In doing so?
The Republicans AND Democrats there are suffering because even though Donald Trump has NOT produced ANYTHING he sold them on two years ago….And actually is working to make them worst?…They STILL have his back because he has shifted things to his media show fight against China…or…illegal immigration from Mexico…
Donald Trump may NOT be much of a ‘deal maker’…
But he sure can sell shifting blame away from himself to some…
Add THAT to the thing for people around an area that are so down?
They want, and need, to have a bad guy, thing or country for that matter…
Big American manufacturing companies , in the end, have paid lip service to Trump’s promises to build in America….
Cheaper consumer prices and profits mean offshore moves….
Trump KNOWS that…
Politics have little to do with this as Trump’s trade wars current failures seem to prove….
Whatever benefits decades of globalization brought to some parts of the country, there was no effort to reinvest in regions like northeast Ohio, where steel mills once lined 22 miles of the Mahoning River, and which has bled tens of thousands of jobs.
“The communities were cut loose and ignored and then they voted for Trump because at least he’s punching somebody in the face, and no one else is,” Mr. Ryan said.
One of those voters is Darrell Franks, a retired tool and die maker, who was once a Democrat but now votes Republican.
“What I want from a president is the rest of the world to look at him and go, ‘Don’t mess with that guy, he will get even,’” Mr. Franks said one morning in the Yankee Kitchen in Vienna Township, Ohio. “I don’t want kinder, gentler. I don’t want some female that wants her agenda.”
Vienna — pronounced “vye-anna” locally — is in Trumbull County, 15 miles north of Youngstown.
Blue-collar voters who had not voted Republican for president since 1972 flipped Trumbull County for Mr. Trump by 30 percentage points in 2016.
The Brookings Institution reported this month that in counties that voted for Mr. Trump — mostly rural and exurban — new jobs have been added at a faster pace than in counties that voted for Mrs. Clinton, although Clinton counties represent the bulk of the United States economy.
The president’s re-election campaign is marshaling such economic news to solidify his base of white working-class voters. Democrats are on the defensive, parsing economic data to argue that many people have jobs, but some must juggle two to make ends meet.
While Democrats made gains in the midterm elections in many places around the country that Mr. Trump had carried, the Mahoning Valley was an exception.
The only two seats in the Ohio Statehouse that flipped from blue to red were in the region.
Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, a Democrat with working-class appeal, won re-election by a bigger margin than in his 2012 race, but his support slipped in Mahoning County and other counties on the Pennsylvania border.
Matt Borges, a former chairman of the Ohio Republican Party, said a fundamental demographic realignment has taken place under Mr. Trump. “We’ve traded off suburban Republicans who may never find their way back to the party for that white working-class traditional Democratic voter, who has been more and more alienated from their party’s rhetoric,” he said. “Is this a long-term gain for Republicans here? Yes.”…
Amy Giovannone, 51, an oil and gas consultant and an Army veteran, said Mr. Trump’s habitual false statements did not bother her (“all politicians are pathological liars”), and she rejected the idea that the president won because of demeaning insults he directed at Mexicans and Muslims.
“That is ridiculous to think he was voted in because he used that kind of language; I am the furthest person from prejudiced,” she said.
“Here’s my thing: I cannot deal with the sympathy for illegal immigrants,” she said. “My grandparents both came over from Italy. They worked for their citizenship. They were poor, they had to farm, they did everything right.”
Tom Mauerman, 54, a foreman at an aluminum extrusion plant, said: “People pouring over the border is unacceptable. We’re funding everybody on the planet. I’m tired of it.”
He added, “If Trump plays his cards right, that’s his ticket to win the White House again.”…
The NY times piece looks at Democrat Joe Biden’s early campaign against Trump to try to get some the Democrats in Ohio to come back home to vote after they supported Barack Obama twice …..
Yes it’s a good thing Ms.Giovannone isn’t prejudiced.
Some of her best friends are probably Black too.
Trumbull County vote: 2016:
43,014 Clinton
49,024 TRUMP
61,672 OBAMA
38,279 Romney
2,394,164 Clinton
2,841,005 TRUMP
2,827,709 Obama
2,661,437 Romney
[2019 World Almanac & Book of Facts, page 535]
This is the home base of the late Democrat Congressman Jim Traficant. He would have loved Trump and vice versa I am sure.
Maybe one day, I will channel Traficant for some of his infamous “One Minute Speeches.”
Currently, this county would be in the district of Tim Ryan, who of course is running for President, though not many people likely realize it.
I have pointed out here in the past how much of a massive switch there was in this district from Obama to Trump, yet Ryan’s vote total barely changed. These are traditional Democrat voters who simply preferred Trump to Hillary.
So, it would obviously be very good for Democrats to win those folks back as much as possible. Maybe Biden is the guy to do it. The general election polls seem to indicate that now, but Biden has a long way to go. He has to survive and conquer the Zreebs wing of his party first.
Biden has a MUCH better chance than a lefty , which is what the nationwide polls confirm….
Biden isn’t a lefty?
News to me.
If he survives the primaries, he likely will have had made sure there was little doubt he was one, just as Mitt Romney (against a very weak field) had to point out his severely conservative record.
Sure Biden is left of center.
James traditionally has used the term “lefty” for people not generally considered “ establishment “ types like Sanders and Warren.
Back 32 years ago, in another crowded (though less so) field, Biden was one of the younger candidates and considered one of the most liberal.
Biden has ,however ,over the years maintained good relationships with Republicans.
For example, he was good friends with Strom Thurmond who specifically told his family that he wanted Biden to deliver his eulogy.
During a budget showdown during the Obama Administration ,Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, unable to make any headway with Senate Democrats ,asked Obama to send Biden over to take charge of negotiations.He did and an agreement was reached fairly quickly.
Some of James’s “lefties” are already using such bipartisan behavior by Biden against him in the campaign.I expect this to continue and increase as time goes on.
I remember that Biden deliberately skipped some late night votes, in order to pair his with the elderly Thurmond, so that the outcome would not be changed.
The two shared an affinity for hair plugs apparently and were “huggers.”
Good point Jack…
Yes Biden has mentioned that he has friends in the GOP…
He has gotten some grief from the left…
Pelosi, Schumer, McCarthy and McConnell WILL be sitting down to work on how the government pays it bills…
COMPROMISE is how the system works…
The lefties and progressives are outside looking in and focused on the short game…
A Democrat running on leftist platform has NO CHANCE of beating Trump next November…
The platform won’t be “leftist.”
If Biden is nominated, won’t he have to throw them some sort of a bone?
Let me know when Biden comes out and says that Bernie Sanders is crazy for suggesting that the Boston Bomber or the Charleston Church Shooter should have the right to vote.
Biden will have to be the party leader and get everyone together…
Whether Biden is the nominee or not, I predict that the Platform will be historically leftist. It will be written by party activists.
A lot of people just ignore “platforms” these days anyway.
I’ll try to remember you POV CG….
Middle left is my guess
Likewise, the Republican platform will be written by Donald Trumps underlings and will be very Right Wing as are most of his todies
I agree nobody much pays attention to platforms anymore.
I remember back in the sixties they were a big deal with major floor fights at the conventions over their wordings.
Agree again
Platforms are for the media minute to satisfy the losers in the party..
They will be quickly shoved aside
True that on the lefty tag CH
GOPer’s resort to that ‘curse’ got all Dem’s
Joe Biden will be trying to change the numbers this time….
So, CG, are you ready (even though you live beyond the Windy City Limits) for the end of the Rahm Emanuel era ?
Lori Lightfoot was sworn in as Mayor today.
I was happy when she won and she won beyond overwhelmingly. I read a news account of her inaugural address today and she made a big point in saying how pro-choice she was so that turned me off a bit. No surprise there.
Time will tell if she will be more successful than Rahm or if people will wish he were still around. I just know that people should be relieved that Toni Preckwinkle did not win.