Donald Trump seldom backs down from a fight….
This one is the biggest of his 72 years….
His job probably doesn’t depend on it….
Democrats do not have the votes in the Senate….
This is just about something the Democrats THINK they have …..
House Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi did and doesn’t want this fight….
Safe district Democrats, Progressives and the media DO….
A win for Trump & Co. I have always felt would be a prelude to second term for Trump…
And he’s going for it….
Could the campaign next year be anticlimactic and a coronation for Trump and Republicans who seem to relish a fight as something that keeps them tightly together while Democrats fight each other for the nomination?
I’ll add though….
If the American public keeps moving to SUPPORT a Trump inquiry AND ultimately impeachment itself?
Republican US Senators WILL come under YUGE pressure to abandon Donald Trump….
All bets are off….
President Trump, while nervous about the historic stain of impeachment, is throwing everything he has into this fight: refusing all cooperation, running ads to profit politically, and torching every person who stands in opposition to him.
The big picture: When it all boils down, Trump really only trusts his own instincts. And his instincts here are the same as they were with the Mueller investigation: Fight like hell.
If the polls start showing 50% or more of Republicans,not all voters ,but Republicans are in favor of removal from office ,then there is something to discuss;otherwise, there is nothing.
And as regards this ,Lindsey Graham ,despite his recent dust up over the abandonment of the Kurds, has sent a letter to Nancy Pelosi telling her that Republican Senators will not vote to remove Trump over this Ukrainian matter.
Graham like Barr, has had a mind transplant ….
Republicans KNOW that if it came down to a LEGAL case?
They are on shaky ground…
The stall strategy seems to confirm this…
The fight is a POLITICAL fight….
But IF
The polls move against Trump and GOPer’s
As Jack and I point out?
Things could change…
The goal for Democrats is public polling…
I would add ,if anything approaching a majority of Republican voters tell pollsters they favor impeachment even,then the whole thing is probably moot.
Trump would then have no chance of reelection.
If that were to happen the whole GOP would be in panic.
Republican politicians would be looking for an escape hatch to save their own hides. But Trump’s cultish followers in the party will be looking for any signs of impurity by the Republican members of Congress and the RNC.
It’ll be a bloodbath.
Yup Scott….
All the sudden Republican lawmakers would seeing themselves on THEIR OWN with the media feasting on their Trumpism butts…
The Trump support is about fear….
Absent THAT?
Agreed ….
If a majority of GOPers switched TO impeachment Trump would be in a place where he would getting pushed to quit….
The whole dynamic would be completely different….