Joe Biden is leading or tied in the North eastern states that Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren should own…
Bernie isn’t getting much of any good media with Warren still the flavour of the month in the media…
And it seems to be worrying Sanders…
The it’s ‘too early ‘ thing is tired…
It is NOT too early folks….
Sen. Bernie Sanders has replaced the New Hampshire state director of his presidential campaign after growing indignation from his fiercest supporters that their concerns about losing the first-in-the-nation primary states were being ignored.
More than 50 members from Sanders’ state steering committee applauded on Sunday afternoon when they heard that Joe Caiazzo had been reassigned to Massachusetts, according to those in the room. The news was delivered by the new state director, Shannon Jackson, who ran Sanders’ Senate reelection in 2018.
“The people who helped Bernie win here last time knew and felt intimately that something was very different and not for the best,” said a steering committee member who was at the meeting. “We know our state, we know our counties and we see what other campaigns on the ground are doing. We weren’t happy with what we were seeing.”
The shake-up comes as some progressive voters in New Hampshire weigh Sen. Elizabeth Warren as a better option to beat President Donald Trump. At a Democratic convention here just over a week ago, a noticeable number of state delegates who voted for Sanders in 2016 said they had moved their support to Warren. Even members of the Sanders steering committee — his most diehard supporters — said they were eyeing Warren.
Polling in the state shows an extremely close race, with Sanders at 22 percent, former Vice President Joe Biden at 21.5 percent and Warren at 19.3 percent, according to the Real Clear Politics average of surveys.
A Sanders adviser suggested another reason for Caiazzo’s shift to Massachusetts, which is Warren’s home state….
Hell it wasn’t “too early”for you a year ago!
True That Jack…
No apologies for me liking Biden starting in 2015 over Clinton…
You complain that Biden isn’t getting good media. It seems we are continually reading in the press that Biden outperforms his Democratic rivals in head-to-head polling. Considering how much Democrats want to beat Trump, that is incredibly good media that he is repeatedly getting.
Biden’s answer in the debate referencing record players got criticism for the wrong reason. I don’t care if Biden listens to record players, but I encourage people to read his full answer to that question. Seriously, does anyone really believe that talking about the unproven benefits of “leaving the record player on” is worthy of a presidential candidates debate time in which you have a minute to discuss an issue? (BTW – I could have framed that far more negatively than I did). If Biden is getting bad press on some issues, it is clearly because he deserves it. I for one have no reason to believe that Biden will improve on his ability to talk about issues, and if he is the nominee, this will be talked about a lot more in the general election than in the primary.
Biden just ain’t gonna get ur vote Z?
You’ll sit out November’s Presidential if he’s the nominee?
I do not see that he has said that when I know you have definitely said you are unwilling to commit to voting for *any* Democrat other than Joe Biden.
And are you claiming that you supported Biden for the nomination over Hillary in 2015 when he did not run?
That was definitely not the case. You were for Hillary from the start and were very negative towards the idea that Biden might run against her.
I wanted Biden instead of Hillary Yes…
After she locked in the nomination ?
Remember Biden dropped out?
Are you talking about the 2008 cycle or the 2016 cycle?
You are so completely wrong either way. It contradicts everything you posted. There is absolutely no way that you wanted anyone other than Hillary in 2016. Biden never ran that year. You scoffed at the idea that he might run, especially after his son died. You were from Hillary from Day 1.
Does anyone remember anything different?
james, I am either genuinely concerned that there may be a memory issue or pretty indignant that you would be so dishonest on something like that.
Maybe u should take vitamins for your memory questions?
No need for anything to trigger my memory here. It is pretty good and if I do not remember something, I will admit it.
Your claim that you wanted Biden or anyone else over Hillary in 2016 is completely dishonest.
Actually it’s what I felt…
If it’s dishonest in ur view….
That’s u…
EVERY human has memory laps….
ALL politicians have gaffs….
Not ALL lie as continually as Donald Trump…
I DISTINCTLY remember I would support Hillary , but my first choice WAS Biden…
For 2016 also…
He WAS lined up to run in 2015…
His son passed and he did NOT run in 2016…
He made his no-run decision in Oct 2015
He WAS up for it initially…
He never took any effort to mount a campaign that year. He maintained for a long time that he was undecided and then took himself out of consideration. (Later on, during the general election campaign, he mused that he regretted that he did not run.)
But no, you absolutely never said anything at all about how you wanted Biden over Hillary, even theoretically. You posted over and over again how the nomination belonged to Hillary and that Biden would be foolish to run against her.
Does anyone here remember anything differently?
I do not remember when you first started posting or where, but if you did support Biden in 2007 (when just about every other person in online communities was for Obama, Edwards, or Clinton), you would have stood out for that. I don’t recall anyone online saying that Biden was their first choice in that 2007/early 2008 field.
I do not remember from the time, but in all the years since you always maintained that you supported Hillary in that cycle early on as well.
And me and a LOT of others wanted him to run…
I DID mention it…
We went on here about support for Hillary and a LOT of us had problems explaining WHY we supported her past the fact she was the nominee…
You were for Hillary and nobody else very early on in 2014, if not earlier.
You would hand-wring throughout 2014, and possible even earlier, that she had not announced her campaign yet and you wanted her to do so and be out there as an active candidate as early as possible.
Does anyone else remember anything differently?
No that’s the way it happened.
James ,of course, is the ultimate uh, “revisionist.”
He, he, he…..
I’m getting the Biden treatment here!?
I don’t want anyone here to read this story about Biden back in the day….
In Biden’s telling, CornPop was a “bad dude” who “ran a bunch of bad boys”, was armed with a straight-razor and backed by other gang members. And he was threatening to “cut” the future vice-president.
Instead of calling the police, Biden met CornPop and his cronies head on, having armed himself with a 6ft chain. After a standoff, CornPop backed down.
Over the weekend, a 2017 video of Biden telling the engrossing tale surfaced on the internet. It met with widespread disbelief. Some questioned whether CornPop ever existed. Others were skeptical about the very idea of a chain-wielding Biden facing off with three armed gang members.
It turns out, however, that the presidential candidate might have been telling the truth. A former state president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) had supported Biden’s yarn. So did a newspaper obituary…
He literally stole that from Cory Booker, who used to talk about being threatened as Mayor by a drug-dealer named “T-bone” before admitting he made it up.
This is quite a story that Biden told.
Let’s somehow assume every word of it is true and let’s put aside the fact that he insulted the guy by calling him Esther Williams….
You have a white candidate for President nonchalantly sharing a story about how as an deputized authority figure in 1962, he was prepared to and threatened to wrap a 6 foot chain around a black guy and to harm him that way.
Could anybody else of either party ever say something like this? If this actually happened, one would think this would be the biggest thing from Biden’s past that he would want to hide. And he was basically bragging about in public two years ago..
A 6 foot chain and a black guy who was refusing to acknowledge his authority as a lifeguard, as he put it “the only white lifeguard.”
I suppose this either actually happened or he made it all up.
Either way, it now makes a lot more sense why in 2012 he told a black audience that Mitt Romney wanted to “put y’all in back in chains.”
Somehow this story did not get passed down to Richard Ben Cramer in the hundreds of pages he wrote over 30 years ago about Biden’s early life (as well as that of other 1988 Presidential candidates) in his classic book, “What It Takes.”
It’s bad enough that so many politicians brazenly lie to us, including Trump and Biden, but when one of our “peers” does it, they should expect to be called on it and criticized for it, especially when it is as far-fetched of a lie as you made up.
Trump is the undisputed
KING of lies. Nice attempt at equivocation with Biden though.
A lie is a lie.
Yes, Trump lies more brazenly than anybody else, but that is not the point.
All lying is wrong.
Politicians like (but not only) Joe Biden specifically have been lying and using crazy rhetoric for decades and that only normalized someone like Trump to come along.
It is foolish to just say “a lie is a lie and all lies are wrong”. There is no politician that has gotten anywhere that hasn’t had to mislead at times. For example, do you really think that all Republicans support Trump? It is well documented that many prominent Republicans say one thing about Trump in private and another in public.
I don’t see why Biden had to make up that military story, but let’s put it in perspective; all of us tell occasional lies in order to function effectively: “You look beautiful in that dress”. “I’m coming to you boss because of your expertise on this matter”, I have confidence in you that you will get a hit today.”, “I don’t think Kavenaugh ever sexually assaulted anyone”.
Yes Z…..
We ALL do from time to time…
But it’s Different if you consistently do so as President and try to get people to confirm an untruth…
I don’t like lying in general.
Complimenting someone as a matter of courtesy is a bad comparison though.
One day, someone might come along who will lie more than Trump and better than Trump.
When that time comes, and people bring up Trump as helping usher in the era where lying is shrugged off, will it be unfair to criticize Trump just because Trump did not lie as much?
Actually CG has made that argument here ,about Republicans saying nice things about Trump while privately despising him.
Getting into a morality contest as to “lying” among politicians is a game fraught with peril.
Further, blaming Bidens gaffes for “normalizing” Trump is patently ridiculous unless of course one assumes that the Republican Party is largely made up of people who wished to have a President who emulates the sins of Biden.
See how crazy this stuff gets?
Biden’s performance, in which he utilized a specific planned strategy, and demeanor throughout the entire 2012 VP debate, just to pick one example, was unprecedented, and pretty much foreshadowed the tone of Trump’s 2016 campaign.
It is also true that Biden remains the most notorious politician in American history ever to be caught plagiarizing.
And Donald Trump has told like 10000 documented lies ,yet maintains the support of the o overwhelming majority of your party .
Then again,maybe they’re all lying?
This is pointless .
Lying seems contagious.
Maybe we will never get a completely pure person, but we sure ought to demand better.
If not, it’s only going to worsen. It’s only going to seem more “normal” This is on us as a people.
“Maybe they are all lying” is EXACTLY what DJT wants people to think.
It is exactly how he wants to hold on to power. He wants to do whatever he can to generate distrust in traditional values and American institutions.
No different than how he excuses Putin and other murderers by saying “we do a lot of killing to.”
If lying so offends you ,may I suggest that being consumed with politics ,an area where lying be rampant , may not be a matter you wish to devote so much time time.
Ever thought of gardening?Coin collecting? Music trivia?
So if it comes down to Biden Trump next year CG will proudly tout his vote for a candidate that has never told a lie. Mickey Mouse!
I’m very good at music trivia and have a lot of interests actually but I reject the premise of that.
If decent people, regardless of party or ideology, just give in to cynicism and leave the realm of politics to the liars and the frauds, that is how we lose the country the fastest.
I sure hope there are a lot of people, long after I am gone, regardless of where they fall on the left to right spectrum, who want to demand truth and decency.
I will vote for an actual living human in 2020, even if I have to write one in.
Mickey may be decent as far as a Mouse goes, but one day somebody is going to spill the beans on Minnie…