The Democratic Party has done NOTHING to respond to the fact that a Republican President is going after the parties leader in the nomination race…
Bernie Sanders, who is NOT a Democrat, was able to get Democrats to feel uncomfortable for supporting anything Hillary Clinton back then…
That was THEN….
Trump is beating down on Joe Biden (and Democrats) everyday and the party is afraid of a guy who ain’t even a Democrat?
Part of the problem, defenders say, is that the DNC is working under an unusual constraint. Amid the fallout from the bitter 2016 presidential primary race — when Bernie Sanders’ supporters accused the party of rigging the process for the establishment favorite, Hillary Clinton — the DNC in 2018 adopted a strict pledge of neutrality in the next presidential primary. As a result, any attempt to defend Biden might be viewed by progressives as a violation of the pledge, and another effort to prop up a preferred candidate.
“There’s always a candidate who has a complaint about what the party is or isn’t doing,” said Kathy Sullivan, former New Hampshire Democratic Party chair. “I don’t think the party needs to do anything. Donald Trump is doing perfectly well jumping off a cliff all by himself. Nobody has to push him.”
Still, critics say that pledge, formally installed by Perez, has dictated the committee’s actions to the point of paralysis. There’s plenty of room for the party to push back on Trump on the issue of election meddling or how he’s complying with an impeachment inquiry without promoting Biden, they argue.
It’s an opinion that’s held in some quarters of the Biden campaign.
“No one on our team thinks the DNC should be out there with a giant Joe Biden sign running around town. But there are very few signs of the DNC aggressively pushing back on any of these misleading narratives from Trump,” a Biden adviser said. “This isn’t just about us. It’s about the Democratic Party and whoever the nominee is or any of the candidates are. Today, it’s Joe Biden. Tomorrow, it could be Elizabeth Warren or any of the other candidates.”
As proof of the sensitivity of the issue, relations between the DNC and the Biden campaign grew strained on Sunday when the campaign furnished a TV surrogate with a document of talking points — one of which was deemed too critical of the party by some DNC officials.
Another complaint is that the DNC is spending more time refereeing primary debates than aggressively confronting Trump….
Besides maybe issuing a few press releases ,there isn’t much the DNC can do anyway.
And as much as some may not like it,there is a nomination race going in,a very competitive one.
The DNC should remain neutral.
The Biden campaign is fully capable of defending the candidate.
I’m not particularly bothered by this.
As the piece says…
Even a few press releases are needed…
No they are not “needed.”
This is no big deal.
Most people pay no attention to the party national committees .
True on DNC viewership …
The complaint’s should generate something from the DNC….
The DNC is not critical of Trump? That’s news to me.
Why should Biden have to hide behind them?
If Biden were any kind of good candidate at all, he would be able to use this whole story to his advantage. However, he is walking on eggshells because the whole thing is very “swampy” and he is worried about the primaries.
Trum,of course, doesn’t have that worry.
The Republican sheep will dutifully follow wherever the herder leads them
They don’t give a damn about any illegalities “impeachable offenses” and other such “stuff.”
He’s got “them libruls “ pissed.
That’s what they are all about.
You still are missing the big picture on the recent data. I am certain it is not what you expected.
no It’s you who are missing the picture.
There incremental data changes mean nothing to the Republicans in Congress.
They will stand with Trump.
Not if public opinion tells them not to.
That *may* very well be the direction we are headed, and once again, you have illogical tunnel vision over whether this will result in a conviction or not.
One way to lose a bunch of people who may be on your side on this though is to expand the focus without evidence and try to get Pence. That is just opening up to charges of “trying to overturn the election.”
Yeah that’s right.
All these Republicans out there are starting to say,”yeah we gotta get rid of Trump,but wait a minute, some of them damn libruls are attacking ol Mike Pence.Well the Hell with em .lets Keep Trump.He shows them bastards.”
Yeah that’s the way this is gonna play out!
People would think, “gee I see and hear where Trump did all of this, but when did Pence do it? That doesn’t seem like his style at all. Is this just all an effort to make a Democrat President without an election?”
You guys tried this in the ’70s, trying to hold open the Vice Presidency so a drunken Carl Albert could take over it and didn’t work then.
Trump may have given you a goldmine with all that he has done and continues to do. Trying to go after Pence without clear-cut evidence would be monumentally stupid.
And yes, just realistically speaking from a political aspect, there are a lot of Republicans who would be willing to throw Trump overboard, but will not do so (especially without legitimate legal reasons) if it means Pelosi takes over.
It’s weird that some of you on here were cowering in a corner last week, afraid to go after a bully because he might punch back to suddenly wanting to fight a whole gang.
Lets’get something straight CG…
This has NOTHING to do with legalities…
Trump has blown thru THAT countless times…
This is PURELY political….
Him daring Pelosi to impeach him says he has the POLITICAL JURY votes so the legality doesn’t matter…
This isn’t something new….
Donald tell’s people EVERYDAY to break the law for his sake…
The thing holding THEWM back is they ain’t the President…
People are in jail because they did what Trump wanted….
Every day they are waited for him to get them out?
It ain’t happening….
WTF do anything now?
Trump keeps digging HIMSELF deeper in a hole….
And CG?
Trump ain’t gonna be President for life…
Maybe not past a year and half…
For the hanger on’s?
The reckoning time might drop on them…
There is no evidence that there are “a lot of Republicans willing to throw Trump overboard.”
Let’s make that true..
“I (you) want to believe there are a lot of Republicans who want to throw Trump overboard.I have no evidence of that ,other than media anecdotes from various NeverTrumpers.I just can’t believe that the party I have spent my life supporting has fallen to the pits of depravity it has.”
There …that’s better.
Here we go …
Now the besieged “victim.”
Has nothing to do with the discussion of course.
Another afternoon just like the others.
The polls show that many Republicans have changed their minds and are now open to impeachment.
On a separate and distinct tract, there is the matter of Republican Members of Congress. I do not think you have disagreed with the theory of what a secret ballot among them would mean to Trump.
We basically agree they are scared politically at this point in time though.
I am suggesting that among the “Republican elite” so to speak, who have made politics their livelihood, etc, many want the excuse to turn on Trump. They want to see the polls go a certain way to give them cover.
You think Republicans as a whole are lousy and would be saying the same thing about them even if Susan Collins were President. Just own up to it.
You are the one being overly sensitive about being disagreed with.
No I wouldn’t.
A typical afternoon. I ,and by extension, everyone here “hates” Republicans so even though you “claim” that you want Trump gone, your primary focus is “defending” Republicans.
I really have no problem with that.
Yesterday you were all upset that I used the word “identify” in “identifying you as A Republican.
Today you are one.
But how about tomorrow?
I’ve heard this all before. I’ve been extremely negative about Republicans on here, but it’s never good enough. Nobody wants their worldview challenged or for anything for their tribe to not be peaches and cream.
On the other site, the roles are completely reversed and I am nothing but a Democrat cheerleader.
People hear what they want to hear rather than actually trying to think, “hmmm, I wonder if that person, even if have disagreements, might actually have a point..”
Why are you ranting at me?
I’m NOT ranting….
No bold or italics….
I am forcefully pointing out that ‘law and legalities ‘ are something Donald J. Trump, the President of the United States has little regard and use for….
It’s NOT ur fault…
But those who use the work legal and Trump in the same sentence are wrong and missing the point about him…
The ‘evidence’ is clear and abundantly out in the open…
A lot suppled by HIMSELF to dismay of those around him trying to help him navigate…
As long as he ‘own’s the US Senate vote along with McConnell?
He IS correct in assuming he will beat the Democrats efforts to unseat again in their impeachment effort…
Next Novembers vote IS the ONLY way he gets a pink slip…
Then please leave my handle out of it james. I can practically feel the spittle.
No one was “cowering in a corner.”
I said and still say that ,as political process ,and at its base that is what an impeachment is,this is going nowhere.
Republicans are not going to vote to remove Trump.
But the process is proceeding ,so you ought to bev happy.Instead, and not surprisingly ,you are more interested in attacking various posters here.
We are used to it.
Your SOP.
I didn’t know a disagreement was an “attack.”
I am disagreeing with the tactic of going after Pence without any evidence as well as disagreeing that the DNC owes anything special to Biden (and you seem to agree with me on that.)
When I was repeatedly likened to a Nazi sympathizer by Keith, you told me to “get a thicker skin.” Have I “attacked” you in any sort of similar way?
Pence, Pompeo and Bar are all accomplices to Trump’s possibe extortion , abuse of power and influence peddling one could argue….
I agree with Jack, after the absurd abuse the DNC took last time over some silly internal emails, the organization has to remain neutral. Besides, the staff I know that work there are totally split on their personal Presidential preferences.
I also agree with Zreebs, the Hunter story is a nothing burger with a bunch of Republican innuendo thrown on top. Oh there’s a picture of Hunter golfing with his dad in the Ukraine. The horror of it all. Well, I’ve been there, not much else to do.
But our resident Republican thinks Biden should address the issue, and that’s exactly what Trump wants him to do., give it credence through response. But I found this to be an amazing critique/observation coming from our number one Bush family groupie. George W. Bush, the country’s greatest example of “accomplishment through family name” and a spectacular failure as President (although one hell of a nice guy) somehow escapes this guilt by parental success charge. But let Hunter get on a corporate board and go golfing with his dad and he has to explain.
You can take the GOP license plate off the boy’s car, but you can’t take the GOP out of the boy. Nope, that won’t happen, even when the Party is now complicit in treason. Everyday the House and Senate leadership whores itself for Donald Trump. The Party that thought a blow job was impeachable now stares at its collective shoes while its President commits treason in plain view.
But hey, Joe Biden has some explaining to do.
Anyone who still insists on throwing their vote away on a meaningless third party candidate in the face of this threat to our Nation is unAmerican. And that’s a fact.
Yeah Trump’s dipshit kids are all over FOX News talking about Hunter Biden’s “scandal” with no sense of irony.
Biden needs to get his story straight.
First, he insisted that he never discussed his son’s business dealings. Now, he says he had discussed them with him once a photograph surfaced of the two of them playing golf with the Ukranians.
I have not seen any evidence that either Biden did anything illegal in this regard, but the whole set-up, while Biden was VP was extremely in bad taste and Biden needs to own up to it.
I have NOT seen anything illegal IS the facts here….
By continuing to beg for ‘investigations’ Trump does his smearing thing again…
It runs in the media and Trump gets over….
And i do NOT care if Sanders bitches….
The DNC should address this continual campaign built on lies and misinformation thrown against Biden and Democrats in general…
Perez needs to grow some fucking balls….
Sooner or later, Biden is going to make a speech saying it was wrong for Hunter to have traded on his name or taken the job in Ukraine and that if he is President, such a thing will never happen again and he will have strict standards that relate to the adult children of any senior person in the Administration.
I strongly suspect that Hunter Biden would not have gotten that job if he wasn’t the VP’s son. But First of all it is not clear that is “wrong”. I suspect that there is a good chance that I wouldn’t have gotten my job if my boss didn’t know of and have a favorable opinion of my brother. So does that mean I should have turned down the job? But it is even less clear that Biden should be expected to publicly criticize his son. It is really not normal for a parent to publicly criticize their son – especially over something in which there is no evidence that his son did anything wrong.
May i point out the Trump’s kids ARE making money ALL over the planet on being the kids of the American President….
Trump’s ‘buddies’ where ALL over the Ukraine making money….
Some of them are in jail….
Under pressure from Trump the Ukraine will
RE audit the case…
Trump IS gonna try to get every inch he can out of this he can, even as his own people did the same things…
If Hunter Biden made any commitment to use his father’s influence to benefit his company, then that would definitely be wrong. But taking a position on the Board because of your name is at most a 1 on a 0-10 ethics violation score – and that is only because it “looks” bad.
I just checked the DNC website and every single recent press release is an attack on Trump on this matter of trying to get political dirt from foreign countries.
What else are they supposed to do beyond say, “We hereby endorse Joe Biden. Everyone else go home”, which is what james would like.