Seems the President, the leader of the Grand ole’ Party has got a few of faithful annoyed at him for this saying the lords name ‘in vain’ in public campaign’s to rouse the crowds….
Ah?….Trump does NOT need anybody to join the suburban women peeling off from his support base….
It just COULD start to happen….
They’ll be hit so goddamn hard,” while bragging about bombing Islamic State militants. And Trump recounting his warning to a wealthy businessman: “If you don’t support me, you’re going to be so goddamn poor.”
To most of America, the comments went unnoticed. Instead, the nation was gripped by the moment a “send her back” chant broke out as Trump went after Somali-born Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar, an American citizen. But some Trump supporters were more fixated on his casual use of the word “goddamn” — an off-limits term for many Christians — not to mention the numerous other profanities laced throughout the rest of his speech.
The issue has recently hit a nerve among those who have become some of the president’s most reliable supporters: white evangelicals — who constitute much of Hardesty’s district. The group was key to Trump’s 2016 win, helping bolster his standing in critical swing states, and Trump likely needs to maintain that support if he wants to win a second term. But some are growing fatigued with the irreverent language that often seeps into Trump’s rallies and official events.
“I’ve had people come to me and say, ‘You know I voted for [Trump], but if he doesn’t tone down the rhetoric, I might just stay home this time,’” Hardesty said in an interview, adding that he has yet to hear back from anyone inside the White House after urging the president in a formal letter to “reflect on your comments and never utter those words again.”….
image… M. Scott Mahaskey/POLITICO
As far as I’m concerned, this shows the total religious bankruptcy of these “evangelicals.”
Trumps crypto racist remarks, his arrogant belittling of hyphenated Americans, his paying off a porn star about an illicit sexual affair,etc….
None of that bothers these putrid hypocrites.
No it’s a few curse words!
No wonder more and more Americans are abandoning organized Religion.While these faux Bible thumpers bewail the lack of moral values and “libruls” for such, maybe they ought to simply stare in the mirror.
Here’s opposite part in the above linked post on the evangelicals ain’t happy with Trump….Why do I think the editor’s over at the WashPost made sure to have this printed in Politicalwire to keep Trump off their case?
Washington Post: “Trump enjoyed overwhelming support from white evangelicals in 2016, winning a higher percentage than George W. Bush, John McCain or Mitt Romney. That enthusiasm has scarcely dimmed. Almost 70 percent of white evangelicals approve of Trump’s performance in office, according to a 2019 Pew Research Center poll.”
“Interviews with 50 evangelical Christians in three battleground states — Florida, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — help explain why. In conversation, evangelical voters paint the portrait of the Trump they see: a president who acts like a bully but is fighting for them. A president who sees America like they do, a menacing place where white Christians feel mocked and threatened for their beliefs. A president who’s against abortion and gay rights and who has the economy humming to boot.”