Updates to this story continue to unfold….
Update…. Up to 19 possible Dead… 40 injured… One shooter… The shooter is alive and in custody…This update is fluid … Things change as confirmations come in…The incident may have been domestic terrorism…against immigrants…While Trump complains about terrorists coming across the border …this maybe a ‘white peoples ‘ driven form of terrorusm… it HAS been pointed out that if this was a “oversea’s driven attack’?…..The response would be MUCH MORE strident…There have been numerous incidents just THIS year…….It has been pointed out that Mexican’and Americans travel back and forth between Juarez and El Paso and THAT might have been a factor in the shooting..We will see how Trump handles THIS..… Media reports are that the shooter surrendered to police when cornered… There is also the report that the shooter wrote a ‘manifesto’ on one of the white power social media sites and may want a trail to express his grievances to the public….. …. The White House released a statement Saturday afternoon that said President Trump was monitoring the situation. “The President continues to receive updates from his national security team on the tragic shootings in El Paso. Federal Government personnel, including the FBI and ATF, are on the ground in El Paso actively assisting local authorities, who are leading the response to the shootings. The President has pledged the full support of the Federal Government to Governor Abbott,” a White House deputy press secretary said. In a tweet, Trump called the shooting “terrible” and pledged the federal government’s support to El Paso’s city officials. “Terrible shootings in ElPaso, Texas. Reports are very bad, many killed. Working with State and Local authorities, and Law Enforcement. Spoke to Governor to pledge total support of Federal Government. God be with you all!” he tweeted…. … The big picture: This is the second shooting at a Walmart within a week. A former employee shot at supervisors and killed 2 people on July 30 in Southaven, Miss., the New York Times reports.
… The massacre in El Paso was the deadliest American mass shooting since November 2017, when 26 people were killed in a church shooting in Sutherland Springs, Tex…. …. Aaron Rupar
CNN reports that local officials in El Paso believe some mass shooting victims didn’t seek medical treatment because of their immigration status. America is in dire shape.
image…CNN.Com |
Trump’s border and white nationalists policies aren’t helping American’s who are the subject of these domestic terror attacks….
Texas General Land Office Commissioner George P. Bush (R) called on all Americans to stand against “white terrorism” after a gunman who espoused white supremacist views in a manifesto killed at least 18 in El Paso, The Hill reports.
Bush, son of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R), said Saturday evening that “white terrorism” was a “real and present threat that we must all denounce and defeat.”
He added: “I believe fighting terrorism remains a national priority. And that should include standing firm against white terrorism.”….
That’s not going to help him among Trump Cultists Who now comprise a majority of those calling themselves Republicans.
In their world?There is no such thing as “ White terrorism.”Such is a term reserved for Muslims, Hispanics and other assorted people whose skin pigmentation is different from theirs or who practice a religion other than Evangelical Christianity.
In a twenty four hour period two native born white boys have committed acts of domestic terrorism. Please tell me why I should be afraid of immigrant brown people??
Just saw that do-nothing midget piece of shit Mike DeWine on television saying “now is not the time to discuss what we might do about this type of incident.” Really?? More Republican bullshit in the face of a terrorist attack from a white person. DeWine, and the entire Republican Party are tools of the NRA and Trump’s white nationalist rhetoric, and they disgust me.
There are gun control measures that have passed the House and are sitting in the Senate waiting for action. All DeWine had to do is say he was about to call Senator McConnell and ask him to move the bill on to Trump for signature. Because they would pass.
These old ball less white men are pathetic and they enable murder. Fuck them.
Trump and the crowd laughed when someone at his hate filled rally yelled “shoot them” after he asked what should be done about immigrants crossing the border.
Trump is too pussy to call out his racist base and the GOP is too pussy to call out Trump.
I would think in light of this anyone opposed to Trump’s racist coddling would set aside any disagreements over the Hyde Amendment and vote definitively to remove this bigoted stain from the White House.
Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney defended his boss on Sunday against accusations by many top Democrats that President Trump’s rhetoric on issues like immigration is, in part,responsible for the two mass shootings over the last 24 hours….
Former Ohio Governor John Kasich took members of both parties to task on Sunday for failing to take action to prevent mass shootings such as the ones that hit his home state in the city of Dayton, as well as El Paso, Texas this weekend..
Fox News….
Former N.C. Gov. Pat McCrory’s performance this morning (or what I saw of it) was pretty sad, too.
Link to McCrory comments….
Gov. McCrory wasn’t taking an interview but participating in a round table on Meet the Press. So his remarks are spread out across this transcript. (Using the Find [Control+F] feature on my browser was helpful to me.)
Here are some excerpts:
Elijah Cummings
— Elijah Cummings, saying, “Too bad!” So I do think he bears some responsibility or makes it easy to blame him for acts like this, given statements like that, even though he did tweet something seemingly appropriate today. And I do think that Trump has sort of brought on increasing sort of brutality toward our political opponents that is, generally, unwelcome.
Pat McCrory, can you defend any of this —
— on the president’s words and statements and his — do you believe he’s contributed to this toxic brew, as it was described?
I disagree with Cory Booker. I don’t, I agree with the comment made that I don’t think you blame a politician. You blame the person who did it. You know, I blamed Oswald. I blamed Brenner. I blamed James Earl Ray. I blamed Hinkley. I blamed a haunting Charles Whitman, who, when I was a small kid in elementary school, went to a tower and shot students from a tower in Austin, Texas. I didn’t blame Lyndon Baines Johnson at the time. But there is no doubt that the president has to come out with a strong statement against, listen, there are some white nationalist, nuts and dangerous people out there, including in my state, that need to be called out, radicals, and by the way, Antifa nuts that attacked my car just blocks from here, in a taxicab, during the inauguration, and jumped on my hood with hoods on them. We have to call out radical, left-wing groups and not give them any credibility whatsoever.
Well, I’m not going to condemn people who use the illegal immigrant term, including me.
Of course! Why not?
No, in this free–
Why not?
Let me speak. We have a series– laws on the book against illegal immigration. If we get rid of those laws, why don’t we just open up–
No human being is illegal.
Excuse me.
With all due respect, that’s not what we’re talking about.
He just brought it up.
That’s not the conversation we’re having.
Good, good.
Lyndon Baines Johnson was not out there, when Lee Harvey Oswald shot John F. Kennedy, talking about race and giving all kinds of incentives. And I mean, what do you expect the president of the United States to say after something like this happens and leading up to it? I mean, there are clips of him, in Florida, where somebody yelled, at his rally, “Shoot them. Shoot the immigrants.” And he said, “Well, maybe you could only get away with that here.” I mean, that is a conversation that we are having.
I agree 100% with your comment right there, that we have to lower the rhetoric everywhere, including the president of the United States, including some of the presidential candidates, including cable TV, including the internet, which has exploded with this type of rhetoric.
But governor, I think the frustration here is that, in the attempt to defend the president, there’s always this, “Let me bring in other.” And I think politically, some of us understand why Republicans are doing that right now. Because they’re afraid of crossing this president publicly. But that’s what this looks like. I mean, how do you get him to confront what he’s doing, if there is almost, sort of, an apolog– rationalizing of it?
Well, first of all, I’ve said negative things about the president before.
I know you have. I know you have.
And some people say that’s why I’m not in the administration. But at the same time, I’m not going to blame the president.
And I want to not just talk about you but the entire mindset of what has been elected Republicans, we have one elected Republican willing to call this what, apparently, it is, white nationalism.
Well, I’ll call it right now, as a Republican, white nationalism. And I’ve seen some white nationalism. Now, I don’t think it’s as big as what the national media portrays it, even in my own state.
We’ve had a shooting in Pittsburgh, anti-Semitic, by a white nationalist. And now, we’ve had this. That’s not a small thing.
The danger is huge. The amount of people involved, but with the weapons they have, with the rhetoric, is extremely dangerous.
I hope you’re right, that it’s a small number of people.
I hope I am, too.
Look, probably the biggest back-and-forth he and I got into was the issue of whether the president’s language matters here or not. I do want to put together a mash here of what the president has said about immigration just in the last few months.
We have to end human smuggling, stop human trafficking, shut down sanctuary cities, deport criminal aliens. When you see these caravans starting out with 20,000 people, that’s an invasion. I was badly criticized for using the word “invasion.” It’s an invasion. Look at the people they put into these lotteries. It’s a disgrace.
Pat McCrory, look, the tweets that he does on this are sometimes much worse, but this is just the language at the rallies. Again, is it fair to hold the president’s words– hold him responsible for some of his words and whether or not he’s contributing to this?
Not those words. Absolutely not. I disagree with my friend who– we’re going to have a golf match sometime in the near future. No, I think using the term “illegal immigration,” and Mick is totally right on that, the chief of staff. The term “illegal immigrant–”
How about “invasion”? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let’s talk about “invasion” and things like that.
If you look at the numbers of people coming across the border– and, by the way, this is not just true with the United States and Mexico. And, by the way, it’s invasion from Central America. But Venezuela is having a similar issue. We’ve had parts of this problem in Europe. When you have tens of thousands of people —
Is it an invasion? Why can’t it be a refugee — I don’t mean to say here, “Words matter.” But the argument could be that words matter. Why can’t it be a “refugee crisis”?
Again, we’re getting into PC, political correctness. And if that’s the big debate, about what tenor or what word we’re going to use, you’re right, we’re in trouble —
An “invasion” is —
— as a country.
— hostile and a “refugee crisis” is not.
Well, to the Border Patrol people who feel their life is threatened and they’re trying to do everything they can to protect our border. If this was happening at the customs at New York airport or at Charlotte Douglas International, at O’Hare, and all of a sudden people were rushing the customs, we would say this is a serious problem.
The man IS Ignorant….
This IS for Mexican domestic politics….
There is NO Chance….
Mexico threatened legal action Sunday against the U.S. for failing to protect its citizens after a shooting in the border city of El Paso, Texas, killed 20 people, including 6 Mexican nationals, the New York Times reports.
Details: Mexico’s Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard said the Mexican government was looking into extraditing the suspect to Mexico on a terrorism charge over Saturday’s shooting, per CNN….
The shooter in El Paso was looking for the Mexican’s who cross the border to be in the Americans city….
In May, President Trump lamented the problem of migrants at the Southern border during a rally in Panama City Beach, Florida.
TRUMP: How do you stop these people? You can’t.
TRUMP: Only in the Panhandle can you get away with that statement.
The audience of thousands cheered and Trump smiled….
I’d been selflessly saving up my thoughts and prayer for the next mass assassination, but now I find my supply is all gone. boo hoo