This from the new NBC/WSJ Poll….
Good news for Biden ….Better for Warren…
Bad news for Kamala Harris and Bernie Sanders , who seems to have dropped into fourth….
Biden continues to hold the black vote. and moderate vote..
But his debate performance has cost him support in the polling….
Former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., lead the Democratic presidential field, according to the national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll’s opening measure of the 2020 horse race.
Biden gets the support of 26 percent of voters who say they will participate in next year’s Democratic primaries or caucuses, while 19 percent back Warren.
They’re followed by Sens. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who are tied at 13 percent.
South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg gets support from 7 percent of Democratic primary voters, and former Texas Congressman Beto O’Rourke and entrepreneur Andrew Yang are at 2 percent.
No other candidate gets more than 1 percent.
Twenty-six percent nationally is not good at all for Biden, considering the advantages he is supposed to have.
Of the 74% that do not have him as their first choice, how likely is he to be a second choice?
This is a good result for Elizabeth Warren, who is almost certainly the “second choice” of many Sanders, Harris, and others’ supporters.
If by this time next month, any of the Democrats are still running below Yang, it’s time for them to smell the organic coffee.
In baseball, there is the Mendoza Line.
In Campaign 2020, there should be the Yang Line.
There WILL be more drop outs…
26% keeps Joe Biden in first place someplace the OTHER’s are NOT….
He was never gonna keep the sky high numbers….
He’s in the lead STILL, eh?
First place?
How many delegates have been awarded?
26% sucks for a two-term VP, especially when that number was about 10 points higher a month ago. No question about it.
26 percent will *probably* not be enough for first place in Iowa or New Hampshire.
Prepare yourself now for what might happen with Biden and maybe things will still work out but otherwise you are going to be for a world of disappointment.
Will Joe Biden in 2020 be Mitt Romney of 2012 or Jeb Bush of 2016? It’s going to be one or the other.
I supported both of those Republicans.
Last time, I had no doubt that Jeb was the best person to be President out of anyone who ran and was very much electable. He had many endorsements, high name recognition, and raised huge amounts of money. Still, I knew from the start he was pretty unlikely to be nominated.
The party just wanted something else (even if that would have wound up not being Trump) and I think that’s going to eventually be the case for Democrats this time.
For a long time I have compared Democrats being at the point Republicans were eight years ago (which would be July of 2011), so maybe Biden can pull a Mitt and outlast everyone. I just think that the political caliber of Biden’s opponents will be considered higher than what Romney had and that the timetable of Democrats turning into what happened to Republicans is accelerating.