He’s always been in the low to mid range 40’s….
The new CNN poll out drops him to a straight 40%….
People are beginning top worry about Trump’s ‘good economy’….
President Trump’s approval rating has dropped for the first time in recent months as public perception of the U.S. economy under his presidency begins to weaken, according to new CNN poll.
Forty percent of respondents said they approve of the way Trump is handing his job as president. The majority — 54 percent — said they disapprove while 6 percent gave no opinion.
His positive approval rating had held steady at 43 percent in the CNN poll since the week of April 25.
The president, a former New York real estate mogul, made the economy a key pillar during his 2016 campaign and has predicted that it would “go down the tubes” if he loses his reelection bid in 2020
The CNN poll released on Wednesday also showed the first significant decline in public perception of the economy during Trump’s time in the White House.
Almost two-thirds of Americans — 65 percent — responded that current economic conditions are good, a 5-point drop from when the same question was asked in a May.
The drop comes as fear that the United States could enter into a recession next year grows….
Chris Clizzia..
Greenland was never for sale. Mexico was never going to pay for the wall. His inauguration crowd was never the largest in history. There was not blame on both sides in the white supremacist riots in Charlottesville……
Annna Navarro
Is it so hard to elect a President who:
– is not a pathological liar
– is not a serial sexual assaulter
– is not a racist
– is mentally stable
– is not a schoolyard bully with a smartphone
– reads, writes and speaks at a level higher than 1st grade
– AND is not owned by the NRA?
She’s a Republican….
Johnathan Chait
Trump compares self to Jesus, can’t understand why the Jews don’t worship him
Could you imagine the screaming from FOX if Obama said he was “The Chosen One”?
You would think these so called “evangelical Christians” would find such uttering blasphemous and ,of course, they would ,if the speaker had been any Democrat.
A Republican like Trump?Such is greeted with a sly smile and the obligatory “as shucks that’s just him.”
No wonder polls show increasing numbers call themselves “non religious.”
I mean this slug as “the Chosen One?”This makes that “church” that sells minister credentials for ten bucks look like the soul of religiosity!
FoxNews which functions as sort of the unofficial propaganda network of the Trump Administration has announced that Sarah Sanders Huckabee is transferring over from the White House for the some “fair and balanced “ commentary.
You may have missed that Trump has been attacking Fox News quite a bit lately.
He is upset that their polls show him losing and he says they are “not what they used to be,” He has gone after Shepherd Smith, an open liberal, and said that Fox can be worse than CNN. He says he prefers OAN.
While some shows on Fox’s Prime Time lineup are of course Trump lovefests (just like shows on MSNBC were under Obama), there are actual journalists at Fox who cover Trump “fair and balanced”, such as Bret Baier, who publicly took issue on the air with Trump’s comments about Fox and his unwillingness to sit down with an impartial interviewer on that network.
If Sarah Sanders is joining as a commentator, she will of course be noted as such. Every network has them from both sides of the aisle. Fox has Donna Brazille for example and several other Democrats in their group of commentators.
That’s hilarious! FOX and Friends practically give Trump a handjob every morning and he’s complaining fhey don’t use enough lotion lol.
Yes Fox has several good reporters like Chris Wallace and Shep Smith.
However their commentators are almost all RightWingers ,many actually former Administration officials.
Juan Williams has been on for a long time and is sort of the resident “librul.”
Trump in his tirade last week used “we” to describe his relationship with Fox
And I don’t recall Obama ever “calling in” to a program like Trump does on Fox and Friends on a regular basis(rather bizarre, the President Of the United States a regular guest commenter), nor receiving advice from commentators like Hannity and Carlson do for Trump.
Trumps relationship is totally different from any Presidents with a specific network that I’ve ever seen.
Donna Brazille is also on their payroll also I believe….
That’s sort of funny.
Remember Brazile was Dismissed from CNN for colluding with Hillary’s campaign during the debates.
FoxNews was one of the leading voices decrying her conduct.
Now?Theyve hired her!
Why do you think “Fox News” is a singular entity?
Who wouldn’t have editorialized to criticize Brazile for that incident?
That doesn’t mean she can’t be a pundit.
Yea CG….
They still pay Shepard, Wallace and Williams….
I don’t care that they hired Brazile.
They’re paying her.
Good work if you can get it.
At least they try to make things look good even if we know better…
I know CNN will put people on air who are there to defend Trump and they have a roster of people like Santorum and others who do so on the Sunday morning show, but does MSNBC actually have an in-house Trump pundit or someone sympathetic to the Administration at all? I can’t think of one.
They seem to be just as partisan as specific Fox News opinion shows. Since we all dislike Trump though, it doesn’t bother us.
Let’s remember that during the campaign, Trump would “call in” to all the cable morning shows, I suppose while getting his hair done, like he does now exclusively with Fox and Friends.
He would call in to CNN and Chris “Don’t Call Me Fredo” Cuomo would give him free reign to rant and rave for minutes at a time and he would call into Morning Joe on MSNBC where Joe and Mika would fawn over him.
They of course turned on him and hate him now but they did as much as anyone to normalize him as a Presidential candidate and allow him unchallenged airtime.
Trump lies and doesn’t like criticism…..
Why would he call in to get a verbal beat down from CNN and MSNBC?
And the channel’s don’t need him cutting their access to him because he’s pissed at them…
MSNBC has become the home of the “neverTrump” Republicans,often featuring Nicolle Wallace, former RNC Chairman MichaelSteele, former McCain campaign manager Steve Schmidt (who helpec give the world Sarah Palin) ,commentators Charlie Sykes and Rick Wilson and ,of course two exRepublican conservatives ,Former Rep. Joe Scarborough ,who has his own show, and veteran columnist George Will
Yeah, MSNBC has bipartisan anti-Trump commentators but nobody pro-Trump that I can think of.
Fox News has pro-Trump and anti-Trump voices, and when Obama was President, they had pro-Obama voices.
When GWB was President, MSNBC would run Keith Olbermann every night who wouldn’t even have a guest who would ever disagree with him,
Trump’s relationship with the known Universe is totally different…..
Hope Hicks also……
Ex presidential candidate John Hickenlooper holds a 13 point lead over Colorado’s incumbent Republican Senator Cory Gardner.
Gardner isn’t being helped by Donald Trumps trailing the major Democratic presidential candidates.
Chuck Schumer could JUST become the Senate Majority leader with Kelly and Hickenlooper and ONE MOREseat with a Democratic President….
You would need another seat because you aren’t going to hold Alabama.
Also, better make sure that presumptive next Democrat President is not a Senator that would initially be replaced by a Republican appointee.
Susan Collins, Thom Tillis.
Thanks Scott….
Next President…Biden…
Trump crashes and burns Alabama US Senate stays with Schumer….
If Warren is elected Charlie Baker might appoint a Democrat or independent to hurt seat. He basically operated independent of the Trump Republican Party anyway. Why not?
Her seat.
Dem’s would lose this seat.
THIS IS gonna be brought up….
No one who supports Warren is going to back Off her because ,if elected ,a Republican Governor would fill her seat.
I’ve heard stuff about so called “strategic voting” for years and it’s all a bunch of crap.
People just don’t vote that way in general.Its just a conversation point for political junkies.