The cutback is due to the continued mass shootings..
In the wake of 2 mass shootings at Walmart stores in recent months, the company said Tuesday it plans to discontinue handgun ammunition and all sales of short-barrel rifle ammunition that can be used with military-style assault weapons, CNBC reports.
By the numbers: Walmart estimated that it made up about 2% of the market for firearms, putting it among the “top 3 sellers in the industry,” per CNBC. The company also owns an estimated 20% share of the market for ammunition. Walmart anticipates that market share will drop to of 6%-9% with the new policy in effect.
A right wing acquaintance of mine posted an article from “2nd Amendment Defenders” that began by calling Wal-Mary’s deciaion a “betrayal”. What drama queens! In the 90s when Wal Mart stopped selling Tupac CDs because of foul language I simply went elsewhere to buy them. Seems to me that’s what you do in a free market system that Republicans like my friend claim to champion.
Walgreens announced Thursday it will join several other major retailers in asking customers to not openly carry guns in its stores.
“We are joining other retailers in asking our customers to no longer openly carry firearms into our stores other than authorized law enforcement officials,” the chain said in a brief statement.
The company is the latest to make such an announcement in the wake of several mass shootings in recent weeks, following Kroger and Walmart, the latter of which is the world’s largest retailer…
…to be filed under the column there IS hope maybe?…
Shannon Watts
Grateful @Walmart is enforcing its new policy to prohibit open carry. It took five officers to get this man to leave the store.
Last month, customers were allowed to shop while open carrying. Cultural change results in political change. #GroceriesNotGuns