A Trump admin, Willian Barr led , US Justice Department lawyer said the above in front of a US Government Federal Appeals Court…
People are pissed at a US House lawmakers calling the current migrant dentention camps ‘concentration camps’?
A Justice Department attorney this week argued in court that the federal government should not be required to provide soap, toothbrushes or even beds to detained children apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border.
Government lawyer Sarah Fabian argued Tuesday before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit that forcing children to sleep on cold concrete floors in cells is both “safe and sanitary.”
Attorneys for the detained children are arguing that the government is not following the requirements of a 1997 settlement agreement in the case of Jenny Flores that established a framework for the humane treatment and release of detained migrant minors. Children must be housed in “safe and sanitary conditions” under the settlement. A district judge added the specific requirements that children be provided with soap and toothbrushes.
Members of the three-judge appellate panel appeared stunned by Fabian’s arguments, Courthouse News Service reported.
“Are you arguing seriously that you do not read the agreement as requiring you to do something other than what I just described: cold all night long, lights on all night long, sleeping on concrete and you’ve got an aluminum foil blanket?” asked Judge William Fletcher. “I find it inconceivable that the government would say that that is safe and sanitary.”
Judge Marsha Berzon asked Fabian: “You’re really going to stand up and tell us that being able to sleep isn’t a question of ‘safe and sanitary’ conditions?… You can’t be sanitary or safe as a human being if you can’t sleep.” (See the video below at 24:30.)
Fabian was challenging an order by U.S. District Judge Gee in Los Angeles, who appointed an independent monitor to ensure that the federal government complies with the Flores settlement and specifically required such items as soap and toothbrushes. Fabian argued that such requirements are not detailed in the original settlement. (In the video at 26:40.)…
This is what happens when Right Wing ideologues are running the Justice Dept.
i would like to have seen the judges faces….
How does this person live with herself?
Department of Justice attorney Sarah Fabian was trending on Twitter Saturday, but not in a good way. Fabian was the lawyer who stumblingly tried to convince clearly taken-aback Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal judges that the federal government should not be required to provide detained immigrant children with soap, toothbrushes — or even beds. That’s when critics stepped in on Twitter….
Angry Twitter critics piled on her, and even provided her phone number for anyone who wanted to make a personal complaint (her mailbox was full Saturday, one caller reported).
Many recalled excuses at the Nuremburg trials by Nazis who claimed they were just doing their jobs. Others defended Fabian — slightly — saying she is just the current face of a cruel Trump administration — and that many others are just as responsible for denying basic items to children that are routinely provided to serial killers in American prisons.
And if you’re going to make such arguments, don’t make them before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (sitting in San Francisco) This circuit court, much to the intense frustration of conservatives, is as I understand still the most liberal one (just as the Fourth and Eleventh circuits — sitting respectively in Richmond, Va, and Atlanta — are reputedly the most conservative).
True THAT DSD…..
So much for the faux outrage of calling these facilities concentration camps.
The term predates the use of detention camps by the Nazis and the outrage of the Congresswoman’s use of the term concentration was manufactured. All one has to do is look at who was most outraged on the Republican side.
Americans, especially suburban educated women, don’t like seeing little children in cages. Stephen Miller finds more ways to please the Republican base and outrage the rest of America.
Blatantly evil.
I don’t know about the rest of the Democrats here, but I find myself getting so accustomed to the outrage of the day, that these news items no longer feel like an outrage. I am annoyed at myself for becoming desensitized to these stories. I don’t like what is happening to me, and I am curious if any of the other Democrats on this site are also going through something similar?
We all do Z…
I think it’s the way Donald Trump gets over….
After a while?
You’re right…
Somnetimes I have to post up stuff that does NOT hi light the screwed upness of other human beings…
We ALL have a to find a way to deal with our daily lives….
And as mentioned….
As fucked up as Trump is?
Even he has limit’s…
I know I do this often jack?
But the media is N OT without fault on this…
In their ratings and shareholder races?
They often highlight the bad and evil over the GOOD…
My criticism of your criticism of the media revolved around your contention that the media covered Trump too much for your taste.
My point was only that the media is always going to cover the President Of the United States ,particularly one as voluble as Trump.
What are you trying to say?That the media is not sufficiently covering the “good “ things that Trump does?What exactly is that?
My feeling is that the media DOES. exsaserbate certain things….
i over the partial solution that they tone down some of their over the top coverage….
a prime example is the impeachment narritive
they know full well that the GOPer’s will not vote to convict Trump in the Senate
but every media talking head asks Democrats over and OVER about impeachment…
i have resorted to yelling at the TV or Radio on this….
print political media almost always give the senate no vote part …cable media nearly….
in addition?
some stories ARE vastly OVERSOLD….
War with Iran ?
Bull Shit….
2,500 Troops are going invade Iran?
Yes Jack
i know they have the ‘Right’ to print
but they are also part of the problem in politics in America also….
as in politics?
there are NO easy solutions….
Once again,you are trying to draw me into something totally different from what I originally commented on.
My comments were only related to the simple fact,as I’ve stated, that the media are always going to give coverage to the words and actions of the President Of the US,whomever that may be.
You have now branched out(and act as if you are responding to me) into a general indictment as to the media’s current role in American political life.
That’s a whole different topic.
I understand…
I agree in what they will do….It’s up top0 the editors and their bosses
I am giving MY view of what is wrong with the way they do it sometimes…
Have been for awhile.
It’s why I find it laughable when we are reduced to talking about what this or that Democratic presidential candidate said and how It was a”gaffe.”
Meanwhile,Trump and these idiotic fools he has running the government daily tell blatant , provable lies and make these types of outrageous statements.
Right now , of course , across this country so called “evangelical Christians “are gathering in these buildings (they call them “churches”) to hear “sermons “ by so called “ministers” justifying all the hate and cruelty.
Sickening stuff ?Of course, but hey, as they say they have…
“Conservative values.”
Sounds like what Hannah Arendt might have called the banalization of evil (the Nazis very gradually turned their screws on the Jews and very slowly separated them from the rest of the German population) or Daniel Patrick Moynihan called defining deviancy down.
Although I don’t think that the President (unlike the equivalent, e.g. Stephen Miller, of what 17th century Parliaments called the King’s evil advisors before impeaching and executing them) can think of, conceive or execute such a long-term strategy on his own, some of the effects are disturbingly similar to those plotted by much smarter tyrants.
Think of those angry days and angry crowds just after the 2016 election and just before & after Trump’s inauguration. Some of their worst fears have yet to be realized, but we all have been accustomed to some of the smaller outrages, e.g. tearing asunder the veil between political executives and the impartial execution of justice, or turning intelligence (even more than under George W. Bush) into a political tool, or doing everything possible to replace independent professional expertise in government departments with the justification of special interests.
No one, of course, expects the Trump administration to come up with a practical or effective answer to immigration (just to the endless drumbeat of accusations and victimisation) or health care (far easier to blame Obamacare for everything than to come up with a workable alternative).
One of the very few exceptions I can make, and a genuine one, is the President’s support (advised not only by some though not all of his advisors, but more importantly by celebrities and Trump family members) for the bipartisan sentencing reform bill.