One of the surprises I’ve seen in the Democratic race is Sanders being in second place in polls for South Carolina…
That stats’s vote is a read of the black vote…
We now have a national poll that has Warren ahead of Sanders with the black voters…
Joe Biden owns the black vote right now and will most probably do so thru Super Tuesday which also probably means he’ll win the nomination in the end…
But if polls have Warren ahead of Sanders with blacks and the votes actually come her way?
(She is probably getting support from Kamala Harris’s decline…..)
Sanders is gonna be coming in in third place no matter what….
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) appears to be growing her share of support from black voters, who have been slow to warm to her campaign.
A new poll from NBC News and The Wall Street Journal found Warren in second place among black voters with 13 percent support, her best showing in any poll to date. That’s up from 8 percent in the previous survey from July, although the 5-point swing is within the poll’s margin of error.
An Economist–YouGov survey released Wednesday found Warren’s support among black voters at 11 percent, up from 5 percent in July. And the latest Politico–Morning Consult survey found Warren gaining 5 points among black voters.
Former Vice President Joe Biden still dominates the field with black voters, and he’ll be the favorite to win the nomination unless that changes. Biden pulled 49 percent support from black voters in the NBC-Journal poll, a 36-point lead over Warren.
But Warren is showing signs of life here after public opinion surveys from earlier in the cycle showed her languishing in the single digits among black voters, raising criticism from some quarters that her appeal was limited to wealthy white liberals on the coasts….
In my view, Harris is being counted out way too quickly.
If Biden loses both Iowa and New Hampshire,She will be a major player in S.C.Even Booker might be.He has a lot of residual support among Black voters here.
They are sticking with Biden…For Now
If he stumbles out of the gate?Lots of things will change,very quickly.
Bill Clinton LOST Iowa and NH which have how many delegates ?
As long as Biden owns SC and wins CALIF he will be the nominee …
Harris has virtually No Chance…
This ‘it’s too early stuff’ is NOT Reality
People ARE. gone from the race and the money JAS begin to dry up…
The race IS essentially between Biden and Warren…
I don’t care what you “repeat.”
Your knowledge of S.C. politics is nil.
And what happened to Bill Clinton 27 years ago is totally meaningless.
I am not suggesting that Harris will be the nominee?I am suggesting that in the overall scheme of things, this campaign is in a very young and fluid stage .Biden may very well end up the nominee and I would still rate him the favorite as I have in my “eagerly anticipated odds” feature .
This site is consumed with historical anecdotes that are supposed to mean. ,what exactly?I read them and am familiar with them usually.I find them interesting as being of historical note,Using such to suggest anything about the present,particularly ones from the preInternet era ,when the only cable news network was CNN and home computers much less social media was pretty much unheard of ,is beyond ridiculous.
Nobody contested Iowa that year because Tom Harkin ran.
Clinton was considered the “winner” in NH, because he came in 2nd, after being written off for dead.
Biden has to win at least one of them.
Biden just needs Nev,SC and Ca…..
Those would make him a lock…
SC IS the bellweather state
Nobody considered an undisputed front-runner can compete in Iowa and New Hampshire and lose both.
(Never been done before in either party)
If he loses both, there is a reason. And it’s hard to see bouncing back from that.
We’ll see….
if Sanders gets Iowa and Warren gets NH and Biden was to get SC?
He’s be fine with Nevada and a blowout Super Tuesday including a strong win in California…
but what if Warren gets Iowa and NH?
The more Sanders slips, the more likely that might become.
That would have a media frenzy….
But No Nevada and SC would STILL mean Biden moves to clinch ….
it IS about delegates remember?
IA and NH come first.
If someone is knocked out there, the rest does not matter.
The higher the expectations, the more the exposure, the greater the potential fall.
The top people will be in it till Super Tuesday at the least…..
They have money…..
Other’s will be gone by SC…..