He wants to free us all from medical bills owed and not have debt from those bill on the books in credit reports…
It’s a further sell for Medicare-for-All…
I agree that medical bill’s ARE a drag on American’s who need to be able take care of themselves and it’s expensive for those who don’t have adequate insurance coverage…
Sanders tends to not care when the the question comes up about WTF is gonna pay for his idea that would saddle middle class American’s with a bill in the Billions in taxes….
In a plan released Saturday, Mr. Sanders, the Vermont senator and presidential candidate, proposes wiping out an estimated $81 billion in existing debt and changing rules around debt collection and bankruptcy. He also calls for replacing the giant credit reporting agencies with a “public credit registry” that would ignore medical debt when calculating credit scores.
The proposals reflect Mr. Sanders’s concern that the medical system has placed financial hardships on too many Americans, by discouraging them from seeking needed medical care — but also by saddling them with expensive and unfair bills that can harm their financial security, ding their credit and, in some cases, lead to bankruptcy.
The plan is Mr. Sanders’s latest effort to transform the health care system in America, a goal on which he has staked not just his second presidential run, but much of his political legacy. His proposal also separates him from other presidential candidates: While several of them have come to embrace his “Medicare for all” plan to create a government-run health insurance system, he is the first top-tier contender to call for such drastic measures on medical debt.
I support Medicare for All as ultimately one provider is an effective way to reduce our exorbitant medical costs – which are roughly 50% higher than the medical costs of the second most expensive country (Sswitzerland).
But I do NOT support forgiving medical debt unless that debt exceeds a high number (such as $100k). and even then people should retain responsibility. For the first $100k.
How much in EXTRA TAXES would YOU agree to pay to put it into place?
Well if people declare bankruptcy and don’t pay back their debt, the rest of us pick up the bill anyway. Or did you not think about that?
Yes Z….
The student loan program writes off loans EVERY year that people can’t pay….
After decades ?
They send ya a 1099….
How many people in their 60’s, 70’s and 80’s are gonna a pull hundreds of thousand of dollars out of their asses to pay back?
Trump just wrote off millions in student loans owned by disabled vets…..
Congress has written rules that ya can’t ‘walk away’ from student loans in bankruptcy court…
The fucking things are like the Borg….
I’d cancel the whole program , debt and no MORE loans….
It is NOT in Nation’s National Security interest to settle it’s student and parents with so much debt….
I’ve thought about it….
I paid mine off…
James, This discussion has nothing to do with student debt or the Borg. I know it is hard for you, but try to stay focused. Nobody wants to have a conversation with people who are unable or unwilling to follow the conversation.
You’re Right!…
I meant to say that what I said @ 3;09PM….
My Mistake!
I’m out for the night….
I just get worked up over the way the student loan program has grown to be a ball and chain for those who are lured into it…..
You ought to get “worked up” about families being bankrupted by medical bills.
Instead of carrying on an intelligent conversation on this major issue facing thousands of Americans, you resort to the Right Wing dog whistle of “taxes.”
Very Republican of you James!
I’m NOT happy about medical bills either Jack….
How much are YOU willing to pay in NEW TAXES to bring in Universal Healthcare or Medicare for All?
Z never answered my question….
Here’s where you come on with the “ ain’t gonna happen” routine.
See James, everyone one knows your “act” which,of course, is used by you because of your well known inability to logically discuss any of the issues facing the country and your knee jerk resort to such inanities as the above.
Carry on….
Z likely didn’t answer your so called “question “ because he recognized it for what it was a “dog whistle.”
As for me, I’m perfectly happy to have an overall discussion about the amount of taxes collected in this country, the amount of taxes not collected in this country because of the tax structure, the amount of taxes used for corporate welfare, the amount of taxes wasted on military adventures overseas, the bloated military budget, repealing the tax cuts allotted to the wealthy over the past twenty years, and a few hundred other things. In conjunction with the structuring go a health care system that serves us in the best way possible.
Then we can have a rational discussion on the subject.
As to your Ted Cruz imitation?I wouldn’t take your show on the road James.you have neither the ability ,nor the intelligence to pull it off.
BOTH of you have ducked my question….
BOTH of you will NOT answer if you are willing yo INCREASE YOUR taxes to support Sanders healthcare wet dream?
That most is not ALL of the Democratic candidates have lowered their hands in supporting in Sanders original form and even HE has tried to modify….
Ya not putting your money where your mouths are, eh?
and NO….
medicare for all…universal healthcare and whatever are NOT gonna happen….
the lawmakers have enough issue with Obamacare ….
trying a WHOLE NEW all encompassing health program that would be government ran is IMPOSSIBLE politically….
Good dream though Jack…
If it works for ya….
Thanks James!
You revive my faith in your continuing ignorance about how government works.Did you know James that what evolved into Medicare in 1965 was being discussed in the early thirties?No you didn’t because you have no knowledge of such things.
All ideas take years to germinate.Will There be setbacks along the way?Of course ,that’s how things progress by steps , by discussion.
Due to your inability to carry on serious discussions ?Much better to shut all discussion down with a useless inane comment
He, he, he…..
Discussions back in the day are NOT relevant to the polarised politics of today RIGHT NOW….
maybe sometime in the future…
But if the President CAN wilfully break the rules?
With the support of a party he’s taken over?
What makes you think ‘talking’ about a GIANT GOVERNMENT ran OVERALL healthcare conversion is gonna happen AGAINT a decade or so after the last one….
And that would require a substantial increase in taxation to boot?
Well using your uh “logic?”
Nothing, absolutely Nothing is going to happen due to the “polarized” politics of today.
Accordingly, there should be no real discussion of,Well,
So ,really, what’s the point of any of the Discussions here on any issues at all?
The subject comes upon and is dropped like a hot potato EVERYTIME….
Get REAL….
How about Social Security Jmes which you are probably collecting by now?
It’s going broke.
Will you pay higher taxes to keep it going?
Same with Medicare?
How bout it?
On social security we’ve had THIS discussion many times before….
The regular retirement system is funded outwards to the 2030’s….
The disability part is just about broke….
The government IS proping THAT system up …yes….
Any mention of doing ANYTHING with social security does NOT go ANYWHERE…
Lawmakers in Congress are afraid to touch anything to do with the system….
My dealings with the system have been good…
I AM getting my money’s worth back….
Z hasn’t answered my question on if he would agree to substantially increase his tax burden for universal healthcare yet…
Jack has dodged it better, but STILL hasn’t given me a straight yes/no answer….
Yes – I would accept higher taxes for no healthcare costs.
ObamaCare was an improvement over what it replaced, but it remains a flawed temporary system that will keep our healthcare costs as the highest in the world without even covering all workers.
Thank You Z….
You do know when asked the same question the support for the program drops way below the majority that would support program….
and i agree Z..
Obamacare is far from perfect….
But Obama had to twist like pretzel to get the thing passed….
Yeah and you don’t give a damn about anyone in the future do you?
You’ve got yours and screw everybody else.
Disgusting but certainly not surprising.
Very Trumpian of you ,
Well Jack?
If any of them want to pay any of my annual tax bill I might change my mind?
Well, isn’t it the factual case that they either are or will be on Medicare soon anyway?
I didn’t duck your question .I gave you an analytical answer.
One has to look at taxes and how they are distributed in the overall context of the nations priorities.You can’t do that in isolation.
If more taxes are called for the so be it.
Now I opposed to the Bush Tax cuts of eighteen years ago and the Republican tax cuts of 2017.
How about you?
I’m not endorsing Sanders plan necessarily.I support a continuing conversation on the subject .You don’t as is obvious from your dog whistle “question.”And then there’s this drivel from you @12:05,”Im not happy about medical bills,”,duh,gee I thought you were.How dumb,
the analysis IS that a full medicare for all would cost almost a Trillion spread over a decade or so….
Sanders has not addressed the pay for part…
the 2017 tax cut cost me roughly $1,000
more a year so i’m not seeing it as good for the middle class…
Most likely (as I wish Sanders & co. would better explain) FICA payroll taxes would increase, but
(a) some current government spending on health-care would fall (because of earlier & wider preventive care) and much more importantly
(b) Medicare4All would displace more in current monthly premiums, co-pays, deductibles and exclusions than it would cost in higher payroll deductions.