I’ve been pointing out that the media has been VERY Good to the Democratic Massachusetts Senator…
Salon is out with a piece that accuses the Washington Post of carrying the water form moderate and centrist Democrats AGAINST Elizabeth Warren…
The WashPost isn’t alone though…
There have been a few other stories that are not so positive for Warren recently as she has closed in Joe Biden in some of the polling…
It come’s with the poll numbers….
Welcome to the Big Time….
Just two weeks ago, our survey of media coverage of Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign found a fairly — though not exclusively — positive tenor, with stories often contrasting her favorably to Sen. Bernie Sanders and highlighting her outspoken commitment to capitalism. But with erstwhile frontrunner Joe Biden under fierce attack from Donald Trump and Sanders recovering from a heart attack, establishment Democrats and their big donors are suddenly looking at Warren’s rising poll numbers as a sign that her candidacy has very real potential — and is a very real threat to their power.
As centrist Democratic sources go, so go the media.
Among the “events of the past two weeks [that] have created huge uncertainty for the candidates who have dominated the Democratic nomination race,” the Washington Post (10/6/19) lists “persistent doubts among some party leaders” about Elizabeth Warren
Under the headline, “Uncertainty Takes Over the Lead in the Democratic Presidential Race,” the Washington Post’s Michael Scherer and Matt Viser (10/6/19) report that recent events “have created huge uncertainty for the candidates who have dominated the Democratic nomination race.” Those recent events? For Sanders, a heart attack; for Biden, an uncomfortable role in the impeachment inquiry; and for Warren, the curiously un-event-like “persistent doubts among some party leaders that she is too liberal to win the general election.”
The Democratic Party has many leaders from both its left and right wings; for the Post, the adjective “some” serves to obscure the fact that its sources expressing those doubts are almost exclusively from the right….
Warren had to partially walk back a fund-raising comment recently….
Elizabeth Warren’s quote sent shockwaves through the political campaign finance world.
If she became the nominee, she said, she would refuse to attend big-dollar fundraisers — for her campaign and possibly also for the party. Her comments came in an interview with CBS News.
CBS News: “Can you guarantee your supporters that under no circumstances, no matter how much money Donald Trump is raising, you will not take big dollar …”
Warren: “I’m not going to go do the big dollar fundraisers. I’m just not going to do it.”
“In a statement to NBC News, the Warren campaign clarified that the candidate would indeed attend high-dollar events for the party (where individuals can donate tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars) — though not for the campaign (where the maximum primary and general election donation is a combined $5,600).”
Warren previously said she would forgo big money events if nominated….