Donald Trump IS having a hard time these days…
He still can’t over the fact that he cannot bend the Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to HIS way…
The guy just can’t cope with it…
Insulting some people will NOT get him a ‘deal’…
Trump’s Syria Kurds ‘giveback’ to the Turks has been condemned by Democrats and his own Republican Party members…And the House had just approved a condemnation of Trump’s action deserting the Kurds, which is playing into Turk, Syria, Russia and Iran’s hands…
Trump’s efforts to defend his actions and views to the lawmakers in the meeting today feel on deaf ears….
Trump’s reaction was not appreciated by the Democratic House Speaker( Trump and women?) who will NEED her support to get ANYTHING passed thru the Congress….(This isn’t what it was when Paul Ryan was the House leader)
Others did stay in the meeting….They where NOT the target of Trump’s anger…
A high-level meeting Wednesday between President Donald Trump and top congressional leaders over the Syria crisis ended abruptly after Trump insulted Speaker Nancy Pelosi, which spurred Democratic leaders to walk out of the White House.
It was the latest blowup between Trump and top Democrats, and showed once again that the relationship between the embattled president and his Democratic counterparts has reached levels of toxicity rarely seen in any administration.
Just hours before the meeting, Trump made clear where he stood on the Turkish invasion of northern Syria: “It’s not our border.”
Trump told reporters Wednesday that his decision to pull U.S. troops out of northern Syria — which was quickly followed by the Turkish attack on U.S.-allied Kurdish forces — was “strategically brilliant” while downplaying Russian intervention in the conflict.
“Our soldiers are out of there. Our soldiers are totally safe,” Trump said. “Syria may have some help with Russia, and that’s fine. It’s a lot of sand — they’ve got a lot of sand over there, so there’s a lot of sand that they could play with.”
But Pelosi (D-Calif.), House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) accused Trump of having “a meltdown” during their meeting in the historic Cabinet Room.
The three Democrats said Trump appeared unhinged by a House vote condemning the Syria withdrawal, and the meeting quickly degenerated into a name-calling session led by the president, according to the Democrats. The trio walked out of the meeting before it was over, they told reporters afterward.
“[Trump] was insulting, particularly to the speaker,” Schumer said. “She kept her cool completely, but he called her a third-rate politician. And he said there are communists involved [in ISIS], and you guys might like that. This was not a dialogue; this was sort of a diatribe, a nasty diatribe not focused on the facts.”….
image….Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty
U.S, House of Representatives:
H J RES 77 2/3 YEA-AND-NAY 16-Oct-2019 2:44 PM
QUESTION: On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass
BILL TITLE: Opposing the decision to end certain United States efforts to prevent Turkish military operations against Syrian Kurdish forces in Northeast Syria
DEMOCRATIC 225 yea ; 0 nay; 0 present ; 9 not voting
REPUBLICAN 129 yea ; 60 nay ; 3 present ; 5 not voting
INDEPENDENT (Justin Amash) 1 present
TOTALS 354-60 ; 4 present ; 14 not voting
354 / 414 = 85,5 % of those voting
354 / 429 = 82.5 % of current House
129 / 189 = 68.3 % of Republicans voting
129 / 197 = 65.5 % of all Republicans
i.e. if only Republicans were counted, there would still be the 2/3 of those present needed to suspend the rules.
For the 60 Republican Members who voted nay, see:
Here are the 60 Republican (and only) Representatives to vote against the House Joint Resolution on Turkey, Syria and the Kurds. It’s organized by descending number of such votes, then alphabetical by state, and then alphabetic by Member. Corey would know who these folks are but I only recognize a couple, such as the irrepressible Louis Gohmert of Texas and Jim Jordan of Ohio.
129 other Republicans voted for the bipartisan measure (see above.)
Texas: 7 Babin, Burgess, Carter (TX), Gohmert, Gooden, Weber (TX) & Williams
Florida: 6 Dunn, Gaetz, Mast, Posey, Rutherford & Steube
Tennessee: 4 Burchett, DesJarlais, Fleischmann & Rose, John W.
Arizona: 3 Biggs, Gosar & Lesko
Georgia: 3 Allen, Graves (GA) & Loudermilk
Indiana: 3 Baird. Hollingsworth & Pence
Kansas: 3 Estes. Marshal & Watkins
Mississippi: 3 Guest, Kelly (MS) & Palazzo
Missouri: 3 Long, Luetkemeyer & Smith (MO)
S. Carolina: 3 Duncan, Norman, & Rice (SC)
Alabama: 2 Brooks (AL) & Byrne
California: 2 Hunter & McClintock
Kentucky: 2 Comer & Massie
Michigan: 2 Bergman & Walberg
N.Carolina: 2 Meadows & Murphy (NC)
Ohio: 2 Davidson (OH) & Jordan
Pennsylvania: 2 Joyce (PA) & Meuser
W. Virginia 2 Miller & Mooney (WV)
Idaho: 1 Fulcher
Iowa: 1 King (IA)
Louisiana: 1 Abraham
Maryland: 1 Harris
New York: 1 Reed
Oklahoma: 1 Mullin
Trump reportedly trashed former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis in that meeting saying “he wasn’t much of a general”. I remember Republicans saying as long as Trump kept Mattis aboard they would suppoet him. Mattis leaves and nothibg changes. Now their Dear Leader badmouths his former Defense chief. Will they chsnge their tune now?
I’m not holding my breath.
Mattis has a book a book I believe and had let it be known that he WAS a buffer against Trump wanting to do stupid stuff….
In the end?
Donald Trump is just a self centred snake oil salesman that had the misfortune of winning a job he is ill qualified to do….
Mulvaney admitted there was quid pro quo for military aid to Turkey. But it didn’t involve the Bidens. It was to pressure the Ukraine to chase down a right wing conspiracy theory about the 2016 election.
Republicans own this shit show!