Joe Biden led the polls before he even declared he was running for President….
Now that he has actually announced?
He leads the polls by more…
If you follow the polling like I do here at the PDog your can see the ‘Biden effect’….
ALL of the other candidates for the 2020 Democratic Presidential nomination have lost support in the polling….
Biden is getting the lion’s share of the political media….
Not all of the attention is positive…
But it IS attention that has relegated lower tier candidates to oblivion for the time being….
Each of them has to find away to claw down ole’ Joe Biden least they end their efforts so soon….
In his first days as an official candidate, former vice president Joe Biden has opened a significant lead in national polls, posted the top one-day fundraising total and showcased his ability to rattle President Trump.
His surprisingly strong debut has set off alarms in opposing camps, prompting his rivals to recalibrate their strategies for the next phase of the primary fight.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has taken the most dramatic action, making a personal decision to contrast his policy record with Biden’s. Sanders’s advisers said he plans to continue that thrust, and his campaign manager is calling out candidates standing on the sidelines.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) raised money off Biden’s entrance by whacking him for soliciting checks from wealthy benefactors and separately noted under questioning that he sided with credit card companies in a key legislative battle.
Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.) seized on Trump calling her “nasty” by turning it into a rallying cry in social media ads that sought to demonstrate that Biden is not the only candidate who can provoke the president.
“He’s had a gravitational effect on the other candidates,” said James Carville, a longtime Democratic strategist who worked on Bill Clinton’s 1992 campaign.
Biden has benefited from the dynamic of the 2020 primary season: Democrats have put forth the most diverse slate of candidates in history, generating excitement across the party, as measured by crowds massing at their events and donations flowing to their campaigns. But no standout has emerged with staying power, creating the vacuum into which Biden, who is well known and attached to the last Democrat to win the White House, has slipped…..
image …..Salon
….“The dynamic has changed quite a bit,” said Joe Trippi, a Democratic strategist who guided former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean’s 2004 presidential campaign.
Prior to Biden’s entry into the race, “most of the field were trying to contrast themselves with Bernie Sanders,” Trippi said. “Now they are all trying to contrast off of [Biden], as is Trump. Biden is right at the center of attention — whether it is from Trump or from Bernie — and that all helps him.”
Trump has blasted Biden as “Sleepy Joe” and has derided his endorsement by a major union, the International Federation of Fire Fighters.
But being attacked by Trump never did a Democrat any harm with liberal activists. Politico reported in recent days that some Trump advisers are uneasy with the president’s attacks on Biden, fearing their potential to backfire….