No Wall….
No increased number of border cops….
No threats to Mexico….
No raids around the country….
No telling breaking the laws to shoot illegals…
No trying to scare Americans about crime from immigrants….
No taking children from parents….
NONE of the above is gonna stop people from trying to come to America over the southern border….
Stephen Miller’s efforts aren’t gonna win either….
Since this place was discovered ?
People have been coming here ….
By foot, boat, airplane and THAT migration continues …
The reason this place has been a economic wonderhouse has EVERTHING to do with continual infusion of immigrants…
This isn’t gonna stop ….
You’re fighting something BIGGER than you…
You ‘re gonna lose this one…
My Name Is Jack says
While Trump has totally botched immigration reform by his obscene statements and his kowtowing to the Anti Immigration extremists in the Republican Party,
The country does need a rational ,bipartisan, Immigration policy.
Neither side will get everything it wants but it’s a necessity in the long run.
Yes there is a need for more and better border security.No, a cheap campaign gimmick like a border wall is not the answer.The current process for granting asylum is absurd and calls out for streamlining with finality being the goal and this will require radical revision .zNo, every person who shows up at the border is not a legitimate asylum candidate.
The whole immigration court system has already essentially collapsed and cries out for radical revision.
The immigration debate unfortunately has fallen victim to the politics of Trump but it is way too important to continue to allow it to just be a measurement of ones support or non support of him.
jamesb says
I agree that the country SHOULD have the ability to control its borders …
That said?
The REFORM needs to acknowledge some things…
1)…There will ALWAYS be some who slip thru the cracks…
2)…The law says if show up and can prove u live under persecution?…You get let in…
3)…People who break the law with serious offenses should be kicked out…
4)…Police SHOULD notify ICE of people in #3….
5)…If you have been here for more than 3-5 years illegally and can prove u’ve paid taxes and have no felony convection?…You should be put in
a protected class and have to apply for citizenship and be able to work…
6)…Immigration policy should NOT be just the President’s power…Congress should codify immigration law regs….
7)…There should a INCREASE in the number of immigration judges..There job should NOT be get rid of people…But should be find if they are in ……danger where they have come from…
8)…Conditions for those detained should of a human nature…
9)…People coming to pick up those allowed to stay shouldn’t be worried about being locked up themselves…
Now with my points?
There is LITTLE to NO chance with Trump in office that there will any of the above…
There might be NO chance even if Joe Biden is the next President IF the GOPer’s own the majority in the US Senate…
Obama tried to get tough to get support from the Republicans..
It didn’t work…
It actually made Hispanic’s pissed at Obama
jamesb says
Immigration Reform is a just NOT coming to the current America anytime soon…
jamesb says
Immigration IS supported by a majority of Americans…
My Name Is Jack says
Based on some of your statements It is not clear to me that your opening sentence represents your belief.
Number 1…self evident and has nothin to fi with “Reform.”
Number 2…A big problem.Simply “claiming “ you live under “persecution “ is not good enough.It should be the person seeking to enter responsibility to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that he/she is being “persecuted;”otherwise?The entire country of China could claim to be “persecuted”
Number 3-6… No argument
Number7…There is the need for hundreds much Judges and their job should be t Judge each case fairly and impartially;however, the burden should always be on the one seeking admission to prove his case.Further,appeals should be limited to one and the presumption should be that the appellant received a fair hearing .Few appeals should result in reversals
Number 8..Self evident
Number 9…Unclear what the point is,but if it’s saying that someone “picking up” someone who has now been legally admitted is granted some kind of “amnesty?” I don’t necessarily agree with that.
Just repeating a few cliches does not policy make.
That’s all the above post is.
Anyone seriously interested in real immigration reform?
The above bellowing by a well known “bellower” shows what you’re u against.
My Name Is Jack says
I do not support Open Borders.
I do not believe in abolishing ICE.Indeed ,I think it’s ranks should be greatly expanded,
I believe those applying for citizenship should be required to learn English .
I believe those convicted of a crime which carries a potential penalty of One year or more imprisonment should be Subject to swift deportation.
I believe that those born here are citizens.
I believe those brought here as children to which this country is the only country they know should be placed on a pathway to citizenship.
jamesb says
The Law and past history of Americs is ‘open borders’
From a practice law enforcement point of view THATis the only thing feasible
CG says
completely disagree with this statement
Our ancestors likely found it far more difficult to come here legally than is presently the case. The “Ellis Island” experience is something that had a deep impact on me as a child at the time when we had a re-enactment at Sunday School.
jamesb says
There HAD to be illegal immigrants back in the day….
How about slaves?
Come on….
CG says
Slaves were not immigrants. Not sure where you are going with that. I know Ben Carson once called them “involuntary immigrants.”
Back in history, there were virtually no illegal immigrants. For large stretches of American history, legal immigration was severely curtailed or restricted as well.
jamesb says
You are the sleuth
WHEN did America actually set up it’s formal immigration system ?
Back in the beginning?
People just showed up….
CG says
No, I don’t think that’s accurate.
I’ll let DSD attempt to be your history professor.
There have been a few periods of “immigration waves” and longer periods in which there were vast immigration restrictions.
The current system is considered by many to be the result of a law that passed in the 1960s, associated with Ted Kennedy.
jamesb says
Scott P says
My ancestors sailed into the Port of New Orleans from Germany in the 1870s and didn’t have to do anything to become Americans. Ellis Island was setbup in 1886, before that it was anything goes.
jamesb says
Thank You Scott….
Anybody here think EVERYBODY coming to American even AFTER 1886 came thru Ellis Island ?
jamesb says
We ARE in basic agreement Jack
My Name Is Jack says
People gonna keep coming
I think I will begin my customary Friday Night imbibing early as I contemplate the profound meaning of this insight!
CG says
“On the boats and on the planes….'”
“Every time that flag’s unfurled…”
Quite a moving song.
It seems like jack and I probably have near complete agreement on this broad issue. If we were running things, instead of the two major parties, we could solve this issue quite easily.
jamesb says
He, he, he
Only Trump and Miller can’t understand rhat
CG says
If it weren’t for immigration within the past couple generations, we would only have one Spelling Bee Champion instead of 8.
Scott P says
I work in physician recruitment and can tell you a full 25% of doctors coming out of residency are foreign born.
jamesb says
Same here in the NY Metro area…
In addition?
Despite Trump and Miller….
School’s are seeing more and more Arab and Hispanic kids show up at their doors…
The headlines are one thing…
The REALITY is that America IS getting less Anglo-Saxon by the minute…
I’m willing to bet the 12 Million people number thrown around of illegals in this country is VASTLY undercounting the total here…
Maybe that’s why the Republicans want the citizen question on a census form that is supported to count EVERYBODY here?
jamesb says
Trump is WRONG….
Who will take the low paying jobs if there are no immigrants?
Who will fill the doctor slots if there are no immigrants….
Who is gonna do the lawns, cook in restraints , give you your medicine , delievr your prime packages, etc?
We are infact a country of immigrants…
It makes us stronger….
And yes…
We do need to reform the immigration laws to get a better handle on things…
But don’t bet on THAT happening…
My Name Is Jack says
What does that have to do with anything?
We have spent most of this week talking about impeaching Donald Trump when everyone freely admits he isn’t going to be convicted.
My Name Is Jack says
James likes to attempt(in vain usually) to shut down discussion on topics that he doesn’t like talking about ,and usually exhibits gross ignorance of ,by announcing that such and such isn’t going to happen.
It’s stupid to do so because the essence of a political discussion group is to discuss issues of the day ,even if action on such in the near future may not be imminent .
Then again, since he is usually is wrong in his knowledge thereof and his numerous “predictions.?”
One may have legitimate hope that some action may come to pass!
jamesb says
Shut down discussion on what may I ask?
Democratic Socialist Dave says
I don’t know enough to be anyone’s professor of immigration.
Wikipedia seems to have a solid dense article about the history of immigration to the U.S.:
and what looks like a rather less comprehensive one about the history of immigration laws:
jamesb says
Thanks !….
Zreebs says
I would like to see an increase in the penalty for businesses that knowingly hire an undocumented worker.
jamesb says
So Trump’s admin would be going after those who give him money while he, and they have illegals working for them?
My Name Is Jack says
Yes I agree.
Some states already have such laws but they are rarely enforced.The operative word,of course, is “knowingly,”a standard that is often difficult to prove.
Democratic Socialist Dave says
That, of course, is many people’s and many legislators’ underlying reason for pushing Real ID or its equivalent.
A good reason is how easily the 0/11 hijackers got Virginia commonwealth ID’s.
A bad reason is raising the practical barriers to voting (voter suppression).
But (in my opinion, of course) another bad reason is raising the barriers to undocumented workers working. As Jack said, it is hard to prove that an employer (e.g. DJT or Mitt Romney) knew that [s] he was hiring someone not entitled to work in the U.S.
Currently, the 1-4 form can be backed by a number of different ID’s (in a rather confusing set of overlapping categories).
But I tend to share the Anglo-American libertarian (and civil-libertarian) aversion to requiring everyone (drivers and non-drivers) to carry a government ID card – at least in peacetime. It implies that rather than you owning the State, the State (as on the Continent and in dictatorships) owns you.
Sorry for all those parentheses [brackets].
jamesb says
In fact we ARE moving to the time of EVERYBODY having ID…
That and a credit card….
jamesb says
Heck, the High School kids around my way ALL are required to have their school issued photo ID to get into the building….
Are gradeschoolers next?
My Name Is Jack says
For years Republicans ,particularly those of a libertarian bent, totally opposed a National ID card, part of their anti government agenda.
I’ve frankly been surprised that they haven’t changed their tune given their anti immigration hysteria.
Suspicious “libruls” have longed claimed that many Republicans ,while spouting the anti immigration line ,secretly favored illegal immigration ,realizing that many businesses ,particularly construction companies and mega farms couldn’t function without them.
A National ID card certainly would make enforcing immigration laws easier.
jamesb says
On the National ID?
There IS one already….
Real ID Drivers license’s are in the TSA/Government computer’s…
My Name Is Jack says
You do understand that millions of people in this country do not have a drivers license.
No the Real ID DL is Not a National ID card.
The whole idea behind the National ID is that it would be a unique card that every citizen would be required to carry.
jamesb says
Sure Do….
So do the Republicans…
If you don’t think they are using the ID as a means of exclusion then you must be more clueless then you are back to reminding me I am….
Do you think Pelosi would be able to get a National ID card past the lefties?
My Name Is Jack says
Humorous obfuscation…
You had no clue.
“ There is one already.”
A totally false statement.Pissed that your total ignorance on the subject has been exposed ,you launch into a diatribe about Republicans and your favorite villains “lefties.”
No one ever said that aNational ID was forthcoming.Indeed, I described how it had been defeated in years past and why.
Once again ,on any subject where your stupidity is exhibited for all to see,you fall back like a broken record on your old reliable..
Ain’t Happening!
No one said it was,
jamesb says
I feel things are bak to normal….
My point was the new licens’s ARE. Form of national ID….
Combined with passports they DO a national government ID data base
Add the NCIC and i’d Say the government has a pretty good national base of data to reference
Democratic Socialist Dave says
I, for example, have never driven (although I took the textbook part of driver training in high school) and have never held a driver’s licence.
For various reasons, however, I did get a Rhode Island state ID in the last year or two.
But because fiercely-independent Rhode Island was one of the last to fall in line with the Real ID Act that Congress passed — in a shambolic substitute for effective anti-terrorist, anti-weapon law —, the one I hold (or a similar replacement will soon not allow me into Federal buildings or onto aircraft, although my Green (alien-registration) Card might.
Some time last year, the state did start issuing Real ID Act-compliant licences and state ID’s, but they require much more hassle and documentation.
As a one-party state, Rhode Island does have some rather conservative Democrats, and prodded by ALEC and the then-Secretary-of-State (D), the General Assembly (DDD+) did pass a Voter ID law [as perhaps the only true-blue state do do so] which the current Secretary of State is trying to get repealed. The proponents were able to get two of the very few Afro-American legislators to co-sponsor Voter ID (in the House & Senate).
The requirements are fairly loose compared to other states’, but they still discourage many legitimate voters from registering and voting.
jamesb says
My view also DSD….