And Biden leads the pack by a good and solid amount….
The media ALWAYS gravitates to new bright shinny objects…
For the last year they have hummed along happy with the growing list of Democrats from the left….Added a gay guy….The retreded guy who isn’t even a Democrat and several women….
But a growing reality check has been running in the polls….
Ole’ Joe Biden has led in them even before he announced he was gonna run…
I’ve been posting this for months….
Democrats aren’t about the new candidate from the the left….
MOST Democrats are actually in the middle….
MOST Democrats want ONE thing….
That is to beat Donald Trump and put someone in the White House that can bring back a closer relationship with the truth and following the norms of the American history of give and take…
Against the media idea that there is a Democratic ‘civil war’?
The REALITY is that more Democrats right now want a Joe Biden….
Not the others…And NOT a hard left leaning party that would make them happy now…But assure Donald Trump a second term in office….
… the dismay of many liberals, he won’t call for a study of slavery reparations, saying the nation has other ways to fight racism.
In his opening weeks as a presidential candidate, Biden has rejected much of the conventional wisdom that drove the first stretch of the Democratic nomination fight, refusing to play to the party’s liberal wing, focus on the wrongs of the past or call for revolutionary transformation.
To the surprise of many, he has been rewarded with a lead in the polls that, so far at least, has proven durable and steady. As a result, his candidacy is challenging assumptions about what Democratic voters want in the era of President Trump
At its heart, Biden’s campaign is a gamble that his rivals are wrong in seeing the current Democratic Party as liberal, angry and ready for revolution — a case he made in unusually pointed terms at a rally in Philadelphia on Saturday.
“I know some of the really smart folks say Democrats don’t want to hear about unity,” he said. “They say Democrats are so angry that the angrier a candidate can be, the better chance he or she has to win the Democratic nomination.
“Well, I don’t believe it.”
For Biden’s team, the Democrats jockeying for ever more dramatic solutions to the nation’s problems are missing the point. They think the Democratic Party is already fundamentally different from the GOP, which shifted rapidly to the right on many issues in recent years, and say there’s no need to answer that with a lunge to the left.
A January poll by the Pew Research Center found that 58 percent of Republicans wanted their party to become more conservative. In contrast, 53 percent of Democrats wanted their party to become more moderate.
That raises the question of whether the party’s center of gravity lies less with vocal activists than with a quieter group of voters that is less likely to join Twitter or show up at campaign events. “His candidacy may be different,” says Biden’s campaign pollster John Anzalone, “But it is the one that is working.”….
Something to keep an eye out for down the road…
Sanders and Biden, both currently atop the polls may go after each other in such a way that both are damaged, and in some ways would be similar to how Howard Dean and Dick Gephardt took each other in 2004, the last time the Democrats tried to find someone to go up against an incumbent.
I wouldn’t rule out the possibility that months from now, Sanders and Biden supporters alike start thinking about second choices, and much like the one counted out John Kerry of Massachusetts, we may not have heard the end for Elizabeth Warren.
Sanders has ALREADY joined AOC in knocking Biden policy positions…
AOC isn’t stupid…
She voted FOR Pelosi to be Speaker..
One would image she’s NOT gonna burn her bridges to Biden…
She needed to be in Pelosi’s graces far more than Biden. And she probably regrets that Pelosi vote now considering how pissed so many in the party are at her over impeachment.
She can talk too Pelosi …
She doesn’t regret her move…
Pelosi does NOT have here on her shit list…
She doesn’t?
Pelosi often makes snarky comments about AOC. (“A glass of water with a D next to its name would have won that district.). I kind of like it.
‘Remarks’ are politics
The votes count
AOC gave her’s and took the hits from the left to cover herself with the Speaker
Pelosi and her inner circle would love to see AOC and Omar and Tlaib gone in the next cycle every bit as much as John Boehner and his crew wanted to see the Tea Party crazies in their caucus out of their hair as well.
As I have said many times, the parallels between where Democrats are now and Republicans were after the 2010 midterms are very much there. That might very well mean that Democrats nominate their version of Romney in 2020 as one last gasp of sanity..
What happens then though… Open question
I strongly disagree that Pelosi want the strong women on the left gone..
Ur view is short sighted.,.
These women appeal to a segment of society and the party…
These women are Dem’s…
They are working within the party and government
They MUST work WITH Pelosi in the end…
Both need each other
They are in safe Dem districts.
Pelosi isn’t an idiot. She wants them gone, It has nothing to do with them being female or minorities. It has everything to do with the negative press and undue attention they bring to the party.
I actually get a kick out of all the attention devoted to AOC.
I can’t remember anytime since I’ve been following politics that a freshman House member has attracted so much attention.
I mean she’s one out of 435.Has no power to do much of anything,yet is covered as if she is a major player,far more so that’s major Committee Chairmen who do wield significant power.
If there is a poster child for a media “creation?”
She’s it.
I pay no particular attention to her.
Pelosi, et al have allowed her and Ilhan Omar, etc, to have gotten so much attention, and it has hurt them the Democrats this year.
That’s what happens when Twitter is so important to Democrats and the left. Those are the “loudest voices” and that is where AOC, etc, find their fans.
Those who are left and active on Twitter cannot conceive that Biden might possibly be nominated, and now I hear Trump apologists saying (or trying to soothe themselves) into thinking that if Biden is nominated, that Sanders may run as an Independent, making it easy for Trump to waltz into another term, rendering all polling showing Trump in trouble to be moot, or that somehow scores and scores of young liberals will stay home rather than vote for Biden over Trump.
I don’t see that at all. *If* Biden is nominated, the media and Hollywood will turn him into the most “woke” candidate ever and he will have no trouble winning left-wing votes against Trump. Biden actually has to get nominated though and has to control his many gaffes.
In the era of Donald Trump?
Gaffes don’t matter.
Hell Trump has more “gaffes”in one day than Biden has in a year.Republicans?They laugh at them.
Gaffes should matter. They perhaps matter for everyone else but Trump.
You can be certain though that Trump will never let an opponent’s gaffe go by and that he can control news cycles just his reactions alone.
The media will play any gaffes Biden commits off Trump and his daily gaffes and lies.
Republicans of course will try to play them up.
I don’t see it as a major problem at all..
Biden committed a ton of gaffes when he was under Obama (i.e claiming that Romney and Republicans would put African-Americans “back in chains”) and largely got away with it.
When Biden said recently that China was not our competitor, that was a gaffe and one that will be damaging to him moving forward.
In many ways, Biden was sort of a prototype for Trump in 2016 during those years. Look at the way he conducted himself in the 2012 VP debate.
Just today…
“ We’re changing laws as rapidly as we can get them through the courts.”
Donald Trump
The fool doesn’t even understand how laws are made.
Republican reaction? Silence
It’s a new era that the Republican President has inaugurated.
To see how much “ gaffes” count.
Why not take the above Trump foolishness over to HHR and see the reaction.They couldn’t care less what that idiot mouths off and after denouncing you as a “librul” you can come back over him and tell us all about how Biden’s “gaffes” might do him in.
Everyone, including those in the GOP, expect Trump to be dumb. They choose to just ignore everything else. He’s the “outsider” and the “disturber” He can’t be expected to understand things like the Constitution….
The standard for Biden, who has been around politics and government for generations, is just going to be a ton higher, whether fair or unfair.
But yes, plenty of Democrats will do what Obama did and say, “well, that’s just Uncle Joe” and then they will post GIFs of him looking cool with sunglasses on as if that makes things ok.
I do know that no other non-Trump or non-Biden politician in either party in 2019 would have a chance of surviving the “hands” issue that faces Biden. He might survive it. People are willing to just shrug it off as who he is.
At HHR, his fans say to ignore 90-99 percent of what Trump says and just focus on the Dow Jones and who gets nominated to the Courts and… “Hillary would have done this this and that….”
In 2016, for all the factors that just about everyone considered to make Trump “unelectable” I think ultimately all it took was Hillary’s “basket of deplorables” gaffe to cost her the election.
There are just different standards. Trump is viewed as basically a pro-wrestling personality to many and they are fine with that as long as the economy is good.
James Carville foresaw all this many years ago.
I don’t agree that Biden is going to be “ held” to a higher standard if he is the nominee.
Look, I know your innate Republican sympathies make this hard for you to accept and ,while I am sure you will content yourself with likely voting for some non entity nominal Republican “ independent”( like McMullin last time )and with all respect to your vigorous anti Trumpism which I accept,you simply must face that,at least, for now?
The best option to rid this country and the party you claim to love of this cancer is Joe Biden with all his warts and faults.
You probably won’t accept that.such is the pity.
If Biden is to win he can prove that he can do it without me or my vote. Illinois is safe for the Democrats in November. He has to get enough Democrats first (even if I vote in the 2020 Democrat primary because I want to have an influence on a local race.)
Now, if Biden truly wanted to show himself as a unifier, he should do two things right off the bat. Perhaps he will if he gets the nomination…
1. Pledge to be a one-term President who can focus on bringing the country together without giving a second of thought towards a reelection campaign.
2. Apologize to Mitt Romney for the way the Obama-Biden campaign mocked Romney’s warnings about the Russian government in 2012 and perhaps for the Administration not doing all it could to prevent interference in the 2016 election. Just admit that Romney was right on that issue, as history has shown now, and that he, (Biden) has learned from it.
1. If he does this?…He’s a lame duck after he gets sworn in
2. being a politician means having thick skin….No apology…Did Trump say he was sorry to Cuz???
Uh yeah that’s what he “needs” to do.
Well, since Biden is going to eventually be forced to apologize to Anita Hill in a very public and personal way, he should also apologize to Romney.
There is actual factual evidence when it comes to Romney.
I find it odd that one who despises Trump as much as you do is so concerned with “apologies” for Trump supporter Romney.
Why just today Trump supporter Romney, a former “free trader,”announced he is on board with Trumps China tariffs.
Weren’t you awhile ago saying that Trumps tariffs showed he was “really” a Democrat.
Is Mitt “really” a Democrat?
Yo Jack?
Media loves Bright shinny object
AOC fits the bill
Especially after knocking off Crowley
I never even heard of Joe Crowley until AOC arrived on the scene nor do I imagine had over 95% of most Americans.
The media ,mostly conservative, just found a voluble, quotable Hispanic female who makes provocative statements.
If her name was Joan Smith she would attract far less attention.
Crowley was quite possible in line to become the Speaker in 2019 before AOC beat him. He was the third (or fourth depending on how Clyburn gets counted) top Democrat in the House.
Yes, AOC did do Pelosi a favor there in a way.
Most people,other than political junkies ,don’t pay much attention to House members other than the Speaker and their own representative.
Once again,if her name was Joan Smith?No one one would pay attention to her,her victory over Crowley notwithstanding.
Interestingly ,I find few people ,even among Republicans in SC,who know who Kevin McCarthy is ,although he would likely become Soeaker, if Republicans regained a majority in the House,
Well, whatever the circumstance, a ton of non-political junkies know whom AOC is.
She is extremely influential nationally and in the party.
She if the chief sponsor of the “Green New Deal”, which all the Democrat candidates for President to my knowledge support, and which is a much talked about concept in the party.
Pelosi though, who would actually have to deal with the reality of it being up for a vote, dismisses it as the “Green Dream.”
Name one thing AOC has got done?
Name one thing Hillary Clinton ever “got done” as a U.S. Senator.
Kevin McCarthy.. wasn’t he part of the Brat Pack?
He was great in Sixteen Candles, Weird Science, Breakfast Club all that…
Romney is not a Trump supporter. Never has been and I don’t think he ever will be. He has been highly critical of Trump on many fronts the entire time. He gets virtually no credit from Democrats for that and earns nothing but spite Trump’s fans, even when he states he agrees on a policy matter with the White House.
I watched his CNN interview yesterday and he explicitly refused to say he would support Trump in 2020. I do not think he will. We all know he did not in 2016.
Trump sycophants, such as those on HHR, now hate Romney with a white-hot passion. These are in many cases the very same people who once really liked Romney and hated Trump. Romney ought to be the least of your concerns these days.
I think Romney goes out of his way to try to be fair on the policy front. I am not quite sure if the trade war with China is a great idea, but tend to trust Romney on economic matters such as these. He made it very clear yesterday that Trump was wrong to target the EU, Canada, and Mexico with tariffs, and that all energy should have gone towards being firm with China,
That might very well be the case. If so, Trump should at least be honest with the American people that we are going to be paying these tariffs and it’s going to hurt us in some ways.
Just last week, Romney was the *only* Republican Senator to vote against a Trump judicial nominee and the nominee failed.
This was because that nominee once said that Obama was an “un-American imposter” and Romney felt strongly enough about that statement to vote against the nomination.
Will he be given any credit for that from Democrats? Doubtful.
Yes he supports Donald Trump on almost everything and he will support him for President in 2020.
And so he votes against one of hundreds of Trump judicial nominees?Big deal.What “credit” does he deserve.I guess he opposed the nominee.So?
Anyway Romney is one US Senator and is no longer a player in National Republican politics which is being dictated by Donald Trump,the undisputed Leader of the Republican Party.
Romney’s occasional mild criticisms of Trump are the equivalent of a mosquito landing on Trumps arm that he figuratively flips away.
I don’t really dislike Romney though spending much time talking about him and insisting that he is owed “apologies” is of no interest to me.
He’s simply not important to a discussion of the coming presidential contest .
You certainly cannot dispute that Romney was right about Russia in 2012 and that Obama and Biden were wrong.
The Obama-Biden Administration were far too lax in dealing with Russian interference in 2016. Look at the cost that had to Hillary and look what we have now.
Why not just own up to it? A lot of people in your party have already apologized to Romney in their own way for that specific matter. I think it would generate some goodwill for Biden among Independents and move towards the concept that he is “different” from all the “leftists” and focused on uniting the country. Biden certainly had a ton of nice things to say about John McCain after McCain got sick, after savaging him in 2008. But yeah, Biden is not going to take my advice of course.
What has Trump done about Russia helping him?
Obama Warner Trump & Co. about Russia
How where they to know that Trump would continue a MASSIVE coverup to try and hide their contacts?
The cover up goes on today with Trump’s stooge Barr carrying the water for him….
Walter Shaun….
Democracy according to Barr:
-DOJ can’t prosecute POTUS
-DOJ will investigate those who investigate POTUS
-DOJ should investigate POTUS’s political rivals
-Congress can’t investigate POTUS
-Congress can’t request the investigative record
-Congress can’t subpoena POTUS’s advisors
Almost everything? Not quite. The fact that he does not support Trump on everything is enough to make him a heretic to many.
I know you were taking a hiatus from political discussions, and that’s fine, but Romney wrote a very critical op-Ed about Trump and has opposed him on several policy areas, such as the “national emergency” and as I mentioned was just the only Republican Senator to vote against a judicial nomination.
I don’t know why you think Romney is going to eventually endorse Trump in 2020. I doubt it. I suppose time will tell, but I think that is a bet you would lose.
As we all know no one in politics receives “apologies” on issue stands so I don’t even know why you are pushing such a line.
Sure I believe Romney will support Trump next year as the Republican nominee.Oh it might be a half hearted endorsement ,as I have no doubt that he detests the man ,but Romney is a loyal Republican and he will dutifully support the nominee.
Mitt Romney would no doubt be singing a different tune had he won Ted Kennedy’s Massachusetts Senate seat in 1994 (or, of course, Obama’s job as President in 2012).
I see Warren,at least now, as drawing support from would be Sanders voters.
Admittedly it’s very early, but Sanders had the Lefties ,as James calls them ,pretty much to himself last time.This time there are many alternatives, Warren likely being the most prominent.
For “establishment “ Democrats,Biden pretty much has the field to himself..Others like Ryan , Delaney, far,at least ,haven’t made any progress.
Montana Gov. Steve Bullock would be an interesting candidate .He just entered the race and it is unclear whether he will have the heft to make a splash yet.
I agree with ya again Jack…
Sander vs Warren would be the consolation prize for the media if Biden keeps the lead