
To kill Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi — arguably the most important national security accomplishment of the Trump presidency, along with wiping out ISIS’ caliphate — the U.S. relied on many tools President Trump has spurned.
Why it matters: Trump has said President George W. Bush’s Middle East invasion was the greatest mistake in American history. Trump says he wants to end endless wars, and bring troops home from Syria — but events keep pulling him back.
Trump will likely get a small bump in his approval number from this.