There are a LOT of Democrats running to be the parties nominee to run against Donald Trump for President…
The are ALL trying catch Joe Biden ….
Biden is ahead in polling in EVERY state for nomination….
With such a large field?
Contestants have moved top try pull votes from Biden across the country in more early states than Iowa and New Hampshire….
It the view of a lot of us that the nomination WILL be clinched by March 3rd….Super Tuesday…
With the help of social media….
The old concentration of effort of personal campaigning has moved to the internet and out afar….Candidates are search high and low for support in places that don’t just have one type voter…
This approach represents a reversal from 2008.
In that race — the last Democratic contest with such a competitive, multicandidate field — Barack Obama was determined to prove to white and nonwhite voters alike that he had appeal in states with little diversity. He spent 89 days in Iowa leading up to his triumph at the caucuses, which demonstrated to skeptics that an African-American from Chicago could win over a heavily white and rural state.
This time, the Democratic contenders of all races want to demonstrate their commitment to inclusion and racial justice in hopes of winning over white progressives and people of color — while also showing that they can capture the states and voters that tipped the White House to Mr. Trump in 2016, especially in the industrial Midwest….
The question, and it is a particularly resonant one with early-state power brokers, is whether this shift is permanent and will only accelerate as the country grows more diverse and campaigns take place even more on smartphone screens than at county fairs. Or does it owe more to the unique nature of this race — an historically large field, an overriding hunger to defeat the incumbent and a front-loaded primary calendar — and would not necessarily reshape future nominating contests?
The answer may be found in who actually emerges as the Democratic standard-bearer, how they captured the nomination and their ultimate success or failure against Mr. Trump.
David Plouffe, the architect of Mr. Obama’s 2008 strategy, cautioned the party’s hopefuls not to lose sight of what he called “the North Star: what do I have to do in the early states.”
Everything, Mr. Plouffe said, should be built around that.
“The difference between third and fifth in Iowa could be the difference between staying in and dropping out of race,” he said. “And if you need to come in third but you came in fifth you’ll say, ‘Shoot, if only I had spent three or four more days in Iowa.’”
But the president himself, with his preference for arena rallies over living room give-and-take, proved that a candidate does not have to pay homage to every venerable primary ritual to win the nomination. And now most every one of the Democratic hopefuls is testing if they, too, can break from tradition and still claim the White House….
image…Joseph R. Biden Jr. spoke to students in Dallas on Thursday. Texas has become an important state in the early primary calendar.CreditCooper Neill for The New York Times
Remember the days when it’s supporters justified the Electoral College as a good thing because it made candidates campaign all around the country,even in small states?
Don’t hear that much anymore.
The Democrat Governor of Nevada just vetoed a bill that other states have passed to essentially get rid of the Electoral College.
The votes FOR the popular vote initiative?
Has been only been passed in Blue states…