Don’t matter about ALL the polls that say American’s want more stringent background checks on gun purchase’s…
CONSERVATIVES are warning Donald Trump to NOT get involved….
They care less about the monthly mass shootings…
Senate conservatives are warning President Trump and their own leaders to tread carefully in the gun control debate and caution they risk a political backlash by striking a deal with Democrats to expand background checks for firearms sales.
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) on Thursday said if Republicans strike a deal with Democrats to require all firearms sales over the internet or at gun shows to go through background checks, they would demoralize their conservative base ahead of next year’s presidential election.
“If Republicans abandon the Second Amendment and demoralize millions of Americans who care deeply about Second Amendment rights, that could go a long way to electing a President Elizabeth Warren,” Cruz said at a breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor, referring to the liberal Democratic senator from Massachusetts who is running for president.
“We’re going to see record-shattering Democratic turnout. The only element missing to ensure Democratic victory is demoralizing conservatives so they stay home. I hope we don’t do that,”…
Republicans will NEVER cross the NRA. Even as that criminal enterprise gasps for it’s last breaths (their former spokesperson and my old nemesis Dana Loesch is now hawking berry juice or some such shit on infomercial now) they must answer with how high every time Wayne LaPierre says jump!