He’s stalled in the polls….
Elizabeth Warren is steadily eating away his support….
What does he do?
Double’s up on his big social program of Medicare-for-ALL something ALL the Democratic candidates are actually backing away from to some degree….
Oh, and Donald Trump and the Republicans are ALREADY attacking as a give away to those who won’t be paying g for , but middle class would….
By selling his healthcare program?
Sanders is attacking Obamacare and Barack Obama himself….
THAT is NOT helping a guy who isn’t even a Democrat actually….
Over the past several weeks, his staffers have organized a flurry of events centered around the failures of the current health care system and highlighting his role as the author of the main Medicare for All proposal in the Senate. His aides also brainstormed before the second debate to establish a game plan to put Medicare for All at the center of the showdown.
Sanders told POLITICO he is now talking about Medicare for All more than ever before and that he sees it as the “defining issue” of the 2020 campaign.
“It could be the winning issue for me in the primary, it will be the winning issue for me in the general election,” he said. “I’m campaigning on the legislation that I wrote. As you know, I wrote the damn bill,” he added, referencing his quip from the second debate that went viral.
Campaign staffers argue the new tack is working, pointing out that Sanders received the biggest polling bump (1.8 percent) of any candidate after the second debate, according to an analysis by FiveThirtyEight. That was especially encouraging given that health care dominated much of the conversation.
But the focus on Medicare for All does come with risks. Some recent polls show that a public option — essentially an ability to buy into Medicare, which Biden supports — is more popular than the sweeping single-payer proposal that Sanders backs. Several 2020 rivals have also argued that any candidate who supports Medicare for All is unelectable given the disruption it would cause for people who like their private insurance…..
I think Sanders candidacy is ever so slightly being subsumed by Warrens.
If she outpolls him in Iowa and New Hampshire?I can’t see a scenario where he recovers.
He HAS moved into 3rd place…
We watched this over the last few weeks…
He’s selling something that isn’t gonna happen…
And his persona works against him….
I’ll update the RCP numbers tonight…
I read this as “Bernie tries a robot” and I immediately had some ideas for a sitcom.
“Bernie (heart) R2D2” ? or “Bernie loves Robbie” ?
What does Bernie need a robot for. His supporters are robotic enough!
Yea Scott….
There ARE similarities , eh?