His age don’t matter…
His gaffes don’t matter….
His debates don’t matter….
His going back to day don’t matter….
With crazy assed Donald Trump tearing everything up daily?
Democrats want somebody that brings things back down to earth like it was during Obama’s eight years….Somebody who give’s a shit…and isn’t Donald Trump….
John Cassidy: “Biden certainly wasn’t great. But his candidacy is posited on the theory that he doesn’t have to be a great debater. At this stage, his advisers know that they are unlikely to win over many progressive activists or dominate the highly educated demographic that has gravitated to Warren. Their strategy is to shore up Biden’s support among the rest of the Democratic alliance, including moderates, minorities, and whites who didn’t complete college. To this end, they are relying on his reputation as a centrist, his ties to Obama, and the good will he has built up over the years. Despite an uneven performance on Thursday night, Biden didn’t upend this strategy.”
“Arguably, his best moment came near the end, when all the candidates were asked about the most significant professional setbacks they had faced. Biden talked movingly about overcoming the death of his first wife and daughter in a car accident, and, more recently, of losing his eldest son, Beau, to cancer, by ‘finding purpose’ and staying engaged in public life. If he had left it there, it would have been a perfectly good response. But he went on to shift the discussion beyond himself. ‘There’s a lot of people been through a lot worse than I have, who get up every single morning, put their feet one foot in front of another, without the help I had,’ he said. ‘There are real heroes out there. Some real heroes.’ Earlier this week, my colleague Benjamin Wallace-Wells asked if Biden could remind Democrats what they liked about him. At least in this moment, he did.”
While not a Democrat, I kinda get it.
“Grandpa Joe is going to let us go to sleep with the record player on! So, we can learn new words like “malarkey” and “big f’in deal!”
If Trump is the “bull in the China shop” Biden is the old shopkeeper who knows every nook and cranny. Oh sure he rambles on sometimes and has trouble figuring out the online ordering system but you know he knows the opening and closing procedures down pat.
Amen Scott….
I notice even some of the young media types are finally yndwrstanding this….
Trump’s rants reinforce the support for Biden’s comfortabikty and actual knowledge on how things SHOUKD work and be….
My belief is that Trump’s side walk will be his down fall ….
Biden doesn’t have to out tweet him
He just has to be steady and a comfort that things will go back to normal….
Not crazy or left….
But closer to the middle…
As long as African-American voters–particularly older ones– are comfortable with ole Joe Nevis in a good spot. That could easily change though. And If it does he is likely in for a much tougher fight.
I do NOT believe they wikl leave Joe….
Booker and Harris seem to NOT. be able to interest them which one would think would be the case….
They probably won’t leave him as long as he appears a winner.
If he loses both Iowa and New Hampshire,I will reiterate that Harris or Booker, more likely Harris, could become a major player in S.C. where the primary electorate will be 70% Black.
Make fun all you want CG…..
Biden STILL is crushing towards the nomination and candidates that go after him hard get burned…
It is a litittle premature to say that people who go after Biden get burned. This is a debate after all and it is expected that people will point out differences. And they should.
Castro got burned because he incorrectly accused Biden of saying something that he didn’t say. He deserved to get burned.
Harris went after Biden….
she’s in the single digits…
Castro won’t get out of them…
ALL the pundits are making sure the pint is made that attacking ole Joe is NOT. a good look…
It’s Biden’s to loose ….