More and more people are coming in to talk about things Trump and his government installed supporters have tried to keep contained ….
While House Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi doesn’t want an impeachment trial with the Senate certain not to convict?
The revelations uncovered in closed door hearings may leave Pelosi with not choice but to move ahead with going for Trump’s Presidency …
In the end?
Republican Senator’s may be drawn into changing their minds due to the severity of illegality and the cover-ups…
The White House is launching a new effort to slow the speeding Democratic impeachment push, but its noncooperation strategy is being constantly thwarted by a daily stream of explosive secrets being spilled behind closed doors on Capitol Hill.
The concept that Pelosi does not want to see an impeachment trial in the Senate is absurd. Everyone recognizes it is going to happen.
BTW, brand new Gallup poll now shows support for removing Trump from office via impeachment to 52-46. In June it was 45-53, so that is a 14 point shift… despite what the frightened naysayers were saying here. Approval of Congress is also up 7 points, so clearly they are being rewarded for taking the first steps.
The numbers for impeachment are fine…
The question is?
Will they affect GOP US Senators….
Who cares who “owns” the jury? (which remains to be seen)
Did 1994 acquittal of O.J. Simpson make a beloved figure again in mainstream America?
She does NOT want it….
For the reason U KNOW….
Trump owns the Jury…..
So far
She absolutely wants it and so does any Democrat with a brain in their head basically..
1. It’s the right thing to do and it’s driving Trump insane
2. They get to follow the jack/Scott strategy of blaming all Republicans if they let him off.
I agree an impeachment trial will happen. Much to the chagrin of Senators Collins and Gardner. It will likely be their swan song in the US Senate.
Oh well.
I would bet money that Collins (along with Romney and Murkowski at the minimum) will vote to convict. That will help her win reelection.
Gardner may already have trouble either way, but I do not think Scott truly believes that Collins is certain to lose.
Cracks would be expected as the Democrats put off the actual vote….
No convictions play to Trump’s hand…
Of course?
Illegal stuff will be uncovered even after a no conviction US Senate vote….
It could also top to how MUCH political pain can Trump endure?
I believe that Collins will most likely lose, but that is far from certain.
Whom specifically will defeat her?
Liberal-moderate Republicans can be popular and re-elected in New England states, but suddenly lose to a Democrat [or to an independent].
Look at Christopher Shays (R-C0nn.), Peter Blute (R-Mass.), Peter Torkildson (R-Mass.), Margaret Heckler (R-Mass.), Margaret Chase Smith (R-Maine), Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) or Lincoln Chafee (R-R.I.)
Senators & U.S. Representatives (unlike Governors) can only win election in the first place by being perceived as liberal-moderate, and usually win by a fairly small margin dependent on independents and Democrats. [An exception would be Sen. John H. Chafee of Rhode Island, who only squeaked by narrowly in some elections but won landslides in others — and even he lost re-election as Governor in 1968.]
I would be astounded by neither a victory or a defeat for Susan Collins; the election could very easily go either way.
So bald assertions (or a loss or a victory) are just that, unsupported by any convincing evidence.
Sara Gideon has raised oodles of money for the Senate race in Maine. Cook also rates it a toss up.
And this was before Collins was f9rced into an impeachment vote that will likely screw her no matter which way she votes
If she votes yes, why wouldn’t you want her to remain in the Senate?
Do you think there would be any value in having that sort of Republican around or are you just on team “My Tribe. Period?”
So Scott, are now saying “tossup”, since you said “also” or Likely D?
Your first post on this thread specifically said “likely.”
I can’t speak for Scott,as for myself?
Certainly I would rather see a Democrat in that seat than a Republican, who generally will vote the Republican position on most issues.
Why wouldn’t I?
I don’t even “get” this question.
Susan Collins has always been a moderate Republican. jack, you have recently said you find yourself more and more a moderate Democrat. So, I don’t know where you would have a ton of disagreement with her.
Isn’t it best though for the two party system to have someone who is willing to stand up against what is wrong within their party? If she votes to convict Trump based on the evidence, shouldn’t she be applauded for that (remember, she also voted to acquit Clinton based on her view of the evidence.)
Otherwise, just say, I am going to stick with my Tribe. It’s an honest answer at least.
Well, we can assume that almost all the Democratic Senators are going to vote to convict and remove Trump, a position you endorse.
How many of them would you support for reelection?
I think we both know the answer.None.
Why? Because although you support this vote ,you likely would disagree with most of their other votes because you are a Republican.
That’s natural and I see nothing wrong with that.
Likewise ,as a Democrat ,even a moderate Democrat, I find myself in agreement far more with other Democratic Senators than with Susan Collins .
Once again, nothing unusual about that.
Yes, several of the Democrats who support removing Trump were on the debate stage last night. And CG said he would vote for none of them.
I’m not a single issue voter. They are going along with the pack though. It’s a non-story. A Republican exercising their conscience to vote Trump out would be a story though, right?
You guys know you are on an apples an oranges thing here.
Since we know we are going to have a two party system, wouldn’t you want someone “good” in the other party?
Really?Thats your position?
Could have fooled me.
Everybody here remembers your outrage that ,after accusing me of never voting for a Republican , I revealed that I had voted for Molly Spearman , a very well qualified relatively non partisan type person for S.C. Superintendent of Education.p against a clownish Democratic candidate.
Of course you had no idea who she was but so outraged were you to be proven wrong that you perused the net and found out that she had endorsed Trump, as had every other statewide Republican candidate in S.C.
And so you berated me for that.It was silly of course and was nothing more than you were upset because I had dare proved you wrong.
Now we get,that we should all “want someone good in the other party?”
Exactly what I did.Spearman has been a good Supt Of Education and I will likely vote for her if she runs again.
I know who Molly Spearman is. Remember I’m a political junkie. I am sure she is more qualified than the bozo your party nominated.
However, she would wear a red MAGA hat to march right down your block in order to get votes and it wouldn’t have caused you to bat an eye.
Susan Collins did not vote for Donald Trump in 2016, is almost certainly not going to vote for him in 2020., etc. etc
What exactly has she done that is so bad?
The answer I know you folks don’t want to own up to is “Kavanaugh” because that would reveal this is purely tribal.
And I already knew you voted for Nixon and Lindsey Graham. I was just surprised that during the Trump Era, you would vote for somebody who would openly embrace Donald Trump.
Oh the woman was just doing what all the Republicans were doing then.You well knew that.
Now you are admitting that in the future you are going to be supporting ,indeed likely voting for President ,Republicans who supported Trump.
Somehow you discern a “difference.
I don’t.
As to my past and future actions, in addition to Spearman I supported the Republican candidate for Probate Judge in Charleston County against a Democrat ,whom I knew ,but regarded as unqualified.
I will likely vote for the present County Clerk of Court, a Republican , who has done an exceptionally good job.
Frankly, I believe these technical type positions should be non partisan;however, as long as they remain partisan positions ,I will continue to support candidates I regard as best for the position , regardless of their party affiliation, or whom they “endorse” for President.
Which woman?
I just know that Susan Collins did not vote for Donald Trump.
Just be honest and say (at least at the federal level) that you stand by your Tribe and nothing is going to change that and any Democrat is better than any Republican and if you had your way the Senate would be 100-0 (even though we know that can never actually happen.)
Oh gee you didn’t know.
You couldn’t care less about this “good people from the other party “ routine.
And it makes you mad to be exposed so we are treated to such irreveren crapola as the above.
Yeah yeah everyone is a “tribalist ” but you of course.
I supported Joe Lieberman’s reelection years ago because he was willing to be independent. I have cited examples where I have supported Democrats over Republicans.
You just are angry that Collins voted for Kavanaugh, even though many many Republican Senators voted to approve Sotomayor and Kagan.
Wrong again .
I never commented on Kavanaugh.
You do this all the time ,claiming I said things I didn’t.
I am well known and I’m sure other posters here will confirm that I have stated that,in my view, a President Of either Party has the right to nominate candidates for the Supreme Court and that absent some major disqualification ,should be confirmed and that I do not regard ideological disagreements as sufficient reason to oppose a nominee.
I have stated in the past and will reiterate that,in my view, every S.C. nominee in the past fifty years or so I would have voted for,if a Senator, except for the clownish G. Harold Carswell, whom Nixon nominated in the early seventies.He was rejected .
Kavanaugh was eminently “qualified “ to sit on the Supreme Court and Despite my ideological differences with him, I never said anything here against him.
Once again and as usual ,when cornered, you simply lash out.
Ok, I will keep that in mind for you, but for others, opposition to Collins is all about Kavanaugh and “revenge” for that.
And to amplify on my remarks above, these Supreme Court fights are merely sideshows to impress the activists on both sides.
Suppose Kavanaugh had been rejected?Does anybody believe that the next nominee would have been any different ideologically?Of course not.
I take you at your word jack, but I sure note that all the posts on here last year during that hearing and whole confirmation process, you never said peep to anything said by Keith, Scott, Zreebs, james.
You did stay pretty quiet on the issue while they were all rampaging.
But if I say something about anything that you disagree with….. I’ll definitely hear about it.
That’s fine.
I have taken that same position for years .
I see no reason to have to reiterate it every time there be an S.C. nomination.
I even believed and still do that GWBs much criticized nomination of Harriet Miers was misplaced.Miers was a distinguished attorney and was certainly “qualified “ to serve on the Court.
Further, I would like to see a politician or two on the court.I believe they would add a more human dimension to it.I don’t believe that the modern trend of only having Judges on the Court is necessarily best.
There have been justices that never serves as Judges and served admirably ,even many I disagreed with.To name a few:Earl Warren had never served in any major judicial position other than as a Magistrate.Lewis Powell was a practicing attorney when called.Hugo Black?A U S Senator.
James Byrnes?Never even attended law school.There are many others.
In my view we would do well to widen our field of nominees beyond just current federal judges.
Late to the conversation on judges but I believe you actually do NOT. have to be judge or lawyer to get the Supreme’s job?
I hope John Bel Edwards, a Democrat, wins reelection in Louisiana over his Republican opponent.
(and we all know I supported Doug Jones over Roy Moore in AL, even as you said Jones didn’t have a prayer.)
This is the kind of thing that apparently nobody on your tribe here is able to match me on.
Durbin is my Senator and will be up in 2020. I oppose him for a myriad of reasons but will of course not at all criticize him for voting to convict. In doing so, he is not going up against the grain though as would be the case with Collins. It is very likely that I might skip voting for Durbin’s Republican opponent as well, depending on who it is and what they are running on.
Trump is now saying undocumented immigrants from Mexico are more dangerous than ISIS.
He is saying things today that might actually get me to vote for Biden.
However, your party is likely to reject Biden first.
Can you really point to something “huge” where you disagree with Susan Collins?
She’s certainly well to the left than a couple of the people you already vote for.
I’m the one with major issue differences with Senator Collins.
Cook rated it tossup in August. My belief is whatever way Collins votes is fraught with trouble for her. Maybe you think a bunch of Trump/LePage voters will forgive and forget Collins voting to convict the Dear Leader. I think a lot will sit it out.
And yes I would rather have a Democrat than Collins in that seat, even if she votes to vote. She’s a conservative Republican. Not as much of a reactionary as say James Inhofe or my own freshman Senator Josh Hawley. But still a right wing Republican. Of course I would rather have a Democrat in that seat.
So what’s your classification? Take a stand.
Safe D? Likely D? Tossup?
As of now, I say Leans R.
I would rate it as Lean “R” also but only slightly.
I might add I’m not as positive as you are that Collins will vote to convict Trump.
And while a vote to convict would help her among some Independent types ,there are a lot of Trump Cultists who would be outraged by such a vote
It is certainly a double edged sword.
Ok, so at least we are clearer now that it’s not a done deal that she loses as the earlier rhetoric seemed to indicate.
In Maine, voting to convict won’t hurt her. Trump fans might get upset, and then realize her opponent would help put Schumer and Co in charge
Actually my prediction is this all becomes moot as Collins announces her retirement in November. You heard it here first
Are you addressing me?
I never said Collins was going to lose,
Wasn’t there talk of Collins running for Governor awhile back?
Was addressing Scott
Lean D
After an impeachment vote I could see it going to Likely D
Looking up Sen. Collins’ voting record at, I can’t see that many roll-call votes that I would object to, save the confirmation of Eugene Scalia as Secretary of Labor, a narrow party-line GOP victory. She voted to confirm Mark Esper as Secretary of Defense, but fewer than ten Senators overall voted against this at any stage.
But on the other hand, Mitch McConnell (for whom I think she voted for in the GOP caucus) just hasn’t allowed that many meaningful roll calls all year.
Since I’m being nice to Republicans ,I read an aricke by liberal Democrat Mark Shields on the humor of former Sen. Bob Doke
I always enjoyed his quips and humor myself.
I remember watching the Senate back in the Eighties when then Minority Leader Robert Byrd launched into a lengthy criticism of Dole, then the Major Leader ,over a late night session that Byrd had objected to.Byrd, who was noted for being long winded ,went on for some time.
When he finally sat down , Dole slowly rises and simply quipped, “Well I’ve had better nights,” then sat down, to uproarious laughter from the other Senators present, even Byrd!
I remember it was said of Dole in 1996 that a majority of his Democratic colleagues in the Senate probably voted for him. Even if it’s a secret they took to their grave.
They sure were harsh on him publicly that year.
Not unusual.
Politicians of opposite parties are often “publicly “ harsh on each other .Doesnt mean anything as far as personal relationships.Look at How Tip ONeill would denounce Reagan.Later that night they would be sipping bourbon and swapping jokes.
Where have you been?
Tip O’Neill certainly didn’t vote for Reagan.
And where was I? Probably in diapers.
Actually, no, I was potty trained pretty early.
Nah really?Gee I thought he did?
What’s that got to do with anything?
The point of the conversation is that there exists other things in life besides politics.
I’m not certain you understand that.
I understand it. I’ve been able to tolerate you for yours.
There certainly are more problems with thinking the other side is “evil” than there used to be and that is reflected on Capitol Hill, especially since districts are so polarized.
Look at all the problems Biden is having because he said he has worked with all kinds of Senators.
Lots of blame to go around but there seems to be, pre-Trump, an Alinskyite strategy on the left to dehumanize conservatives.
As Ronald Reagan would say..There you go again.
Oh and conservatives just treat “libruls” ie anyone who disagrees with them ,so kindly?
Get real.Theres enough blame to go around.
Hell you of all people ought to get that.
Look at how you are treated over at HHR by your fellow conservatives ,with whom you are probably in agreement on most issues ,but Trump.
In their eyes you are a “librul!”
Keith has still been worse than any of them, Nobody there has compared me to a Nazi sympathizer yet.
And the anonymous death threats/anti-Semitic rants I used to get emailed to me over in the P1 days were certainly not from someone on the right.
Nobody from HHR even bothers to leave hateful comments on my blog.
Trolls are EVERYWHERE on line….
unfortunately they come with territory….
Well, I didn’t have to deal with the worst of the Texan. If it is truly him, he behaves mostly when he comments on my blog.
Good for U…..
He’s NEVER coming back here…..
And this is what exactly?
This has nothing to do with the discussion.
However I notice that anytime things aren’t going your way you revert to your long ago feud with Keith.
Always your fallback position.
As to the original discussion , are you claiming that only “libruls” do “bad “ things to conservatives but conservatives never do “bad” things to “libruls?”
Amusingly some of the worse criticism of Trump followers here has been by you!
No to the “original discussion”, but I think the attempts to make the other side evil is from the radical left, i.e. Alinksky’s “Rules for Radicals” or whatever it is called.
The rest is an example of consistency. Keith is very much like Trump, but he didn’t inherit millions to go into real estate. He just found some Ward bosses to curry favor with. Remember, Keith endorsed the idea of wait staff pissing in the soup of Republicans.
Hey CG?
Let’s cut the personal stuff, ok?
When you don’t have a double standard about it james, sure.
Indeed ,I think there exists some Cingressional group of members of both parties who get together socially weekly or so.
The idea is that by building personal relationships outside of politics, such may facilitate a more compromising attitude in the legislative arena.
It worked in past years.
It’s worth a try.
Late to the conversation on hanging out of legislators in the nations capital…
Joe Biden got grief for saying he’s ‘friends ‘with Republicans….
Ellen DeGeneres according to some should have made a citizens arrest on Dubya at Jerryworld and sent him off to The Hague.
Yeah and “according to some” Chris Christie ruined his chanvrs at the GOP nomination by embracing Obama after Sandy.
I remember THAT image….
But I think it was more about Christi prosecuting Kushner’s dad…
That happened in 2012. It had nothing to do with a hug or working with Obama in the immediate aftermath, but that Christie suddenly said he no longer cared about the 2012 election or Mitt Romney. He had been pissed that Romney did not make him him running-mate, so he started saying glowing things about Obama that led voters to thinking that Christie had switched his endorsement from Romney to Obama.
Christie has always been about himself.
Trump just said that the Kurds are a greater threat than ISIS.
Over on the other blog, one of his apologists just had an “Oh Shit” moment.
Where is Jimbo Jordan (In The Cult -Ohio) to declare that it’s all a joke like Trumps conversation with the Ukrainian President?
I do agree that Trump is quite the “clown.”
I opposed Kavanaugh because of his demeanor in the hearings. To me they proved that he was either guilty of what Dr. Ford accused him or he just didn’t have the right temperament to be a Supreme Court justice. I was fine with Trump replacing him with another conservative appointment who did not have those issues.
How should a person act when they are accused of something so serious? I think he reacted like any innocent person would in the heat of those moments.
You have certainly had episodes of online anger in your life that I would think you would not want to be considered disqualifying or indicative of your entire character.
Not in a job interview I haven’t.
He wasn’t in a job interview. If he was, he could have sued them all for slander.
There are definite laws about what can and cannot be asked of someone applying for a job and for good reason.
This was nothing like that.
Kavenaugh came to the interview prepared. It is incredibly naive to think that he wasn’t. He knew what he was being accused of, and he knew he had to pretend that he was outraged.
And his strategy worked. Despite talking about rape in the yearbook and refusing to take a lie detector test – even though his accuser did, the rapist got the job.
See, this is tribalism to the extreme.
Deep down we all know that Zreebs does not actually think that Kavanaugh is a rapist (which is something he was not even accused of by Ford or any person) but is so mad that Kavanuagh is on the Court and Zreebs fears he will vote on the Court in a way he doesn’t like, then literally anything is fair game.
Some additional factual corrections-
Kavanaugh did not talk about rape in his yearbook
He did not refuse to take a lie detector test.
Dr. Ford took a two question lie detector test in which she was not asked about Brett Kavanaugh
Of course even someone as immoral as Kavenaugh is not going to use the word rape. And I assume you used slang in college and boofing is not slang for farting, and Devil’s Triangle is not a drinking game. ford’s two lie detector questions dealt with her written statement that 1) she told the truth and 2) did not make anything up. Kavenaugh was asked to take a lie detector test, but he never took one.
Pretty amazing Zreebs, the truth about Brett will come out.
1) i don’t see much difference between a rapist and and someone who attempted to rape, and Yes I believe there is a high probability that Kavenaughis a rapist.
kavenaugh could have sued for skander. But then more witnesses would have been able to testify- and it is obvious to me that Kavenaugh didn’t want that at all costs.
Yes Scott, people always go to job interviews proclaiming their love of beer and crying. They get the job every time.
Imagine if Keith had to answer for things from his past in job interviews.
Since you’re an accomplished stalker Corey you should know my last government job was as a Member of the President’s Senior Executive Service, a job that includes a top security clearance.
So yes, I have answered all those questions.
I repeat, it’s amazing that someone could cry and proclaim their love for beer and get a job.
In fact, I have been asked to comeback to DC to help one of the Congressional Committees in their current investigation, and I’m considering it strongly as long as I can have time to campaign next year.
It’s my hope that the Democrats can take back the Senate to renew the investigation of Kavanaugh’s appointment since it was stopped before relevant witnesses could be called.
While I agree with Jack that a President should get their pick if the that pick is qualified, there is still the issue of perjury before a Congressional Committee.
I would have had plenty of additional information to share with relevant about your online activities, including emails you sent me, but I didn’t know who you actually were until you were retired and someone “gave you up.” The emails came from “Keith Price.”
Thanks for the tip though on what you might be pursuing.
But apparently the past episodes you had been involved with in Chicago were either not asked about or shrugged off. It’s good that Congressman Lipinski rescued you when you needed to get away. His son is in a whole lot of political trouble now. I hope you contributed to help save him.
So what did this mysterious Keith Price have to say? Did he say something to you that wasn’t Flattering? Did he use the word pronto?
Let me quote Jack from earlier today.
“However I notice that anytime things aren’t going your way you revert to your long ago feud with Keith.
Always your fallback position.”
Well, he fell way back today Jack.
This is getting obsessive and pathological. Ancient grudges/stories that we have all heard before, so I won’t even bother to go through the specifics.
It must be rather boring to the folks who regularly visit this blog. But, the outbursts do seem to coincide with criticism of our newest preppy Supreme Court Justice. I am sure Trump expects Brett to save him when the tax lawsuits hit the Court.
Today has been a prime example of just how unhinged, unstable, and clueless our racist President has become. His letter to Turkey, his attempted photo op with grieving British parents and the murderer of their child, and his disrespect for the Speaker of the House are examples A in why he needs to be removed from office.
It is important to remember, the Republican Party created Donald Trump and they still, with only minor exceptions, support their Dear Leader.
I did, however, get Nancy’s Chief of Staff to promise us an autographed picture of the her pointing her finger at Trump today at their aborted White House meeting.
Tomorrow I have fundraising calls for the Virginia legislative races so I might not be around. Enjoy the day if we don’t talk.
Kavenaugh came to the interview prepared. It is incredibly naive to think that he wasn’t. He knew what he was being accused of, and he knew he had to pretend that he was outraged.
And his strategy worked. Despite talking about rape in the yearbook and refusing to take a lie detector test – even though his accuser did, the rapist got the job.
Yes Zreebs, everyone at that time, whether they were sexually active or not, knew what the Devil’s Triangle meant.
Unfortunately the FBI never interviewed Brett’s roommate.