After gay American’s gains the right to NOT be judged on the private lives….
The Trump admin wants to turn back the clock on gay’s civil rights….
The efforts to take America back in time continue on Donald Trump’s watch….
The Trump administration took its hardest line yet to legalize anti-gay discrimination on Friday when it asked the Supreme Court to declare that federal law allows private companies to fire workers based only on their sexual orientation.
An amicus brief filed by the Justice Department weighs in on two cases involving gay workers and what is meant by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which bans discrimination “because of sex.” The administration argues courts nationwide should stop reading the civil rights law to protect gay, lesbian, and bisexual workers from bias because it was not originally intended to do so.
That view conflicts with some lower court rulings that found targeting someone for their sexual orientation is an illegal form of both sex discrimination and sex stereotyping under Title VII. Those courts have found, to illustrate the point, that a gay man wouldn’t be targeted if he were instead a woman dating a man; thus he faced discrimination because of his sex.
But the administration said in its brief Friday that Title VII’s ban on sex discrimination only prohibits unequal treatment between “biological sexes,” as it argued last week in a related brief against transgender rights, in which the Justice Department said companies should be able to fire people because they are transgender as well….
And he was just endorsed for reelection by the Log Cabin Republicans.
I wonder if they will rescind their endorsement?
Probably not though, when you’re in the Cult, you stay in the Cult!
Log Cabin Republicans are simply self hating rich gays who love their tax cuts.
Stockholm syndrome ?
Or they simply care more about tax cuts than fellow gays who may get fired just for being gay.
My guess is most Log Cabin Republicans are employers rather than employees. So they don’t have to worry about getting fired.
Well if they are employers, then they should realize that a tax cut without a spending cut is like borrowing money without a plan to pay it back. In the short term, borrowing lots of money can give a false impression that the economy is great, but there are great reasons why we have taxes. In theory, the government could eliminate taxes and just print the money. But no economist would ever recomnend that.
And the bottom would fall out faster I image…..
It REALLY DOES appear that like with other things?
Donald J. Trump, the President of the United States of America is handling a economy down turn ALREADY occurring by the seat of his pants…..
This isn’t some damn real estate transaction…
This is the American and world’s economy and he is clueless and worst engaging in a economic war with a country that second only this county in economic strength led by those who do NOT have to worry about keeping their jobs…
We ARE watch a man muddle thru a term as President in real time….