Here we go again….
This time one session….
Ten hopeful’s….
Biden, Warren and Sanders on stage together….
He tends to meander and misspeak. She once won a college debate scholarship.
He is a relative centrist who is seen by Democrats in early polls as the strongest candidate against President Trump. She is a self-styled progressive fighter whose ability to appeal to the broad electorate in a general election still worries some voters and party officials.
He rarely delves deep into policy on the campaign trail, preferring to discuss American values and the dangers of a second Trump administration. She gleefully ticks through her long list of detailed plans.
In style, substance and strategies for winning the White House, former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Senator Elizabeth Warren present two starkly different options for Democratic voters, and in many ways they embody competing theories about what the Democratic Party should stand for.
Could Bernie Sanders could make a bigger splash then Biden and Warren?…
They all need to worry about Yang.
Warren is running a good campaign so far and has been steadily rising in the polls.
She is a very serious challenger to Biden and to dismiss her with a “things don’t look good for ya” shake off is not accurate in my view,
Biden STILL runs almost 2-1 against Warren in national polls…
in state polls she does a bit better against Biden….
in some national polls Sanders still beats her….
This does appear to be a race for second right now and i’m up for saying it’s over with Biden on Super Tuesday when i think he locks in the nomination…
I’m not predicting who the nominee will be at this time.
However, this is still a much more fluid situation than you care to admit.
I AM PREDICTING Biden for the nomination
I think he should take Warren for VP
and i’ve been saying for a long time Donald J Trump to be a one term President…
i have no problem with putting my views and hopes out there this early…
i did a post on a female that predicted Trump’s win a year out … She is predicting a Democratic President for 2021….
Clearly only SE-779 knows what will happen in 2020.
Whatever happened to that guy?
You gave odds as to who would be the Democratic nominee. So of course you were predicting!
Fair point.
However, my little”odds” routine is always noted “as of now.”
In other words what I am listing are the odds that candidate would be the nominee as of that day,not next summer.
My post should have read,I am not prepared to predict who the will be nominated as the Democratic candidate at the Convention next summer…”
My predictions ARE of course for NOW….
I am a great fan of changing ones mind if information changes….
But I’m fairly confident with my picks…
I do predict outward….
I guess I don’t fully understand.
If the odds are of that day – rather then next summer – then Biden would be close to 100 percent. As of today, Biden holds a substantial lead, but we all know that a lot can and will happen in the next year – which I assumed is why you only gave him 35 percent odds.
Yes .
Sort of like a football game where the odds shift based on injuries, team problems etc.
It’s just for fun and is done somewhat tongue in cheek with the “fair and balanced” routine and the sarcastic (sometimes ) remarks.
Of course ,all sorts of things can happen between now and next summer.
The one place where that kind of percentage is meaningful, if only by extension, is a political futures market, where payoffs roughly match probabilities, as in a horse-race and — slightly less directly — securities markets (gambling on a corporate or economic result months or years down the road).
Ted Cruz is the latest Texas Republican to warn that GOPers can no longer take Texas for granted in next years election.
I admit to having problems seeing Texas going Democratic next year.Cruz and others are,however , sounding the alarms, probably to rally the faithful who they fear may be growing complacent.
Obviously, if the Democrats could win Texas, then all discussions about this election are moot.
I think Cruz is in the same place as CG…
worried about low GOP voting numbers
All is saw from Cruz today is that he is warning if Trump cuts a deal with Democrats on gun control, that conservatives may stay home.
(Nobody wanted Trump to lose in 2016 more than Cruz did.)
Cruz SHOULD smile if Trump loses….
A Quinnipiac Texas Poll released today carries some sobering news for Trump and the Texas GOP.
48% of Texas voters said they would Definitely Not vote for Trump.35% said they Defintely Would.Then 14% said they would “consider” voting for him.
Sure it’s a year out and the ultimate Democratic nominee will make a difference.Still, to have almost half say they “definitely “won’t vote for Trump and another 14% saying that they would “consider” it,implying they might not?Thats not good news at all.
Instead of preaching to the choir, (so to speak), you guys ought to go to a place like HHR and share that info etc with those freaks.
Yes, they will call you trolls and worse names than that, but so what?
The people from HHR can’t handle the PDog…
They dropped in for while back in the past…
They left in a short while…
I think it was one or two people. Hardly a crowd.
While this debate is going on, Liz Cheney and Rand Paul are viciously insulting each other on Twitter.
They are going back and forth of course over who Trump hates more (as a negative against them.)
This debate is going on at a Black College….
David Axelrod
is doing better tonight than in the last debate.
Full Frontal
Obama seems to be winning this debate so far. #DemDebate
Chris Cillizza
Seems like all the candidates got the memo after the last debate to be a lot nicer to Barack Obama
Biden just said that nobody should be in prison for a non-violent crime?
Pretty bold. Great news though for politicians and businessmen on the take.
And I guess Trump would get to avoid bars as well.
Emma Vigeland
Bernie’s not having a good debate thus far.
The good news: He has a strong base of support that isn’t going anywhere. That base will carry him through until more candidates drop out. I just don’t think he’s winning anyone new over at this point in the debate. #DemDebate
Joe Biden is having a BETTER debate….
Harris getting bit of a beat down for her time as DA….
Biden looks energized through Hour 1 (still two more to go), but he literally misspeaks and has to correct himself on every answer. Every one. I’ve never seen a candidate in a debate misspeak that frequently.
Cory Booker has presence…
But he’s just NOT getting the poll numbers…
Beto gets props for his El Paso actions….
Biden on gun control….
Practicality…..The Govt. can’t take away people’s guns…
The crowd applauds Harris and O’Rourke say they would take away people’s guns….
They can’t….
Kloubachar nicely sidesteps the the govt. taking away guns…
Throws it at McConnell….
Promises are being made that simply CANNOT be done as Biden says….
The people watching like promises though.
The Wall Street Journal
“Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47,” Beto O’Rourke said as the #DemDebate candidates discussed gun policy
Trevor Burrus
Why is Elizabeth Warren being frozen out of this debate for the last 30 min? It’s odd. #DemDebate
Warren changes to ‘gun violence’….
She does NOT go to getting rid of guns….
Great answer….
Close to Biden….
She goes after the Republicans….
Biden ‘s problem is he doesn’t promise what he can’t deliver ….
There’s have…
Sanderes follows Warren in going after the system …
Neither does B Biden…
Biden gets the Obama did the most deportations during their watch….
His answer…
We did humaitariaon
Trumpis mean
Change Trump asylum policies….
Biden says in the end it was Obama’s call…
Castro takes the same question….
And knocks Biden for Obama standing together …
But NOT for himself….
Biden follow up says he stands with Obama good…bad and indifferent ….
Warren immigration makes us strong….
uses the words ‘legal’….
Change the border system…
Warren has been MUCH more middle ground then the media shows her in this debate…
Pivots like Castro to Trump…
How does one “stand with the indifferent?”
I guess he didn’t want to say “ugly.”
My father grew up on a peanut farm in Asia…
His son is running for President…
Return immigration numbers to Obama era level…
Immigration is success for America
This IS a better run debate….
It’s a mad rush to the left for most of them. They are all trying to appeal or to not offend liberal Twitter.
The most heated exchange is that Castro claimed Biden contradicted himself two minutes after giving an answer on his health care plan and tried to coyly suggest health issues with Biden.
I don’t know whether Biden contradicted himself or not. I am sure we will find out.
The gun part WAS interesting….
Biden, Koubachar and surprisingly Warren where NOT…..
Benjy Sarlin Retweeted
Mike Memoli
File under Biden’s issues with precision. His plan is more nuanced on non-violent crimes, focused on non-violent drug crimes
Biden specifically nobody should go to prison for a non-violent crime.
He didn’t specify “drug crimes.”
So, if non violent drug dealers shouldn’t be doing time, does he also mean the people from Enron, and Rod Blagojevich and crooked judges, etc?
Lori Loughlin and Felicty Huffman mailing their maximum donations to Biden for President as we speak.
Beto will get the headlines. The crowd went nuts for gun confiscation.
The others got cheers for saying they’d take away guns…
Biden was correct…
They can’t….
Warren and Koubachar pivoted away form that hard point…
Actually ?
So did Bernie….
Kamala would respond by saying, “heeey Joe, let’s say Yes, We Can.”
Biden had the biggest WTF look on his face.
Elizabeth Warren will be nuts if she does not at some point in this debate reference a lyric from the current #1 song in the country. The youth will love it…
“I just took a DNA test. Turns out I’m 100% that bitch.”
Looks like Hillary beat her to it
FiveThirtyEight Retweeted
Maggie Koerth-Baker
We’re liveblogging the debate
Going Foreign Affairs and Tariffs…..
Make a deal with China..No immediate Tariff cut…
I’d like to see Trump make a deal…
He does NOT answer the question…
Dances around the tariff question…
Supports steel Tariff…
Attacks Trump trade policy in General and Obama…
national security threat…
knocks the concept of the trade war….
Will try to make a deal….
Slides to human rights in China…
Rachet down tariffs…
For Decades trade policy was wrong…
trade deal with labor, farmers and others at the table…
other countries have to follow our standards (????? iOS he kidding?)
Erratic Trump….
Export America products with American jobs…
China complicated
Harris..pull back the curtain he’s a small h guy…..laughs….
Knocks Biden for NAFTA…
Then goes after Trump
(All of the people on the stage DO NOT stay on going after Biden)
Sanders , like Trump does want American companies getting deals going overseas
As for internationalism …Agrees with Warren…
Embraces Biden call for internationalism against China…
The best thing to counter China would have been to pass the TPP.
That’s one thing where Obama was smarter than all these Democrats (except John Delaney).
I assume Biden is now anti-TPP as well.
So was Hillary ….
Some Democrats where against China and NAFTA for a while…
Sanders goes on an rant for supporting Democratic Socialism when asked about Venezuela
Castro knock the US not working to help South America…
I’m done with the play by play….
A BETTER debate….
The lower level people are doing better ….
There ARE a LOT of people promising things they CANNOT deliver …..
Biden holds his own as just plain ‘ole Joe….
There are NO strong attacks at him…Castro did the most…
Warren , to me comes across a bit more moderate, then she’s been sold as…
Harris is just there …
The moderators are 100% better than CNN, NBC and Fox…
I’ll take over the play by play-
Sanders just promised free guitar lessons for all at risk young white males.
Biden accidentally calls Jorge Ramos, “Raul” before correcting himself.
Biden says that as an educational tool, parents of young children should use the “record player” at night.
(One of these things actually happened.)
Yes, Biden is going to bring back the record player!
I can get behind that!
Make America The 1980s Again
(at least the early 80s)
This is great…
Biden started to say turn the television on at night, then changed it record player, and then seemed to be about to say “phonograph.”
He’s going to come back after the commercial break and say he meant “Ghetto Blaster.”
Stupid left-wing protesters just interrupted Biden’s heartfelt answer…
I am heartened that kids across America tonight will be asking their parents if they can go to bed with the record player on.
A Blockbuster Video in every town!
I said ABC did a better job then the other guys…..
CNN: “Thursday night’s debate featuring ten presidential candidates brought a big audience to ABC. The network’s ratings were head and shoulders above everything else on TV Thursday night.”
“Total viewership numbers will be released on Friday afternoon. But very preliminary numbers, known as the ‘overnights,’ show that the debate well exceeded 10 million viewers.”…
‘The View’ Hosts React to the Democratic Debate: “Bernie Looked Like He Crawled Out of a Garbage Can”
In a moment that no one acknowledged (but they definitely should have), Huntsman came in with the zinger of the week, saying, “Bernie looked like he crawled out of a garbage can.”
Party establishment types (and some others) are going really hard at Julian Catro for coming across like a jerk and trying to mimic Trump in questioning Biden’s mental health.
Nate Silver
The also-rans have been better than the frontrunners tonight.
This tariff portion of the debate has gone kind of boring. They all agree with what Trump did but are trying to find a way to talk around that.
wants to bring the troops back from oversea’s…
use none military means…
then attack Trump….
asked if the military experts says it won’t work…
problem can’t be solved by the military…
(NO President can pull ALL of the troops out of Afghanistan)
US military does NOT support full pullout…
Your view…
Does NOT want a ‘open ended’ deployment….
3 year sunset…
(Warren answer makes NO sense, like Trump’s)
Goes to the Scotland Trump making money…
Gets fast Irag pullout question…
Goes to Afghanistan question…
Cannot be put together…
Should be 3 separate states….
Bring the troops home, but leave a footprint of bases?
Backs away from Bush Iraq Ok…
Said Bush’s effort wasn’t right…
He was against McChristyal surge
Biden gives reasons for problems…
Beats his chest saying he felt the Biden mistake was one at the time….
Says he voted against Defense budget ‘s…
Droping bombs in the middle east isn’t the right thing to do…
Bernie looks 90 tonight.
When he and Biden are in the screen shot together, it’s exactly like the old men in the balcony on The Muppet Show.