From the Fox poll...
Trump’s BEST overall numbers are on the Economy…
Approval of the job President Trump is doing on the economy stands at 52 percent (41 percent disapprove). That’s just one-point off his high of 53 percent last summer, and up from 48-46 percent in May.
Job Performance….46% approve…51 disapprove
Race Relations…32% approve…57 disapprove…
‘Squad’ Tweets…63% disapprove…27% approve
A majority of voters has an unfavorable view of Trump: 45 percent favorable vs. 51 percent unfavorable. Among Republicans, his favorable rating hits 87 percent.
Ocasio-Cortez is underwater among all voters by 7 points (34 favorable – 41 unfavorable), driven by 68 percent of Republicans rating her negatively.
Pelosi is underwater by 11 points (39-50 percent) and McConnell by 22 (25-47 percent).
Another member of the “Squad,” Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), is viewed negatively by 11 points (26-37 percent), while 22 percent have never heard of her….
More voters rate the economy positively today than have since 2001, according to the latest Fox News Poll.
In addition, approval of the job President Trump is doing on the economy stands at 52 percent (41 percent disapprove). That’s just one-point off his high of 53 percent last summer, and up from 48-46 percent in May….
Here’s the Fox poll piece ….
Except for the 87%?
He’s NOT doing really doing THAT good at all….
Yeah but this is an “outlier” right?
The other day when I posted aGallup Poll with Trumps JA@ 90% you labelled it an “outlier.
With a 3% MOE?This Poll is similar to the poll you labelled the same.
A little consistency is called for!
i believe u started at 90%
i sited a 70 something percent one
but i DID retreat to an in the 80-high
and as even the Fox Poll shows
Some kid the even GOPer support is soft…..
Ah I was hoping we could engage in one of those inane back and forth over whether a decline of 3-4% (within the MOE in most polls) means that Trumps support is “eroding.”
Despite your attempts to downplay it,the fact is you have been spinning the line for awhile that Republican support for Trump is declining.(the new line is “soft,” once again no evidence of such)
To justify that theory would require that an average of national polls showing Trump support among Republicans at about65-70% .Nothing remotely like that has happened.
Arguing over the actual numerical value of Trumps support which consistently has averaged between 80-90% during the entirety of his Presidency so far belies any notion that his support bhas declimed among Republicans.
In fact ,the opposite is true.His support has remained remarkably stable.
I got ya back down to 80 to 90% !
I still think that a percentage of that among supporters is soft….
And I STILL say that if Donald Trump had to be saved in a row boat by his fellow lawmakers?
He’d be in deep shit….
If Trump’s polling numbers don’t get better by this time next year?….
No I consistently have said that Trump would receive the votes,as of now,Of 8-9 out of every ten Republicans.
You have never “gotten”me to anything and everyone who posts here knows it.
Once again mindless immersion in irrelelevant minutiae ..
yea i got ya down a bit….
the rest of the numbers in the poll for Fox of all outfits do NOT spell good news for Trump & Co.