The Washington Post points out that the GOP?Republican party of Lincoln isn’t around right now….
It will be very interesting to see what happens with the party when Donald Trump leaves the stage…
President Trump extemporaneously speaks about Abraham Lincoln as if he were his rival. He has boasted that his poll numbers are greater than Lincoln’s, though there were no opinion polls in the 19th century. He has invidiously compared Lincoln with one man he always casts as heroic and whose monuments he defends as sacrosanct: “a great general,” Robert E. Lee.
And yet, to ward off criticisms of Trump’s bursts of racist rhetoric, Republican leaders reflexively play the Lincoln card. “We are the party of Lincoln,” proclaimed House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) to shield Trump with the icon of the Great Emancipator.
But the party of Trump is the antithesis of the party of Lincoln, the culmination of a long realignment. Beginning in the 1960s, the party embraced a Southern strategy, forsaking the remnants of its Lincolnesque heritage in exchange for the principles of states’ rights and resistance to civil rights for African Americans previously associated with the neo-Confederate Dixiecrat wing of the Democratic Party. As a result, the Republican Party changed its identity and abandoned its original principles, becoming strikingly similar to the very opponents that roused Lincoln to resist in the beginning.
Lincoln created the Republican Party out of the fragments of disintegrating parties amid the political chaos of the 1850s. He had to overcome a powerful tide of anti-immigrant nativism advanced by the Know Nothing Party, which he loathed. He faced a reactionary Supreme Court, which in Dred Scott v. Sandforddeclared that blacks were an “inferior class” who had “no rights the white man is bound to respect,” a decision intended to smash the new Republican Party. He had to confront the most cunning demagogue of his time, Stephen A. Douglas, who hurled every racist trope against him. And he confronted a dysfunctional president, James Buchanan, whose governing incompetence let the country careen to catastrophe….
image ..Breitbart
New Thread is HERE….
Boris Johnson’s brother is quitting Parliament. Boris’ first days have been so very Trump. The news here is brutal.
Morning All….
Well the mini Trump is up against a Parliament that has more ball’s then our Congress…
Stock Market rebounds +400 points on hopes that China /US talks would resume in October….
Wait. You mean things change after 150 years? Next you’ll be telling me that the Democraric Party that championed Jim Crow laws in the South in the late 19th amd early 20th centuries bears no resemblance to today’s Democratic Party.
I’ll have to read the whole Washpost article, but it was more than just Lincoln that created the Grand Old Party in 1854-60. For one thing, there was William Seward.
There was a really bad schism in the Republican Party immediately after Lincoln’s death and the years after.
and others ….Yea….DSD….
Trump finished things for NOW….
That’s the big question…When Trump exits the stage?
Do his followers, the vast majority of whom ,despite what you often hear, have been loyal Republican voters for years, merely fade into the woodwork and return to silently, yet in many cases resentfully, supporting traditional Republican types,ie,Romney ,McCain ,Bush, or do they look for a Trump clone.
Ted Cruz would probably like to fill that role.Mike Pence?Cant see him presiding over aTrumplike Hatefest.Maybe there’s someone else out there.
We were often told the Tea Partiers weren’t going to go away.We now know that they essentially abandoned their pretense,ie, anti government spending,”concern” about the debt, etc and simply melded into the Trump cult.
Perhaps the Trumpists become the vanguard of a permanent paranoid caucus in the Republican Party?
So ,yes,interesting it will be,
I dont doubt that if Trump loses in 2020 there will be a Trumpish candidate using race bullhorns over dog whistles.
In that scenario does Trump slink off into retirement or does he critique this sequel at every turn?
Trumpism wannabe’s ain’t Trump….
I expect GOPer political blood letting after Trump gets off the stage….
and recriminations….
So, whichever style or movement within the opposition party looks like the most effective vehicle to stop Democrats will get some automatic support. It’s possible. People who love Trump right now are really stubborn about not accepting how unpopular he is. They think all polls which show him down are “fake” and that Trump is the most popular POTUS in generations. They think that African-Americans secretly love him,
Trump keeps saying black votes should stick with him!
There are few takers…
The MOST popular?🙄
Power just came back on ( went off @2am).
Heavy rain with wind gusting to around 60mph.Im about 15 miles off the coast.
Storm is now about 70 miles due east of where I’m at and moving on up the coast.
I’m getting ready for an early stiff one.More later if the power stays on.
Good to hear from ya….
Glad the power came back so soon…
Enjoy that stiff one….
Hope you and all in Alabama weather this storm Jack!
After all, the President is never wrong and always right (or in Italian, Mussolini ha sempre ragione!)
Im sure Pence will go visit the victims of Hurricane Dorian in Alabama.
Right up there with the Bowling Green Massacre
Trump could replace Pence with Lindsay Graham. He’s completely capitulated.
Lindsay could probably run for VP and reelection to the Senate at the same time
Morning All….
The storm will move past my area over the next 24 hours….
It should be just a rain even here….
There’s afunny story about Graham that has somehow not made national news.
A few weeks ago he appeared at a “pub talk”in Charleston.Tye local newspaper sponsors it.An officeholder shows up at a local pub and essentially just sits around shooting the sh… with whoever is there,all on the record.
Anyway ,some young woman (probably afew beers down the road) lit into Lindsay for his support of Trump.Graham(alcohol intake unknown) proceeded to concede that pTrump was nuts ,but defended his actions ,by asserting that he,Graham , was a stabilizing influence on him.
It was sort of a remarkable exchange but, for some reason , hasn’t hit the national headlines,
The story doesn’t seem far fetched at all….
Graham HAS asserted the same thing on various foreign policy situations in the past….
Since Trump is clueless on the subject?
Graham’s actions probably HAVE been influential….
On the ‘nut’ evaluation?
Graham IS on the long list of people who worked for the guy and have said essentially the same thing….
Then list includes…..
Various GOPer lawmakers have said the same thing…
But will continue to support the party leader as Graham does…
As I have said…
Gonna be interesting when the chief knucklehead leaves the stage….
Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz ,who earlier flirted with an Independent presidential bid, now says he won’t run.
In possibly an ambiguous endorsement of Joe Biden, he warned Democrats that nominating a left wing candidate might ensure Trump reelection.
Apparently, Schultz ,who has shown some political naievete ,does not understand that Republicans regard All Democrats as “leftists.”
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Former Starbucks Corp chief executive Howard Schultz has abandoned plans for an independent presidential run, saying he did not want to split the electorate and help re-elect U.S. President Donald Trump in 2020, according to a statement on his website.
“My belief in the need to reform our two-party system has not wavered, but I have concluded that an independent campaign for the White House is not how I can best serve our country at this time,” he wrote.
Polling updated….
Warren seems to have settled into second place for the Dem’s….
Not by much….
And Biden is STILL almost 2-1 ahead of her and Bernie…
We had some rain but the storm is way out to sea in passing my area…
Morning People….
It has been reported that Trump cancelled a meeting with Taliban leader after a attack that killed a US solider….
The meeting was planned for Camp David….
More on this later…..
Taliban meeting follow up….
Face the Nation
When asked if the Taliban had accepted the Trump administration’s invitation to Camp David, @SecPompeo says, “We were confident that we were gonna be able to have these meetings, what would be this afternoon, at Camp David.”
So u mean they didn’t actually KNOW IF the Taliban guys would show up???
If Barack Obama had bought the Taliban to Camp David ,Sean Hannity , Rush Limbaugh and Every Republican Senator and Congressman would have gone totally bonkers .
Now though, they are InTheCult and nothing outrages them.
Stockholm syndrome ….
That he was intending to meet and negotiate with the Taliban at Camp David is despicable.
The Taliban is a terrorist, non-governmental entity. Since 9/11/01, which is close to the anniversary he wanted to have this meeting, the appropriate policy of the United States is to kill to any member of the Taliban, not to shake their hands or surrender to them.
or to put them in Gitmo
Well CG?
This Booz thinks he can work a deal with ANYBODY….
So far?
He ain’t got shit….🙄
I would argue that”stupid” is a more appropriate word than “despicable”.
By agreeing to meet with the Taliban, Trump gives the group credibility and more influence than they should have. “Despicable” is more appropriate word for the GOP response – who one would think would know better. But of course the GOP won’t say anything – because they believe in nothing (even if Corey believes otherwise).
Morning All….
Piece tonight on a security risk President….
The Odds(fair and balanced as always with accompanying editorial snippets)
As of Sep.8
Biden 38%…Cant argue with current polls .
Warren 30%…Is presently running the best campaign .
Sanders 13%….Committed supporters but questionable room to grow.
Harris 8%…Hoping That Biden stumbles before S.C. primary.
Buttigieg 5%…Rasing money but not poll numbers.
Booker 3%…Is setting up a last stand in S.C.
Klobuchar 1%…If Biden fades, here I am!
ORourke 1%…Maybe I Should have run for the Senate ?
Someone Else 1%…But who?
You mind me making this a post with ur name on the bottom?
I happen to agree with ya pretty much…
I don’t mine.
Thanks Jack,,,
You’re up…
Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin is floating the idea of a “Middle Class “ tax cut next year.Trump has also mentioned this.
Excuse, but wasn’t that what Trump promised right after his inauguration?Instead ,of course, the Trump/Republican Tax cut of 2017 was one of the biggest tax giveaways to the wealthy in history.
And of course said “middle class tax cut” will not be paid for and will simply add to the ballooning debt.
Under Trump the normal GOP hypocrisy regarding spending and deficits has accelerated to a dizzying pace.
I saw one GOP cultist defend Trump’s spending by saying “at least it’s paying off with the economy” and “you’ve got to spend money to make money” . Utterly stupid, but also utterly predictable in today’s Republican Party.
One would think a credible Libertarian nominee like Justin Amash could exploit this issue among self proclaimed “tea partiers”. But I won’t hold my breath.
Trump cares less about debt…
I posted a piece a few days ago that has a piece that suggests that right now Donald Trump actually owes millions to creditors and may end up paying NYS and the Feds Milllions in tax avoidance penalties when he leaves the protection of the presidency…
In today’s “Who Cares News” Sarah Palin and Todd Palin are getting a divorce.
Polling sidebar updated…
Warren back in second place….
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, and her husband, Todd, appear headed for divorce after more than 30 years of marriage, state court records showed….
Scott posted that above six hours earlier.
What?Youre not reading the posts?
Well, I did post it under ‘who cares news”.
A has been grifter who has been eclipses eclipsedin the GOP by the Grifter Supreme!
Does the Grifter Supreme come with bacon and grits ?
Morning people…
Tomorrow is Sept. 11, 2019…
Eighteen Years…
Morning everyone….
Might we stop riding the Bolton post with non-Bolton stuff?
How are we supposed to live without it? Now that we’ve been posting there so long?
You just did….
Open Thread SHOULD be a fall back….
My tribute to Michael Bolton aside, you should simply be grateful for any comments you get, anywhere you get them on here.
I am…
But I live thru the dry times also….
Morning People….
Debate tonight….
Yesterday, CG and I had a discussion as to turnout in the 2020 election .
He feels it will be below 2016 .I think it will be higher ,maybe substantially so.
CNN is out with a poll today showing that presently,”enthusiasm” about the upcoming election is very high.The question is,will it remain so?
For now though I think it points to a higher turnout.
The warning signs are ALLOVER the place on a one term Trump run,…
Because Trump did his magic show in the last 6 weeks before the 2016 election MOST pundits and others are shy about making forecasts….
I expect turnout in 2020 will be higher than in 2016 too. And Since Trump will remain every bit as polarizing, I see little reason to believe enthusiasm on either side will dampen.
i concur on the above average turnout next November….
Anything less is remote…
Even this weeks NC voting numbers where higher….
It won’t be just Democrat’s….
I think there is a good chance that an ugly, uninspiring campaign leads to a low turnout.
Also, many people might be convinced Trump will lose and will not need to vote.
Some people may be convinced Trump will win and will not need to vote.
Trump’s fans are looking at specific polls and insistent that his African-American approval is in the 20s and rising and point out that he is doing slightly better in the job approval polls they see than Obama was at this point four years ago.
Partisans on both sides are far overconfident.
I expect turnout in 2020 will be higher than in 2016 too. And Since Trump will remain every bit as polarizing, I see little reason to believe enthusiasm on either side will dampen.
I also agree that turnout will be up and both sides will be energized to turn up
CG may not be enthused to vote next year since he won’t vote for Trump and won’t vote for a Democrat that isn’t the Ghost of Zell Miller. And since there will almost certainly npt be a viable 3rd party candidate he will be again be writing in someone on the ballot. I probably wouldnt be enthused to do that either.
I am not saying it can never happen, but someone should look up the last time a Presidential reelection vote had a larger turnout than an election in which a new President was being elected.
There seems to be a clear historical trend that would have to end.
Per Wikipedia in 2004 55% of the voting age population turned out and in 2000 50% did.
Ok, amid all our political chaos, I forgot about that and how successful the Bush 2004 campaign was in turning out its voters.
There was of course also the instance of the late breaking GWB DUI story from 1976 that is believed to have caused many religious conservatives to stay home, which they did not in 2004.
The Bush campaign was very much expecting a larger turnout of their base and to have won the popular vote and a few additional states.
So, good find.
The turnout in 2012 when Obama was seeking a second term was well down from 2008 though.
We will see what happens.
What kind of eligible voter would have been most likely to have completely stayed home in 2016 that might vote in 2020? Potentially, someone who dislikes politics in general and could be drawn to Trump’s disruptiveness.
As Jack noted yesterday minority turnout was down in 2016. Most consequential in cities like Detroit, Philadelphia, Milwaukee. These are thr voters who have seen the bigotry of the Donald Trump Republican Party and will be motivated to turn out in higher numvers next year
I’m surprised CG forgot about 2004. It’s the last time he voted for a nominee who won and it will be at least 2024 till he can say that qgain since he will throw away his vote next year.
Well, to this point, I’ve at least voted for as many winning nominees as you have, despite being younger.
I note you don’t dispute that your vote will be thrown away next year.
No, I will never consider it thrown away, if the person I vote for does not win. Voting one’s conscience is the only option as far as I am concerned.
Well that’s your prerogative. If you think Trump is so unacceptable as President I think you’d want to vote for the only candidate who could actually defeat him.
But I also find the likely Democrat nominee (based on those running and who may be nominated) to be unacceptable.
I don’t decide the election myself anyway. I don’t even live in a swing state. So I will vote my conscience.
Corey, I understand your dilemma off having to vote for Trump or someone who is opposed to borrowing money to pay for a tax cut and who opposes what you believe is your “right” to own assault weapons.
But if you did live in a swing state, how would you vote?
I don’t live in a swing state. Even if I did, it wouldn’t matter.
There is no time in American history for now until the end of the where any statewide election will ever be decided by one vote.
in 2016, I told people that if I had a gun to my head and i was told that I must, myself alone, with a gun to my head, choose Hillary or Trump for the entire country…,
I would have said Hillary and then asked them to pull the trigger.
For Warren or Sanders, I couldn’t even go that far though.
Well if it doesn’t matter if you lived in a swing state, then your continued use of that excuse for not voting is disingenuous.
Oh, I will vote Zreebs, don’t worry .And I saw you yourself on here a few days ago say you might vote for someone other than Trump or Biden. You said you would have possibly voted for Kasich. We could have voted the same way.
Kind of speculative.
Was minority turnout higher in 2008 because John McCain was a bigot? Or is the desire to vote *for* something a better indicator of motive?
it was because American was ejecting it’s first Black/Mixed President?
I tried to eject him.
Ask Trump’s “African American” who has now quit the GOP.
That guy was a nutjob before Trump. I think he had run for office under several party labels before.
Diamond and Silk are remaining loyal.
They constitute the 3% of African Ameeican women who support Trump in a recent poll
They aren’t that large!
The ‘Black guy’ who quit the GOP…..
Gregory Cheadle, the black man President Trump once described at a rally as “my African American,” is fed up, PBS NewsHour reports.
“After two years of frustration with the president’s rhetoric on race and the lack of diversity in the administration, Cheadle told PBS NewsHour he has decided to leave the Republican party and run for a seat in the U.S. House of Representative as an independent in 2020.”
Speaking of Republican minority outreach the man Donald Trump referred to “my African-American” has quit the GOP
Sen. Mitt Romney has announced he will not make an endorsement in the GOP primaries nor general election.
As a “check” on Trump Romney has been a complete dud.
Romney declared Bolton a good guy……
(CNN)Republican Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah said Thursday that he’s planning to withhold his endorsement in the 2020 race both in the primary and in the general election, underscoring the uneasy relationship between the GOP’s 2012 presidential nominee and the leader of his party.
“I’m not planning on endorsing in the presidential race,” Romney, who has periodically sparred with Trump, told CNN in the Capitol. “At this stage, I’m not planning on endorsing in the primary or in the general.”…
Sounds like Scott is upset that Romney is not endorsing Trump.
I told jack and everyone else he wouldn’t do it.
Romney is doing the right thing. I am sorry for Scott that he can’t be liberal enough on issues to meet his approval.
Romney has 3 GOP challengers to Trump to pick from to endorse.
But he’s too much of a wimp to do it.
I think Romney is on the fence Scott because he then. wait to see how Trump is doing a year from now…
There’s no reason for him to endorse any of them. There are actually some pretty obvious reasons why. One never knows what could possibly happen.
Romney WILL come back to Trump….
He will not endorse or vote for Trump. I think he has already made that more than clear.
Don’t have to endorse….
Just has to come back to him…..
Same as when he got down to running, eh?
Romney will continue to vote as a U.S. Senator for Utah the way he sees fit and a way that is representative of his constituents.
He is an actual conservative. He has also opposed Trump on many issues, such as the “national emergency” and has written and spoken critically of Trump in many ways.
The one GOP Senator who votes the most “against Trump” is Rand Paul, who is also probably his biggest boot licker.
Rahm Emanuel in his pundit role says that Julian Castro is “disqualified.”
“I’m fulfilling the legacy of Barack Obama, and you’re not,” Castro said, after accusing Biden’s health care plan of leaving 10 million people uncovered.
“That’ll be a surprise to him,” a stunned Biden responded….
The above Castro comment just ain’t gonna get it…..
I don’t live in a swing state. Even if I did, it wouldn’t matter.
There is no time in American history for now until the end of the where any statewide election will ever be decided by one vote.
in 2016, I told people that if I had a gun to my head and i was told that I must, myself alone, with a gun to my head, choose Hillary or Trump for the entire country…,
I would have said Hillary and then asked them to pull the trigger.
For Warren or Sanders, I couldn’t even go that far though.
He won’t endorse anyone. Again. What a wimp.
He’s mulling over the options for now, just like you.
But no, it would be a strategic mistake, both for him, and for the three candidates, if he were to endorse one of them.
Besides, Scott has 20 plus Democrats running for President to endorse and refuses to do so. How is that any different?
Take a stand!
I will have a candidate by the time I vote in the Missouri primary next March.
And more importantly next November I will proudly vote for the one candidate on the ballot who can defeat Trump–the Democratic nominee.
I won’t be writing in Mickey Mouse or. George W Bush’s Cowboy Hat or whatever.
Well, then you should hold your tongue until the Utah primary at least and see who qualifies for the ballot there.
Past nominees almost never endorse.
We certainly saw what Romney was willing to do and how he put himself out there publicly in unmistakable terms back the last time when the nomination was still for the taking.
This time, it is not for the taking. Unless something unexpected happens, and in which case, Romney might have a chance himself.
“Past nominees almost never endorse”
Not true.
Al Gore, John Kerry, Bon Dole all endorsed candidates in subsequent nomination contests.
Gore endorsed someone other than his running-mate, which was notable. Kerry endorsed very late in the game. Dole endorsed his wife.
There’s simply no reason for Romney to choose between Weld, Walsh, and Sanford. Either it would hurt one of them or hurt the others, depending on what people think of Romney. It’s not like someone is actually going to be able to win a lot of delegates.
Thus, the best thing for all anti-Trump people is for as many anti-Trump voices as possible out there covering as much ground.
Ok, my mother called me. She’s non-political but says she watched most of the debate. Contrary to my father, she doesn’t like Trump.
She said she was most impressed by Cory Booker.
Biden- “he can’t talk or finish his words”
Sanders- “nutcase”
Elizabeth Warren- “didn’t like her at first but she’s not too bad”
Yang and Castro – “no chance”
Pretty bad reviews for Biden by the CNN pundits.
Oh, and Harris “speaks well but is too cocky.”
She didn’t volunteer on the others.
Please refer to the various pieces here on the media shit canning Biden who nevertheless keeps cruising in the polls 2-1 over the media favourites….
This escaped me before, but I think james needs to reconsider his claim that ABC ran a better Dem debate than Fox…..
There are no Dem debates on Fox.
You ARE correct there CG…..
Fox is actually getting screwed out of ad money , eh?