Let get to the heart of this…
I can’t be the first person to see this clearly in effect….
Over the last 2 years Donald Trump has systematically leveled import taxes on the American consumer. on cheap foreign goods….
He has said from the beginning that he wanted other’s to pay for their cheap good’s….
Solar panels (And Energy efficiency products) now joins the list…
They won’t….
The American consumer IS….
In addition?
His action have NOT stopped American companies from moving some manufacturing abroad and closing America factories…And taking the American farmer out of the China soybean market…His promise to bring production of goods back to America just isn’t working …..
If you haven’t figure this out?
Trump IS a branding guy….
On his own?
He is trying to pull money out of the American consumer brand….
We the taxpayer are supporting him….
He does care what harm he’s inflicting….
He’s rich….
In the biggest blow he’s dealt to the renewable energy industry yet, President Donald Trump decided on Monday to slap tariffs on imported solar panels.
The U.S. will impose duties of as much as 30 percent on solar equipment made abroad, a move that threatens to handicap a $28 billion industry that relies on parts made abroad for 80 percent of its supply. Just the mere threat of tariffs has shaken solar developers in recent months, with some hoarding panels and others stalling projects in anticipation of higher costs. The Solar Energy Industries Association has projected tens of thousands of job losses in a sector that employed 260,000.
The tariffs are just the latest action Trump has taken that undermine the economics of renewable energy. The administration has already decided to pull the U.S. out of the international Paris climate agreement, rolled back Obama-era regulations on power plant-emissions and passed sweeping tax reforms that constrained financing for solar and wind. The import taxes, however, will prove to be the most targeted strike on the industry yet.
“Developers may have to walk away from their projects,” Hugh Bromley, a New York-based analyst at Bloomberg New Energy Finance, said in an interview before Trump’s decision. “Some rooftop solar companies may have to pull out” of some states….
As with Brick Obama having to clean the economy up after Bush II….
The next Democratic President will have the same task ….
This time breaking America BACK into the benefits of trade agreements that help the American consumer…Not raise their prices….
Obviously another hand to the past (oil, gas, coal and other carbon fuels) over the future.
Among other things, this is a free gift to China (although not to all Chinese firms) whose long-range plan (“China 2050” ?) includes international dominance in renewable energy. I very much doubt that China could have advanced so far in the field without importing many of her parts.
As her major cities, including Beijing, are choking in deadly black smogs that never lift, China has little choice but to heed her significant environmental movement and move away from carbon fuels.
Foreign experts and technologists in this field will probably see a brighter future for their hopes, plans and careers in China or Europe than in the U.S.
Classic Trump prejudice and pandering to legacy industries combined with diplomatic myopia.