The guy IS a HOT mess and is just making things easier for Elizabeth Warren to push him out of being second behind Joe Biden…..
Running for the Democratic nom nation with union issues is NOT a good look…
Sanders is NOIT a Democrat ….
Bernie Sanders, of all people, has union trouble — and it just goes to show how nasty organized labor can be.
The Vermont socialist senator made history by agreeing that his paid 2020 presidential campaign workers would be repped by a union, United Food and Commercial Workers Local 400, with all earning $15 an hour. But now the union complains some employees are getting less.
Worse, someone leaked the whole dispute to the Washington Post.
Worse yet, Sanders’ response could be a violation of US labor law, all on its own.
The union’s gripe centers on the fact that field organizers, the lowest-level workers, often put in 60 hours a week but get paid only for 40, since they’re on a flat salary. That drops their average minimum pay to less than $13 an hour….
So, is he not a Democrat because he unionized his campaign and Democrats should be against over-unionizing? I’m not sure I get the logic.
Whatever mess this is turning into for him, he is taking steps, popular with Democrats, that the other Democrats are not doing.
NO Sanders isn’t a Democrat cause he don’t want to join the party….
For some Dem’s ?
We DO hold it against him
You are in the vast, vast minority for that in regards to people who hold it against Sanders.
And those who share that position would at the same time be quite upset at you because you only say you will vote for the Democrat, if your candidate wins the primary.
My estimated running total of bumper stickers for 2020 Democrat candidates seen thus far:
Bernie- 457
Yang- 1
All others- 0
I’ve seen bumper stickers for Warren, Harris, and Buttigieg. The Bernie onrs I see are mainly leftovers from 2016
Bernie is YESTERDAY….
He needs to stay in to help Biden though….
Ooops !…
Didi I type THAT just now?