That quote is reportedly is from a Border Patrol person on the inside….
And Trump keeps talking about sending ICE out to round up MORE people?
The Department of Homeland Security’s Office of the Inspector General found “dangerous overcrowding,” prolonged detention and health risks to migrants at multiple Border Patrol facilities in South Texas, according to a report the agency watchdog released Tuesday.
One official at a Border Patrol facility told investigators that the migrant crisis is a “ticking time bomb.”
Investigators published their report as a “management alert” to Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan after touring five Border Patrol facilities and two ports of entry in the Rio Grande Valley sector in June. The investigators visited the El Paso sector’s border facilities in May and said in their report that the Rio Grande Valley facilities have similar issues, such as migrants being detained for longer than they should be, single adults in cells that don’t have enough space to lie down and serious health risks….
Overcrowded, squalid conditions are more widespread at migrant centers along the southern border than initially revealed, the Department of Homeland Security’s independent watchdog said Tuesday. Its report describes standing-room-only cells, children without showers and hot meals, and detainees clamoring desperately for release.
The findings by the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General were released as House Democrats detailed their own findings at migrant holding centers and pressed the agency to answer for the mistreatment not only of migrants but also of their own colleagues, who have been threatened on social media.
[Read the report from inspector general’s office.]
In June, inspectors from the department visited five facilities in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, and found children had few spare clothes and no laundry facilities. Many migrants were given only wet wipes to clean themselves and bologna sandwiches to eat, causing constipation and other health problems, according to the report. Children at two of the five facilities in the area were not given hot meals until inspectors arrived.
Overcrowding was so severe that when the agency’s internal inspectors visited some of the facilities, migrants banged on cells and pressed notes to windows begging for help….
The inspector general’s report is well worth reading (and pretty damning).
It’s also short (about 10 pages + half a dozen pages of Department response).
In addition to the New York Times link above, you can find it among several other pertinent reports at the DHS I-G’s own website;
will Trump seek to fire the IG for not seeing things his and Miller’s way?
But Trump and Miller (like Nielsen, Sessions and Bannon) want border conditions to be know as inhumane — the crueller the better.
They think that if potential migrants and asylum-seekers are frightened enough by conditions at their destination, they will think twice, and somehow continue to live instead amidst gang terror, desperate poverty, isolation and no services. (But Trump in a typically self-defeating infantile tantrum, is cutting off funds that could diminish the push from Central America.)
by making things worst in the media?
trump and miller actually pump up the numbers because people are afraid they will be closed out….
the numbers have dropped 25% like they AKWAYS do this time of year…
the one truism?
they ARE gonna KEEP cooking ….
fear makes people do unreasonable things
We need to take steps to prevent them from trying to come.
Much of that has to do with stabilizing the situation in the Central American countries, foreign aid, etc.
It would also be a really bad idea, as compassionate a society as we are and should remain, to have a virtual magnet to get people to cross illegally, such as saying that there will be free health insurance to anyone who crosses.
Wouldn’t be surprised.
Trump functions sort of like the Kings of old who severed the heads of subjects who brought them bad news.
In these more “enlightened times” a simple firing must suffice to gratify the Republican Cult Leader as the Cultists themselves dutifully nod approvingly.
Pseudo-King or old..
… or Real King (R-Iowa) of present…