Thru to form he has had a few recently….
Joe Biden has always done them….
(They ALL DO)…..
He STILL keeps the lead in the nomination race…
From mangling a favorite one-liner to almost suggesting that poor kids aren’t white to flubbing his campaign’s text message address on the debate stage last week, Joe Biden’s propensity for verbal missteps burst into view after he mostly kept it in check for the first three months of his candidacy.
It reflects an ongoing difficulty for Biden: His gaffes inevitably draw outsize attention, overshadowing his message and, at times, the depth and versatility of his remarks. Biden’s headline-grabbing comment about “poor kids” was at a marathon, two-hour event addressing the Asian-Latino coalition, where he took questions and then delivered lengthy answers, at times delving deep into policy.
“We should challenge students in these schools and have advanced placement programs in these schools,” Biden said. “We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright, just as talented, as white kids.”
He quickly clarified: “Wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids — no I really mean it, but think how we think about it.”
Earlier Thursday, Biden stepped in it with what should have been a rote portion of his talk.
“We choose truth over facts,” Biden thundered during remarks at the Iowa State Fair. A video of that remark, subsequently reposted by Trump supporters, was viewed more than 1 million times by the next morning.
By Friday morning, Biden’s misfire provided a target of opportunity for President Donald Trump and Republicans, who said the 76-year-old is too old and implied that he’s mentally infirm….
Some comparison …..
The Left had a grand old time with President George W. Bush’s mangling of the English language, and let Sarah Palin or Michele Bachmann make a slip of the tongue and the mainstream media will turn it into a major news story. Not so with President Obama’s verbal missteps. Here, to bring balance to the ridicule, are the Top 10 Obama Gaffes:
1. How many states? Vice President Dan Quayle was virtually laughed out of Washington for misspelling potato back in 1992, yet Barack Obama made a more elementary flub when, during the 2008 campaign, he said: “I’ve now been in 57 states-I think one left to go.”
2. Hero soldier mix-up: While commending troops at Fort Drum, N.Y., for their completed deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan, President Obama said, “A comrade of yours, Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn’t receiving it posthumously.” Wrong hero. Sgt. 1st Class Jared Monti was killed in action, another soldier, Staff Sgt. Sal Giunta, was the first living recipient of the Medal of Honor that fought in Afghanistan.
3. What year is it? During a trip to London’s Westminster Abbey, President Obama signed the guest book and dated it 24 May 2008. Oops. It was 2011. (Maybe he was wistfully dreaming about his 2008 election campaign at the time.)….
More @ HumanEvents (7/10/11)
Heck…His gaffes aren’t intentional like the other guy whose job Biden wants….
(((Harry Enten)))
I must admit I find it semi-bizarre to see people surprised that a candidate who make verbal gaffes leads in polling. Will said lead hold? Prob not. But remember two out of a last three presidents were/are George W. Bush and Donald Trump.
If Biden doesn’t win the nomination it won’t be because of these minor verbal gaffes.
Trump has inured the public to the such things.
Now?Those things are nothing more than a media soundbite,,of any significance only till the next tweet by the President Of the United States.
Agreed on the gaffs…
CNN John King midday show also confirms that voters interviewed IN iowa this weekend don’t give a shit about gaffs…
Voters dismiss the media focus on the subject ..
Joe Biden CONTINUES to be the person seen as BEST to beat Trump…
Former Vice President Joe Biden’s gaffes are unlikely hurt him in the long run, particularly among moderate voters, a Democratic strategist said Friday in a Hill.TV interview.
“This type of thing in the long term probably doesn’t hurt him,” said Molly Mitchell, a former director of media Affairs at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC).
“No one is supporting him because they think he has the best debate skills, because he has superior oratory skills,” said Mitchell, who’s now a director at Hamilton Strategies. “A lot of people — rightly or wrongly so — think he is the clear moderate choice who can actually defeat Trump, and they’re willing to take this.”…
I think there is a difference in perception between Trump and Biden on this.
To most people, Trump is just someone who shamelessly lies or exaggerates. Those that like him or tolerate him have made their peace with that.
People have a somewhat higher standard for Biden, even though they may be justified not to, because as someone who follows politics closely, it is clear that Biden has been a “gaffe machine” ever since he was a young man as well as a shameless liar at times, (i.e. his well publicized history with plagiarism both as a law student and as a Presidential candidate in the ’80s.)
But when people these days see Biden misspeaking all over the place and with the well concerted effort of Trump and his allies to elude to Biden having dementia, it is a more troubling political thing for Biden, fair or not, because of the age issue.
I agree Buden’s gaffes draw attention…
But that has been him from the jump….
We do remind people that Bush II and Obama made them….
And so does Trump…