The guy is second in the polls behind Joe Biden…..
But since he declared?
He has been losing steam….
But does he have enough still to left to repeat what he did back in 2016 against Hillary Clinton , which was to prolong the primary race…
Oh, and and Bernie Sanders is NOT a Democrat…
Nader was a nemeses to Al Gore back in the day that many feel cost Gore the 2000 election …
Democrats are worried that if he doesn’t win the party’s presidential nomination himself, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will be a thorn in the side of the Democratic nominee for president — especially if it’s former Vice President Joe Biden.
The Democrats worry that Sanders won’t be a team player if he loses, and that he and his supporters will be particularly problematic if Biden or another rival seen as out of step with progressives comes out on top.
“I think Bernie will do everything in his power to elevate himself by pushing others down,” said one aide to a Democratic senator.
A senior aide to a second Democratic senator said concerns about Sanders dividing the party next year are widely held, even though everyone in the Senate Democratic Conference is holding their tongue for fear of making things even worse.
The aide said that when it comes to Sanders, there is a concern among Biden supporters that “this guy is going to play spoiler again.”
The worries follow a bitter 2016 primary fight between Sanders and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who won the nomination and then was defeated by President Trump in the Electoral College.
Some Democrats have blamed Sanders in part for that outcome, arguing he stayed in the primary against Clinton too long and that he did not do enough to bring his supporters on board in November.
For their part, Sanders supporters are suspicious of a Democratic establishment they think rigged the game against their candidate in 2016….
I don’t get the Ralph Nader angle.
Nader ran third party a couple of times in a general election. Sanders is NOT going to do that, although Trump apologists online are pushing this idea as a way to render all polls that show Trump trailing Biden moot. It’s about the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
If Sanders does not win the nomination, he will support the person who does, as he has before.
Will james and other Biden voters support Sanders though if Sanders is the nominee? That’s the better question.
He, he, he….
I remember this game question coming at me back two years ago….
Sanders isn’t gonna be the nominee…
I hope he DOES support Biden like he did with Hillary…
But he STILL isn’t a Democrat
But he may be the Democrat nominee (as he has been in Vermont for the U.S. Senate many times in a row now). So that will make him a Democrat.
A lot of Democrats though would find him too left-wing to vote for. Will you swallow hard and vote for him over Trump?
He is NOT a Democrat…
He’s a Independent …
He refused to share his campaign data info with the party….
Let’s face it….
He’s a free loader….
Try to pimp the party like Trump
At least he IS a Republican
He isn’t gonna be the nominee…
Do you have any idea how many hundreds of times I posted those exact words in 2015 and 2016 about someone else?
So, are you saying you won’t vote for Sanders if he is the D nominee against Trump?
How about Gillibrand?
Just how many out of the 24 are unacceptable to any of the Democrats here for a general election?
In 2016, my list was one for Republicans.
Gilbrand is in the low single digits …
20 on the list are with her…
Give me a break….
Should be an easy question to answer though.
Among the 24, whom specifically would you find it impossible to cast a vote for even against Donald Trump?
I mean if Scott really thought about it, he would probably rule out Mike Gravel at least.
Of course Sanders might be the nominee. Right now, I would give him the 2nd best odds to win the nomination – maybe 1 in 5.
On a related matter, one of my co-workers who is a registered Republican and sat out the election in 2016 said he will sit it out again if Biden gets the nomination, but will vote for Sanders over Trump. I was a little surprised too, and I know him well enough to know he wasn’t joking or lying.
I will do what any voter serious about wanting to remove Trump from office and vote for the Democrat who wins the nominaction.
Easy question – Even if we ignore Trump’s corruption, all of the Democrats that I know of (don’t know anything about the mayor from Florida) are clearly better than Trump
How much do you know about Gravel? You should do some research on what he says perhaps.
Marianne Williamson?
At least Yang walked back his position that circumcision be outlawed.
The only thing I know about Gravel is that he is an ex Senator from Alaska who ran for president before. What do I need to know about Gravel? why I should research him? And I don’t know anything about Williamson or Yang either.
I’m sure you will watch the debates and of course would know how to look into things as well. Gravel has a website, Twitter, etc. He’s certainly the most vocal anti-Israel candidate among all the Democrats, so perhaps some in the party might like that.
Gravel, not Sanders, is the one who is not going to support the eventual nominee, but he won’t get much notice at that point.
My point is that among the 24, there would almost always be someone whom someone could not find acceptable.
For james, unless he says otherwise, as I have asked a couple times, the unacceptable even against Trump list includes Sanders and Gillibrand.
Sanders and Gillibrand?
Thumbs DOWN…
I’ll never understand your willingness to pass up voting for Gillibrand against Trump, even though I am not a fan of her.
I would have held my nose and voted for Rand Paul against Hillary for example and I basically detest Rand Paul.
Sanders? You are on more solid ground there, see below, but your position does show very deep rifts in your party.
I explained this way before the Gillibrand anaemic run…
She was an Upstate NY Blue Dog House member…
Got lucky when Hillary moved to Sec of State after Caroline Kennedy didn’t want the Senate seat…
She then completely changed directions to the left…
She makes bad decisions….
Made her thing going after the US Military….
Was the ONLY Senator I believe to vote against Mattis for Sec of Defense…
I won’t vote for her for garbage women…
Can a case really be made that Sanders stayed in the race “too long” against Hillary? He was winning contests after all. Once it was over, he endorsed her. Unnamed Biden allies are saying these things though. Apparently, some believe Hillary deserved a nomination coronation after all. Biden is the one who has said publicly that he regretted not getting in the race against Hillary.
If Sanders stayed in too long against Hillary, then Hillary stayed in too long against Obama and I recall the 2008 primaries being far “nastier” than the 2016 Dem primary battle.
I actually had no problem with Sanders running against Hillary and I believe I said so back then…
My reasoning was she needed the practice…
Well, it was the wrong kind of practice.
She was forced to play nice with his voters and it backfired on her.
I don’t think that either the Obama-Clinton race or the Clinton-Sanders race was nasty. Both Hillary and Sanders stayed in their race even after it was relatively clear they lost, but I don’t blame either for that.
I agree with Zreebs here. Both Hillary in 08 and Sanders in 16 had the right to stay in the race. I wish Republicans didn’t fold so quick and rush to Trump.
The big error, in my obviously amateur knowledge, was that while for a week after the 2016 Democratic Convention there were some really promising signs of unity among the supporters and campaigns of Clinton, Sanders and other Democrats, that evaporated pretty fast.
It wasn’t taken advantage of, and the Clinton campaign confined Sanders’ loyal campaigning to obvious places already in the Democratic bag, chiefly college campuses, when he could have done far more good talking economic democracy in those Rust Belt / Blue Wall states that flipped the election to Trump.
¶ And my fuzzy understanding * about Sanders sharing info with the Democratic National Committee is that the DNC was already trapped in a one-sided agreement with the Clinton campaign, so much so that DNC Chair Donna Brazile was unable to direct anywhere near enough funds to down-ballot candidates, much to the party’s disadvantage once Trump won (for example, there was a fair chance of replacing up to seven GOP Senators in Mo., Wisc,, Ill., Ind,, Ohio, Pa & N.H. in 2016 but only two – in Ill. & NH – were succeeded by Democrats.)
* Based on reading Donna Brazile’s memoir of the 2016 campaign and Shattered by Jonathan Miller & Amie Parnes.